just now board SBS3156R (SL 157) to work
the ez-link system very weird
In sleep mode when the doors are open & in active mode when the doors are closed
TIB714G with poor aircon..take this bus during noon time like in an oven..
Recently, i have also boarded many SMRT buses with ticket machines that broke down..some even for weeks and months..some of them were:
got a few more but i forgot already..not sure till today any of these buses the ticket machines are fixed but all these buses i took at least 2 times within a few weeks but the machines are down...
Originally posted by carbikebus:BC dont bother to report also..SMRT BCs majority bo chap unlike TIBS era..You cant expect depot to check every buses right so BCs also play a part..If i can take the effort to check radiator water and even standby my coolant and report any wear and tear why cant they?
But they(SMRT) are improving SLOWLY already :) Better than totally ignore.
What I observed(1 day only) :
Lunch Time (11-2) :
14/147/166 have >15mins arrival timing
Night, after 8pm :
963 have longer waiting time than 188..
Others :
> SBS7501D current condition is somewhat better than certain Wrights.
Originally posted by TIB429E:But they(SMRT) are improving SLOWLY already :) Better than totally ignore.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Yes bro after buses catch fire etc..but again trainers also should play a part to their students..Ive seen some BCs also taking care of their perm buses like their own..
Yes, ever saw BCs clean their buses inside... I think the BCs can help to keep the buses in good condition.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Yes, ever saw BCs clean their buses inside... I think the BCs can help to keep the buses in good condition.
yes i saw this too..one example is TIB740E BC..always saw him cleaning his bus...
TIB601Z in quite a lousy condition leh when i boarded it on 67PM14 yesterday.. "bouncy" ride along Upp Bt Timah Road..seems like the spring suspension is no good..somewhat similar to TIB546A...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
- SMB1333T rear rego area CMC ad peeling off…
SMRT ads are poorly pasted on nowadays... See all the buses with recent ads having ad problems.
* SMB1415R rear MAN logo missing...
* SMB3020H interior Exit panel unlocked... Parking brake sounded like lorry...
Originally posted by carbikebus:Its the workmanship la bro..SBST contractors are more focus cause they charged higher rayes from CDG..While SMRT Media ones are cheaper contractors
SMRT slacking recently with their ads on buses... Last time ads were okay, but recently all their ads are peeling off... Guess they cutting costs again (following your point on the cheap ad contractors).
Also, I think nowadays they don't care about the ads and running of buses, rush their jobs, that's why got these problems when they shouldn't be even occuring... You see SBS Transit has proper bus timetables, better maintenance (even their lower BNDEP and SLBP is considered better overall), that's why they get enough profits to get contractors who would focus on putting on their ads on their buses.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:SMRT slacking recently with their ads on buses... Last time ads were okay, but recently all their ads are peeling off... Guess they cutting costs again (following your point on the cheap ad contractors).
Also, I think nowadays they don't care about the ads and running of buses, rush their jobs, that's why got these problems when they shouldn't be even occuring... You see SBS Transit has proper bus timetables, better maintenance (even their lower BNDEP and SLBP is considered better overall), that's why they get enough profits to get contractors who would focus on putting on their ads on their buses.
Advertisements are secondary, I'd rather they put their primary focus on improving the quality of their bus services. This is what most commuters are bothered about.
Originally posted by SBS7557R:Advertisements are secondary, I'd rather they put their primary focus on improving the quality of their bus services. This is what most commuters are bothered about.
But everything still goes back to the commuters afterall.
Lousy ad pasting = bad impression by companies who want to put up the ad = less business for smrt media = less subsidy of your transport fare from ad revenue.
* SBS6196E part of the side EDS flashing non-stop like SBS6170D...
* SMB1333T side CMC ad peeling off, just like its rear...
* TIB1163P EDS old data:
" LIM CHU KANG via 925 "
SMB3513C [WL 966]. Exit doors closing at almost 5 secs speed... Bus can move when this pair of doors are closing, no interlock...
<- PLEASE MOVE TO THE REAR <- on the window beside the EDS...
UK-style Bus Stopping
Originally posted by TIB1234T:SMB3513C [WL 966].
<- PLEASE MOVE TO THE REAR <- on the window beside the EDS...
UK-style Bus Stopping
Bus so empty :(
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Bus so empty :(
Cos its at WRI exit...
Took the whole trip, seem not much people realised the upperdeck, many just walk to the rear... But along the way, atleast got some pax on top... 1PM plus trip not much of people...
During peak this morning, 966 DDs are almost full...
Svc169 have the best frequency during off peak hours...reasonable waiting time and hardly late[so far..] but peak hours damn jialat
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Cos its at WRI exit...
Took the whole trip, seem not much people realised the upperdeck, many just walk to the rear...
But along the way, atleast got some pax on top... 1PM plus trip not much of people...
972 just the opposite... all people want to rush to upper deck... almost everyone who boards along Orchard, only alights along Ring road.
Originally posted by TIB429E:Svc169 have the best frequency during off peak hours...reasonable waiting time and hardly late[so far..] but peak hours damn jialat
169 route not much traffic... peak hours buses get late... coz rigids cannot manage loading... so take too much time at each bus stop.. hopefully now 169 will get more bendies if not DDs.