Name: -
Age: 15
Favourite buses: SBS2652G, SBS2838M, SBS6853S, SBS8136R, SBS8227L
Disliked buses: SBS5233M, SBS6066Y, SBS6129A, SBS8680K, SBS8681H, SBS8698K
Favourite service: 103!
Old accounts: SBS2652G (cannot log in), TIB1112L etc
Lets welcome the newcomers to share here too
Name: -
Age: 19
Favourite bus models: Leyland Olympian 3 axles, Volvo Olympian (both 2 and 3 axles), Volvo B10M Mk4, Volvo B5RLEH, Volvo B7RLE (I like any bus that is NWAB in general except for one model, see below)
Least favourite NWAB bus model: Volvo B10M Mk3 - the reason is because the rear seats are too "low" for me, when I was younger I could not see out of the window if I sit at the last two rows.
Favourite buses (Honestly, I like most NWAB buses but here are the buses that I find special to myself, esp SBS7238L which I took on 242 before 241 was introduced)
The buses are: SBS3492U, SBS7238L (retired), SBS9111E (retired), SBS9291T (retired), SBS9670H and demonstrators SBS8002T and SBS8030L
Disliked buses (all are KUB ex-perms of 241): SBS5001R, SBS8613E, SBS8899Y
Favourite Services: 7, 241 and 258
Disliked Services: 106 (too many SD buses, DDs are often deployed on the wrong timings or bunched with SDs), 185 (I wouldn't say I dislike it but there are times where I waited nearly 20mins for 185 as I take the bus to Avenue 1 occasionally)
Personally I dislike the ex-perm KUBs of 241 as they tend to arrive packed and a DD 241 arrives behind less than 2mins later during off peak running empty, I usually avoid taking the KUB and wait for the next bus (usually a VO3X)
Name: -
Age: 15
Favourite buses: SMB1318M, SMB1368T, SMB1528Z, SBS8417E, SBS8569A, SBS8603J, SBS6790P, SBS2803M, SBS7606H, SBS3821D
Disliked buses: SMB1308S, SMB306D, SBS3502A, SBS8226P, SMB3539D, SBS6727Z, SMB130T, SMB224G, SBS3959R, SBS8227L (this bus has been laughing at me)
Favourite service: 39, 8, 23
Disliked service: 117, 26
Originally posted by SMB1368T:Name: -
Age: 15
Favourite buses: SMB1318M, SMB1368T, SMB1528Z, SBS8417E, SBS8569A, SBS8603J, SBS6790P, SBS2803M, SBS7606H, SBS3821D
Disliked buses: SMB1308S, SMB306D, SBS3502A, SBS8226P, SMB3539D, SBS6727Z, SMB130T, SMB224G, SBS3959R, SBS8227L (this bus has been laughing at me)
Favourite service: 39, 8, 23
Disliked service: 117, 26
finally someone else who dislikes 117!
Name - Najib (jkjk)
Age - can i say teenager haha
Favourite buses - 5007J, 5021S, 69M, 126G
Dislikes: Citaros
Favourite service - 985, 190, 69
Dislikes - 307 (bunching everytime -_-)