I fully agree with this deployment. 190 shud get full fleet tri-door A22's.
So how is the bus flow?
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:I fully agree with this deployment. 190 shud get full fleet tri-door A22's.
like that i don't want take 190 liao lo
but it's seriously retarded that they want to test it on 190 when 302 can probably be tested (not 301)
Originally posted by SMB5007J:like that i don't want take 190 liao lo
but it's seriously retarded that they want to test it on 190 when 302 can probably be tested (not 301)
Should have tested on fleet restriction service.
like that it should have been 927 which takes it
Hope the trial fails and LTA doesn't order more of these buses....screw USB ports, I just want buses with more seats. Seems like there's an ongoing trend of newer buses having lesser seats than its predecessors. What's next? Buses in the future with just 15 pathetic seats?
Originally posted by Marvel68:Hope the trial fails and LTA doesn't order more of these buses....screw USB ports, I just want buses with more seats. Seems like there's an ongoing trend of newer buses having lesser seats than its predecessors. What's next? Buses in the future with just 15 pathetic seats?
You are wrong. Not 15 seats. Instead, 0 seats. Just like some MRT cabins. Only folks who get to sit are the wheelchair users. So that they can squeeze 120 pax on each 12m SD bus.
I strongly feel its more to passenger flow and the dwell times of boarding/alighting.Before any modification is done,they need to study what is the advantage/disadvantage of the three door bus.
As you all know most of the pax is so lazy to move behind and that's one reason why buses could only carry less than 60 pax😂
Originally posted by carbikebus:As you all know most of the pax is so lazy to move behind and that's one reason why buses could only carry less than 60 pax😂
We should bring back the Hino BX341E's with Teikuko bodyworks and programme the front door ez-link readers to be strictly entry only. Then we will see everyone move to the back
Originally posted by Marvel68:Hope the trial fails and LTA doesn't order more of these buses....screw USB ports, I just want buses with more seats. Seems like there's an ongoing trend of newer buses having lesser seats than its predecessors. What's next? Buses in the future with just 15 pathetic seats?
Thats a want not a need.. Anyway these buses are most prob gonna be deployed mainly on feeders (idk why 190 tho) and would it hurt actl to just stand for a few stops??
Originally posted by AntiDennisLance:I fully agree with this deployment. 190 shud get full fleet tri-door A22's.
972 also.
Three doors single deck is okay but not the extend that its raised higher at the rear..Senior Citizens won't alight at the third door for sure..At least one step platform like the Dennis Lance is acceptable.
If LTA decided to bulk purchase this bus,Then here are some improvements to take note
1:Windows no need so big,Standard size is enough..
2:Centre doors should move a bit front..
3:Rear platform shouldn't be too high and third door floor also no need until 3 steps.
4:If possible,Request MAN to custom 12.3m chassis.If Possible..
Lastly,Spread to all operators including the 12.8m A95������
Originally posted by carbikebus:If LTA decided to bulk purchase this bus,Then here are some improvements to take note
1:Windows no need so big,Standard size is enough..
2:Centre doors should move a bit front..
3:Rear platform shouldn't be too high and third door floor also no need until 3 steps.
4:If possible,Request MAN to custom 12.3m chassis.If Possible..
Lastly,Spread to all operators including the 12.8m A95������
SBST & GA may still reject :-(
Originally posted by carbikebus:If LTA decided to bulk purchase this bus,Then here are some improvements to take note
1:Windows no need so big,Standard size is enough..
2:Centre doors should move a bit front..
3:Rear platform shouldn't be too high and third door floor also no need until 3 steps.
4:If possible,Request MAN to custom 12.3m chassis.If Possible..
Lastly,Spread to all operators including the 12.8m A95������
The windows are standard size(except the portion above the SMRT logo in offisde and nearside..is the livery that made the windows look big.
Originally posted by SG5064X:SBST & GA may still reject :-(
Unless they have their own three doors Citaro and B9TL..If big boss wanna go ahead with the plans,They have no say.
people in toa payoh already use to sbst KUBs that with two wheels chairs space with liimted sitting at the back. I think smrt also have bus that have two wheels chairs right?
But LTA should deploy this 3 doors at feeder bus services instead of city service.
Originally posted by wsy1234:people in toa payoh already use to sbst KUBs that with two wheels chairs space with liimted sitting at the back. I think smrt also have bus that have two wheels chairs right?
But LTA should deploy this 3 doors at feeder bus services instead of city service.
SMRT got OCs..
Bulim & Loyang should include OCs and KUBs respectively..
I think for the citaro, the aisle is very narrow in front due to the facing seats instead of the vertical layout of the kub.
What makes it worse is that there is this grabpole on the right when boarding that juts out and makes the aisle even more narrow. They could remove it and install horizonal grabpole at the edge of the cargo rack on that side so that space can be widened abit.
Smrt batch 1 citaros don't have those poles if anyone noticed.
The positioning of the grabpoles makes a difference as well to walking space on the bus. Cheers
What if the wheelchair bay is position such that they enter and exit via the front doors? Could probably save space by adding single leaf doors as the 2nd and third tho.
Maybe can try implementing this way.
Another suggestions is to add back the seats at the rear standing area...it's so "awkward" standing there
Tht would mean putting the wheelchair bay next to the front doors
Originally posted by SMB1368T:Tht would mean putting the wheelchair bay next to the front doors
There are both advantages and disadvantages to it.. The good is ofc that it's also nearer for the BC..
Although if its to be at the front the PIW must wear seatbelt.. Coz the turning momentum is greater at the ends of the bus than the middle..
Though the con is that people would crowd around there when it's not in use