spotted on SMB388S.. (credit to SGAG)
Originally posted by lemon1974:spotted on SMB388S.. (credit to SGAG)
Lol the 388S pic was actually taken 1 year ago if I remember correctly.
* SBS2991C has 2 Door Closing chimes, the old SBS & the current standard on KUBs...
* SBS3666K ITE rearside window ad tearing off...
* SMB1468M shiny rims...
* SMB1526D has stiffer suspensions like the SBST Wrights, do not absord much of the shock while travelling on the road unlike the earlier productions...
Originally posted by SBS9C:SMB285E's black information sticker was pasted on the window instead.
SBS8115B with 2 additional aircon vents installed in the interior on both sides.
LOL at SMB285E... Anyway, I have seen these aircon vents before. SBS8114D and SBS8162P both have it too, wonder why they were added...
Heard rumours that SMRT interested in the MAN DD...Hopefully they order 180 units at least
Originally posted by carbikebus:Heard rumours that SMRT interested in the MAN DD...Hopefully they order 180 units at least
What yeye?Its just a words of ppl
Originally posted by carbikebus:What yeye?Its just a words of ppl
Depends on the credibility of your source. If source is not credible, please don't post.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Depends on the credibility of your source. If source is not credible, please don't post.
Look at his post carefully. He already said it is a rumour...
I already say rumours,guess he didnt realised thus the sarcasm
* Citaro 103 with part of spoilt EDS "WEST CA ) 103"...
* SBS6716E new front rego... Font slightly rounder...
* SMB299R, SMB1321C, SMB3511H, SMB3556D shiny rims...
* TIB1145S, TIB1169Z repainted rims...
* TIB1247G frontside bumper missing...
SMB29D - Rear EDS finally fixed!
SMB100E - Very strong and loud engine.."door closing" display is still a makeshift one
SMB5017E - Spotted at HarbourFront Int, EDS showing 190
Also spotted a random SBS citaro with it's EDS showing 170 entering yishun int with full pax, parking at 85's berth yesterday at ~11pm. Everyone alighted and it left the interchange with the EDS unchanged
* SMB230M vibrative rear...
* SMB279Z rearside torn Crizal ad restickered...
* TIB1247G frontside bumper still not fix...
SBS8923K with 8823R barcode at the front board, below its interior rego plate
So pay cash to board a TRG vehicle?
* SMB245X interlock disabled...
* SMB334Y WAB sign...
* TIB1244P rear red rego lighting from ADL E500...
* WLDEP front gate has gotten the new red SMRT logo, with its building painted in new livery & logo as well...
* SBS8273C rear offside POND'S ad peeling off...
* SMB1463B offside got sideswiped, huge patch of black marks + some dents...
* TIB1237K "ON TEST" along Wlands Ave 2 & 5 aft Inspection & repair...
TIB551J has its interior camera instruments all removed...
Originally posted by SMB42P:TIB551J has its interior camera instruments all removed...
The interior CCTVs you mean? I remember TIB553D also had them removed when I took it on 176 last week... Not sure about TIB552G and the other 190 perm O405s.
just now SBS8376P on 157 (to Boon lay) offer free rides as the ez-link system hang
saw it hang at 1KM... means at TPY already free ride lol
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* SMB245X interlock disabled...
* SMB334Y WAB sign...
Seems like many 187 MANs have their interlock disabled... Remember SMB237U is one of them. Anyway, you mean WAB logo on the EDS for SMB334Y?
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Seems like many 187 MANs have their interlock disabled... Remember SMB237U is one of them. Anyway, you mean WAB logo on the EDS for SMB334Y?
the blue sign while on 962
Originally posted by 23ispolo:The interior CCTVs you mean? I remember TIB553D also had them removed when I took it on 176 last week... Not sure about TIB552G and the other 190 perm O405s.
yes..the the area where the camera box used to be so ugly, white and faded green painting, look very dirty... (this is for the case of TIB551J)
TIB715D no accelerating power (or rather, struggling to accelerate) when i boarded it on 172PM05 at 4 plus just now.. only took for 3 stops so im not sure if the bus completed that trip or even made it through the night...
* SBS6777D as shiny as new...
* SMB90A & SMB115M show WAB 61...
* TIB1041H repainted rims...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* SMB90A & SMB115M show 61...
SMB1453E with 61 WAB logo on EDS ytd...