Originally posted by Waynechew1003:Amdep,BNDEP and BRBP as VSO still running till 2019
dont forget trident and the CNG buses are still running till 2019-2020
SLBP will be full WAB come this year end, after VO3X and DM3500 retire this Christmas.
HGDEP will be the next in line to be full WAB next year after the Tridents retire in coming July.
SBST east district depots (AM/BR/BN) will only be full WAB after the VSO retire, somewhere in 2020-2021.
BBDEP will be the last as the CNGs still got up till 2022?
SMB1519A >> KJ SP (on 975 ystd)
SMB1620P >> KJ SP (on 307A ystd)
Originally posted by SMB42P:SMB1519A >> KJ SP (on 975 ystd)
SMB1620P >> KJ SP (on 307A ystd)
I suppose it replace 3136 & 3137 Haha.
*3136 spotted on one SBW or YIS svc.
*5765 spotted on 190.
3136 & 3137 were on 859 yesterday
I feel after the handover of some Yishun Svc to SBST,Amdep SMRT might stick to a few B9TLs.
On 181 today
Wondering who went ober in turn?
Originally posted by SMB31X:SBS7473Z
AM 72
On 181 today
Wondering who went ober in turn?
from sgwiki, SBS3516K/SG5178B (Ex-SLBP181) all went over to AMDEP.
Plus some other buses (SBS22M/SBS23K/SG5179Z/SG5180T/SG5182M/SG5183K)
Originally posted by lemon1974:from sgwiki, SBS3516K/SG5178B (Ex-SLBP181) all went over to AMDEP.
Plus some other buses (SBS22M/SBS23K/SG5179Z/SG5180T/SG5182M/SG5183K)
Can someone update the list of the buses that are transferred over recently? seems like people keep editing buses without even knowing which service they were on.
Originally posted by SMB31X:Can someone update the list of the buses that are transferred over recently? seems like people keep editing buses without even knowing which service they were on.
Some i know from sgwiki:
SG1100B (BN 229 -> AM 133)
SBS8805T(AM 133) -> BN 229)
SG1101Z(BN 222 -> AM 70)
SBS8810C(AM 70 -> BN 222)
SBS6571E (AR 48 -> AM SP)
SBS8866S (AM 70 -> AR 48)
Originally posted by SMB31X:Can someone update the list of the buses that are transferred over recently? seems like people keep editing buses without even knowing which service they were on.
there are a few guys who are updating SGwiki with the deployment but did not post here. (whether they are 100% accurate, i do not know).
for the past one month (from sgwiki)
SBS22M (SLBP255) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS23K (SLBP255) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS3516K (SLBP 181) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5178B (SLBP181) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5179Z (SLBP 198) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5180T (SLBP 182) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5182M (SLBP 251) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5183K( SLBP 251) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5184H (SLBP 257) -> (AMDEP 70)
SG5300P (HGDEP 161) -->(AMDEP 70)
SG5304D(BNDEP 37) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5308T (HGDEP107) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5309R (BBDEP 165) --> (AMDEP 130)
SG5310K (BBDEP 147) --> (AMDEP 133)
SG5314A (BBDEP 147) --> (AMDEP 130)
SBS7670Z (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP 182) -swop with 5180
SBS7678A (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS7717X (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP 257) -swop with 5814
SBS7720K (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS3159H (AMDEP 70) --> (HGDEP 161) -swop with 5300
SBS3280P (AMDEP 70)---> (BNDEP 37) -swop with 5304
SBS3673P(AMDEP 133) --> (BBDEP147) -swop with 5310
SBS3710R (AMDEP 130) --> (BBDEP 165) swop with 5309
SBS3835P (AMDEP 70) --> (HGDEP 107) swop with 5308
SBS3878R (AMDEP 130) --> (BBDEP 147) swop with 5314
SBS7473Z (AMDEP 72) --> (SLBP SP) - think 72 got 5605 as perm instead.
there should be some more buses that went out of AMDEP to SLBP...
SD redeployment for the past one month
data taken from sgwiki (not sure whether they are accurate or not)
SBS2002H (SLBP 240) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS6567T (BNDEP SP) --> (AMDEP 130)
SBS6571E (ARBP 48) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS6596J (SLBP193) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS6889P (ARBP 32) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS6891J (BNDEP SP) --> (AMDEP 130)
SG1090X (SLBP SP) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG1100B (BNDEP 229) --> (AMDEP 133)
SG1101Z (BNDEP 222) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG1105M (BNDEP 47) --> (AMDEP 261)
SG1111U (BNDEP 127) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG1112S (BRBP 129) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG1116G (HGDEP 134) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG1149L (BBDEP 7) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG1158K (ARBP 93) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG1160C (BBDEP 151) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG1172T (BNDEP SP) --> (AMDEP 162)
SBS8176A (AMDEP 130) --> (BNDEP SP)
SBS8178U (AMDEP 135) --> (HGDEP 134)
SBS8179S (AMDEP 130) --> (BNDEP SP)
SBS8187T (AMDEP 133) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS8188R (AMDEP 130) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS8279L (AMDEP SP) --> (AMDEP 133)
SBS8539L (AMDEP130) --> (HGDEP SP)
SBS8738D (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS8805T (AMDEP 133) --> (BNDEP 229)
SBS8810C (AMDEP 70) --> (BNDEP 222)
SBS8852G (AMDEP 162) --> (BNDEP SP)
SBS8866S (AMDEP 70) --> (ARBP 48)
SBS8867P (AMDEP 70) --> (BNDEP SP)
SBS8968G (AMDEP 265) --> (ARBP 32)
SBS5029L (AMDEP 261)--> (BNDEP 47)
SBS5069X (AMDEP 70) --> (BRBP 129)
Thanks for the info but who did 7589Z and 8793T swap for?
