Originally posted by TIB 585L:ah no. but it was viral on facebook
Juz saw on Land transport guru fb..
Rear ended SG5570B coolant all leaking
happen in HK few days ago. a DD topple over, killing one pax.
there is one green B9 with smashed front windscreen/EDS glass in AMDEP... anyone know the rego?
Originally posted by Sbs6750E:Think 1371H gone case liao.
5570 new new kena langgah so fast, kena rosak already…
adding another bus to the scrapyard
Originally posted by SMB3163D:SMB351Y brokedown @ CCK ctrl blk 206 ytd (24/1) in the evening while on 307, driven by ex S101 malay bc.. Bus suspect on S108 which is the slot he mentor the day bfr ytd (23/1)
yes..SMB351Y was on the same slot as SMB134H (mentoring) on 23/1.. first PM split trip around 130pm...
SMB1443J spotted with webbed windscreen at cck int just now
SMB5015K spotted with rear engine cover open, BC seated at bus stop around 12pm on 280117
Location: Opp Blk 511A (BS 45241)
Bus suspect breakdown otw to KJDEP since the bus stop is only served by 302 and its one of the routes to KJDEP...
Originally posted by SMB3163D:SMB351Y brokedown @ CCK ctrl blk 206 ytd (24/1) in the evening while on 307, driven by ex S101 malay bc.. Bus suspect on S108 which is the slot he mentor the day bfr ytd (23/1)
Off topic but fyi he driving 927 now
Originally posted by SMB5007J:Off topic but fyi he driving 927 now
Sundays he usually on standby... so he can drive other services on Sundays if 307 has no empty slots....
B9TL on 518 tyre burst, 58 passengers stranded at KPE tunnel for 20 mins. Incident happened last night at 11pm
3677 on 65 stuck at Sophia Rd. Bus was travelling along Selegie Road and dunno why the bus made a left turn to Sophia Rd. End up stuck while trying to make a u turn
SMB3077U crashed near TWRI alighting berth.. Front door gone case..
SMB8018H broke down at Woodlands Ave 5 yesterday..
Unknown TT Lush Green Wright crashed into sheltered roof Opposite Vivo, roof damaged...
SMB3140 brokedown at North Bridge Road (blk 8 bus stop) this morning.
SG1047 on 851 have an accident with a motorcyle on 21/2 at around 8am at junction of AMK ave 6/ave 8. bus front bumper is slightly damaged.