(AMDEP SP) (Non-User Lay-Up Status Till 12 Sep 2014)
Officially laid up on 21st June 2014 and spotted at AMDEP lay up corner with lay up notice...
Service 20 capacity upgrade.
SBS3354K SBS3355H
SBS6346P SBS6386Z
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Sv 21 is kinda like Sv 12 in the past few years, having a few SDs in between the DDs' timings. At least the recent fleet adds are DDs, so it's not that bad imo.
From what I can see, think they're trying to split the load up during Peak Hours onto several buses instead of mass-loading onto a DD and then waiting super long for the next DD to come.
But do you realize that the time between buses is same.. I have observed at Eunos and noted towards Pasir Ris buses came as dd, Sd, dd, Sd, dd, dd, Sd and interval was almost 10-12 mins for each bus between 5.30 and 6.30pm at Eunos. When dd came was packed, Sd came was packed as well... Unless it is like dd comes after 12 min and Sd comes after 8 min of previous bus, the deployment is a little flawed.
You can argue but I also believe for long distance routes like Sv 21 even if there is mass DDs it do okay bcoz at different points in route, loading exceeds 60-70 pax, and people would prefer seat than going standing.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:But do you realize that the time between buses is same.. I have observed at Eunos and noted towards Pasir Ris buses came as dd, Sd, dd, Sd, dd, dd, Sd and interval was almost 10-12 mins for each bus between 5.30 and 6.30pm at Eunos. When dd came was packed, Sd came was packed as well... Unless it is like dd comes after 12 min and Sd comes after 8 min of previous bus, the deployment is a little flawed.
You can argue but I also believe for long distance routes like Sv 21 even if there is mass DDs it do okay bcoz at different points in route, loading exceeds 60-70 pax, and people would prefer seat than going standing.
Nahs, I won't argue with what you observed in reality, because that's what I had seen countless times at Paya Lebar too for Sv 21. Just know that what I said in my earlier post was imo what was theoretically supposed to happen.
Because if you happen to look at the e-tt, I think the freq for that stretch is supposed to be much lesser than what you quoted that you observed IIRC. But what the e-tt states once again is what is theoretically supposed to happen.
But in reality, esp during PM Peak, Sv 21 gets bottle-necked once after Kallang MRT. And that bottleneck will continue on till somewhere along Bedok Reservoir. This happens every weekday till like 8.30pm at Bedok Reservoir..so not surprising to see your observations happening there..
And I think alot of people would rather take the MRT from Kallang / Geylang / Paya Lebar areas back to Pasir Ris / Tampines during PM Peak anyway..
Originally posted by SBS5111G:3748H no perm stix at all when i go onboard sv.58 include today! all from my observations and right now is high chance since 58 got missing DD Slot
Idk if it's perm Sv 58, but the week before it started appearing regularly on Sv 58, it did Sv 70 & 21 before.
(BBDEP 175 BBDEP SP) Replacement tbc
(BBDEP 33 BBDEP SP) Replacement tbc
SBS9615T SBS9668R
Still AMDEP 56.
*Perm sticker spotted near EDS Control area
Speaking of 8509Z, has anyone seen it lately? Been missing for almost 3 weeks
Originally posted by SBS494J:SBS8509Z
BRBP 232
Speaking of 8509Z, has anyone seen it lately? Been missing for almost 3 weeks
On 157 today, w/ brand new cable car ad.
Originally posted by SBS494J:
SBS9615T SBS9668R
Still AMDEP 56.
BRBP 232
*Perm sticker spotted near EDS Control area
BRBP 232
Speaking of 8509Z, has anyone seen it lately? Been missing for almost 3 weeks
yup. on 157 today(25 june)
but... it was on 157 since 2 days ago with the ad
somemore on a DD slot... 3228
(BR SP ) On 238 ytd
SBS 3349B AM 72
Perm stix and 72 svc guide spotted on bus .