Originally posted by lemon1974:there are a few guys who are updating SGwiki with the deployment but did not post here. (whether they are 100% accurate, i do not know).
for the past one month (from sgwiki)
SBS22M (SLBP255) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS23K (SLBP255) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS3516K (SLBP 181) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5178B (SLBP181) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5179Z (SLBP 198) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5180T (SLBP 182) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5182M (SLBP 251) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5183K( SLBP 251) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5184H (SLBP 257) -> (AMDEP 70)
SG5300E (HGDEP 161) -->(AMDEP 70)
SG5304D(BNDEP 37) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5308T (HGDEP107) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5309R (BBDEP 165) --> (AMDEP 130)
SG5310K (BBDEP 147) --> (AMDEP 133)
SG5314A (BBDEP 147) --> (AMDEP 130)SBS7670Z (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP 182) -swop with 5180
SBS7678A (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS7717X (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP 257) -swop with 5814
SBS7720K (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS3159H (AMDEP 70) --> (HGDEP 161) -swop with 5300
SBS3280P (AMDEP 70)---> (BNDEP 37) -swop with 5304
SBS3673P(AMDEP 133) --> (BBDEP147) -swop with 5310
SBS3710R (AMDEP 130) --> (BBDEP 165) swop with 5309
SBS3835P (AMDEP 70) --> (HGDEP 107) swop with 5308
SBS3878R (AMDEP 130) --> (BBDEP 147) swop with 5314
SBS7473Z (AMDEP 72) --> (SLBP SP) - think 72 got 5605 as perm instead.
there should be some more buses that went out of AMDEP to SLBP...
Originally posted by lemon1974:there are a few guys who are updating SGwiki with the deployment but did not post here. (whether they are 100% accurate, i do not know).
for the past one month (from sgwiki)
SBS22M (SLBP255) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS23K (SLBP255) --> (AMDEP SP)
SBS3516K (SLBP 181) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5178B (SLBP181) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5179Z (SLBP 198) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5180T (SLBP 182) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5182M (SLBP 251) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5183K( SLBP 251) --> (AMDEP SP)
SG5184H (SLBP 257) -> (AMDEP 70)
SG5300E (HGDEP 161) -->(AMDEP 70)
SG5304D(BNDEP 37) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5308T (HGDEP107) --> (AMDEP 70)
SG5309R (BBDEP 165) --> (AMDEP 130)
SG5310K (BBDEP 147) --> (AMDEP 133)
SG5314A (BBDEP 147) --> (AMDEP 130)SBS7670Z (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP 182) -swop with 5180
SBS7678A (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS7717X (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP 257) -swop with 5814
SBS7720K (AMDEP 70) --> (SLBP SP)
SBS3159H (AMDEP 70) --> (HGDEP 161) -swop with 5300
SBS3280P (AMDEP 70)---> (BNDEP 37) -swop with 5304
SBS3673P(AMDEP 133) --> (BBDEP147) -swop with 5310
SBS3710R (AMDEP 130) --> (BBDEP 165) swop with 5309
SBS3835P (AMDEP 70) --> (HGDEP 107) swop with 5308
SBS3878R (AMDEP 130) --> (BBDEP 147) swop with 5314
SBS7473Z (AMDEP 72) --> (SLBP SP) - think 72 got 5605 as perm instead.
there should be some more buses that went out of AMDEP to SLBP...
5301 from 161 also got trf out to 133
SG5506M SG5507K SG5508H SG5509E
should be for sv71...
Well that explains why got more newer bus models at AMDEP controlled services
Originally posted by JKYY:Well that explains why got more newer bus models at AMDEP controlled services
I predict service 71 will be like 46
Originally posted by carbikebus:I predict service 71 will be like 46
71 should be okay. But then we shall see after its being intro.
SMB1607D >> KJ SP (on 188 ystd)
SGWiki also mentioned that all the remaining 31xx MAN from KJ went over to AM... SMB3159S spotted on 963 by another user...
SBS8738D is seen on 185 today are there any buses (especially the citaros) missing on 185?
Originally posted by @:)@:SBS 7562A
(SL 197) -> (SL 179)Swap with 3181S.
Actually SBS3181S have been perm 197 for a few months replacing SBS7568J which went over to 254 (to replace the retired SBS9651M) if I am not wrong.
And 197's replacement for SBS7562A should be SBS7558M from 174 in which the replacement for the latter is SBS7472B.
I Speculate that more B9TL CDGE Buses under AMDEP/BRBP might swap buses with Soon Lee for B9TL Wright in Jan 2018.
SMB1566M >> KJ SP (on 188E today)