Hi mr dupdup 77, the problem is very few people will actually take 143M from pandan to je. the time and cost (98cents for 143 vs 77cents for 51) already put many people off. i wrote to SBS and their reply was Service 143 did not serve pandan gardens. so they implement 143M to connect pandan and teban. seems that SBS personnel also dont know what is going on.
Originally posted by SBST:
Hi mr dupdup 77, the problem is very few people will actually take 143M from pandan to je. the time and cost (98cents for 143 vs 77cents for 51) already put many people off. i wrote to SBS and their reply was Service 143 did not serve pandan gardens. so they implement 143M to connect pandan and teban. seems that SBS personnel also dont know what is going on.
Lol... My doubt is maybe in future sv 143 will go direct from Teban to West Coast and not do Pandan... As it causes unecessary travel time for Teban residents... Also Sv 51/143 route same until Alexandra rd junction.
so once people are familiar with 143M connection between Teban and Pandan, 143 will get edited to not ply Pandan... Only then 143M makes sense...
Right now 143M is just taking the load from 143/79.. Sv 79 DDs are now going empty back from Penjuru to JE as 143M is taking its load.