Originally posted by Lsk138:SBS 3349B
AM 72
Perm stix and 72 svc guide spotted on bus .
have posted this one month ago.. this bus been doing 72B as well, together with 3352/3353.. However, not sure whether the perm sticker is old one or not, cos previously it does have the SV72 perm sticker before...
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Anyway, do you have any sources that can help me double-check if Sv 21 has a new non-WAB DD slot added recently or converted a WAB block to non-WAB?
Idk why that 'SBS9840J' user on Wiki keep repeatedly insisting that 9617M is perm AM 21 on Sgwiki even though I haven't seen any signs of the perm stix on 9617M lately. But I could do with some confirmation from other sourcees too to validate my stand that 9617M is still SP~
there might be a fleet add after the time table revision in May (for 21A).. and the timetable revision is for all days.. so high chance that there is a fleet add.. (which is what SBST do when they introduce "A" service)...
Originally posted by lemon1974:have posted this one month ago.. this bus been doing 72B as well, together with 3352/3353.. However, not sure whether the perm sticker is old one or not, cos previously it does have the SV72 perm sticker before...
i see ! but the few days keep seeing this 3349 on 72 also with stack of 72 sv guide inside the bus as boarding the bus today .
Originally posted by SBS5010P:HGDEP now maintaining and deploying buses like SLBP/BBDEP now.. Slack alr. It used to be the best.
Like SLBP - 179A underop..
Agreed... Now, AMDEP (not BRBP) and BBDEP are the best, in my opinion, for maintenance. Especially BBDEP, because they know how to maintain buses properly.
Originally posted by SBS7557R:Confirmed Redeployments
sv61: 611U in, 469P scrap (from 8533C)
sv176: 513U 606K 829J SP (from 133K)
Sorry, but I think it is TIB828L more likely that is 61 perm... TIB960L should be 176 perm.
SBS 6766K HG on 112 today
SBS 6768E HG on 109 today
Both bling bling on svc !
Hope 6767 also can join in to HG too
Originally posted by SBS7557R:SBS6222M
(BBDEP 33BBDEP SP) Replacement tbc
Suspect replacement is SBS8049J...
Originally posted by SBS7557R:
SBS6764R BNDEP or BRBP - was on svc 31 during 27 June.
SBS 6767H HG on 101 today
SBS 5233M
Replacing the missing bus
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:
SBS 5233M
Replacing the missing bus
DD to SD?
The missing bus is due to SBS9542U dereg and it is a 62/569 crossover if I am not wrong...
I am wondering if SBS1924D or SBS8560Z are still with 62.
As per what i posted earlier in 'Suspected Redeployments' thread:
(BN SP) (CG 81)
The only consistent B9TL cameo on Sv 81 since 9528L disappeared. 9528L's replacement, but not on 9528L's exact timings (Sv 81 did a reshuffle of the DD timings according to my observations). And 3787U did Sv 81 on its 1st day out on the roads too IIRC.
Any changes, I'll edit Wiki again. But for now, this is the confirmed redeployment.
Originally posted by lemon1974:there might be a fleet add after the time table revision in May (for 21A).. and the timetable revision is for all days.. so high chance that there is a fleet add.. (which is what SBST do when they introduce "A" service)...
I thought about that possibility for some time, but it doesn't add up?
1) Unlike the other shortworking trips (which usually operates on Weekdays, like the 1-day-later launched Sv 109A), Sv 21A only operates on Sundays & PHs. Which means the buses are likely to be running Special7 schedules isn't it?
So what are the chances that SBST would add a fleet add on all days (Weekdays, Weekends) just for an extra 1 hour of Sv 21A on Sundays?
2) Idk how come the timetable revision is for all days. But let's say that '9840J' on Sgwiki has reliable info that 9617M is a fleet add (which he just edited again on 27 Jun that 9617M is perm AM 21 ), then why in the world would he add the line " 1 extra AMDEP bus " on the same fleet page after his edit?
Originally posted by SBS9C:SBS6764R
BNDEP or BRBP - was on svc 31 during 27 June.
BR SP. On 238