Originally posted by 23ispolo:The Ventura doors on the Enviros are quite loose like the Masats doors on the newer Batch 2 and 3 MANs... Wish they would properly make sure the doors work in their best state.
True..actually Batch 1 also..last time SMB214K had this problem also...loud bang everytime the door open...
SMB3501L one was really loud..could hear clearly even on upper deck...
Originally posted by SMB42P:True..actually Batch 1 also..last time SMB214K had this problem also...loud bang everytime the door open...
SMB3501L one was really loud..could hear clearly even on upper deck...
Batch 1 MANs occasionally share the same problem, but they are mostly fine, making them the best batch with proper doors... SMB3522B's doors are super loud, like smashing the side of the bus when closing.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Batch 1 MANs occasionally share the same problem, but they are mostly fine, making them the best batch with proper doors... SMB3522B's doors are super loud, like smashing the side of the bus when closing.
true...other Batch 1 A22s seem fine.. the ADLs still new leh.. so far the 3 ADLs are from KJ, WL ADLs got this problem?
Originally posted by SMB42P:true...other Batch 1 A22s seem fine.. the ADLs still new leh.. so far the 3 ADLs are from KJ, WL ADLs got this problem?
Only ever took SMB3529H on WLDEP side, seems okay... But then again, I need to take more WLDEP Enviros to conclude.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Only ever took SMB3529H on WLDEP side, seems okay... But then again, I need to take more WLDEP Enviros to conclude.
haha for me so far all the ADLs i took are from KJ...lol!
Originally posted by SMB42P:haha for me so far all the ADLs i took are from KJ...lol!
Yeap, KJDEP Enviros are easier for me to catch... As for WLDEP Enviros, need to go further to take them.
Not sure if i am slow or what..but i just realised got a 67 AP bus will crossover to 190 (downroute from YMCA) at night before going back to depot.
Was onboard TIB1054X just now and saw the timetable..but it was too dark so i cannot see the duty code..it reached CCK INT around 2250hrs...
Originally posted by SBS3004X:SBS6499G picked PIW pax despite 43M not being WAB.
SBS6068S and SBS6723J bunched up before reaching first bus stop.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:You're right. Took this picture long ago, the blue window is on the left:
Haha, glad someone noticed it too
TIB1141C with corrupted front EDS.
* SBS9610G side EDS borderframe painted to desto size...
* SMB264R front bumper caved in...
* SMB1486K changed to red logos...
Svc188 have better frequency and capacity than 963, at night..
Suspect 189 reduce 1 full day and 1 split duties..
* SBS3656P, TIB1141C top quarter of EDS spoilt...
* SMB277D has rough gear drive & interior creaking sound as if the front will be dismantled...
* SMB279Z rearside Crizal ad start peeling off...
* SMB287A blowing whistle again...
* TIB1024H, TIB1039R, TIB1229J repainted rims...
How come all the WL DDs all based at WLBP?Saw a few units also park inside the main depot mah...
SMB243B has no door closing chime & light
TIB1144U with SMRT Red logo.
SMB105S has O405 bus stopping chime and door closing chime... bus spotted with cracked rear-view mirror (the interior one nearest to the front door)
Originally posted by SMB315C:TIB1144U with SMRT Red logo.
Refurbished? For now, it seems that it is the second bendy to get the new red logo after TIB1229J, which is also from 960...
Originally posted by SMB42P:SMB105S has O405 bus stopping chime and door closing chime... bus spotted with cracked rear-view mirror (the interior one nearest to the front door)
Finally they bothered to fix the chimes... SMB102A, SMB109G and SMB110B also have the O405 'DOOR CLOSING' chime.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Refurbished? For now, it seems that it is the second bendy to get the new red logo after TIB1229J, which is also from 960...
Refurbed... The current WL Habit that goes for refurb will get red logos...
Retiring buses seen parking at WPDEP
TIB462H* TIB463E* TIB464C TIB471G TIB474Z TIB629U TIB630P* TIB632J* TIB633G* TIB674M TIB725A* TIB726Y* TIB727U TIB728S TIB730J TIB731G TIB732D TIB733B* TIB877U
* - Buses with SMRT logo's removed
14 unpainted MAN A22, 3 - 5 newly-painted MAN A22 with SMRT Red Logo
2 unpainted Enviro500, 10 - 18 newly-painted Enviro500 with SMRT Red Logo
Add on:
Suspecting TIB604R TIB608E TIB612S scrapped, but still reflected on One.Motoring that they are still being laid up till the end of their lifespan.
SMB1411B front EDS spolit