SBS2710Y (BNDEP 2) - repainted!
Are Mitsubishi Fuso and Rosa the same? Saw PC2133G with FUSO stickers @ rear, but registered on LTA as ROSA...oo
Originally posted by TIB429E:Are Mitsubishi Fuso and Rosa the same? Saw PC2133G with FUSO stickers @ rear, but registered on LTA as ROSA...oo
Unlike Mitsubishi cars, the truck and bus division is called the Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, hence the Rosa is actually named the Mitsubishi Fuso Rosa.
Creative ways of perm writing?
SBS6710X and SBS6725D
4 GEAR 3
Can't remember what the note says exactly
SBS3756J (CGBP 23): Rode it on service 168 today. Doors closing chime is very soft. There's also a soft whopping sound when the bus is moving. Noticed the 'Bus stopping' sign get lit without any sound.
spotted 6722L twice on TRG along jurong east ave 1. 0830hrs & 1145hrs.
spotted 8092H once on TRG on the same road too. 0830hrs
Both buses were driving towards jurong west
Lately, I notice that the wrights from 36xx & 37xx that uses LECIP EDS are corrupted at one section. Glad that they change to Hanover ones from 3761 onwards
btw, the Hanover ones still uses voith gear =)
Originally posted by azharjj:btw, the Hanover ones still uses voith gear =)
I want the ZF back.
PA4144Y (Sentosa Bus 2) – both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign and chime spoilt… Side EDS very glitchy… Poor maintenance?
RU3720L (Sentosa Bus 2) - both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign and chime spoilt… Front left leaf door loose, like PA5279K (right)… Deep audio speakers onboard, best quality among the fleet of B7RLEs other than PA5286P…
SBS2818X (BBDEP SP) – spotted with faded orange
iris nextbus sticker above the window behind the driver… Nice Voith!
SBS7661Y (CGBP 10) – squeaky rear suspension…
SBS8565K (BNDEP 36) – very noisy retarder…
SMB231K (WLBP 75) – very weird MAN from WLBP… Rear
left Monster ad after the rear wheel peeling off and at the rear… Very loud
retarder! Tape above the front door and on the rear ‘BUS STOPPING’/’DOOR CLOSING’ speaker… Front door rubber bent weirdly, as doors cannot close
properly… Very poorly maintained…
SMB254U (WLDEP 167) – only MAN with ForestVille ad… Very quiet and clean MAN from WLDEP instead, still feels very new! Only fault with the bus is the front left leaf door which has trouble closing properly… Otherwise, one of the best MANs to take!
SMB304J (WLDEP 859) – front right leaf door cannot
close properly, bangs violently when open (very loose)…
SMB1418H (WLDEP 700) – front doors open shakily…
TIB544E (WLDEP 176) – using exchanged Batch 2
aircon ducts… ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign lit up
by super bright LEDs, no blinking… Surprised it got extended, when TIB542K is
in a better condition…
TIB545C (WLBP 858) – one of the few O405s to retain
all original aircon ducts, with no black vents on the side… Very good aircon and
engine, so I’m surprised it didn’t get extended…
TIB553D (KJDEP 190) – very shiok aircon! Very quiet
engine, feels like a Batch 2 O405, so I am happy it got extended!
TIB558R (WLDEP 176) – ad on rear engine cover
removed, revealing old colourful stripy ad…
TIB763P (AMDEP SP) – very powerful aircon, like
TIB794A! Nice doors and engine! One of the best CACs in my opinion!
TIB966X (AMDEP RWS8) – both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign and chime now spoilt… Middle ‘BUS STOPPING’ sign hanging out, looks like it is going to drop off on the right side soon…
TIB1082P (KJDEP 188) – rear ‘LONG VEHICLE’ sign torn at top left, leaving a gap between the line of the ad and top of the sticker…
TIB1113J (AMDEP 851) – new rear engine cover in fresh SMRT livery, but the rest of the ads on the bus are retained, including the rear window…
Yesterday (260514) AM peak there was an accident on the slip road into KJE that has caused jam all the way up to CCK Drive. Bus service 307, 925 and 927 were affected. Not sure the extent of delay for 925 and 927, but 307 was delayed up to an hour, and buses were all bus was e-pulled to 307 (TIB549S) while some buses went to Yew Tee MRT and CCK polyclinic to do downroutes...
*TIB542K on 176 (AP09) today, spotted with tiny '5' on EDS, instead of 176, though route details were still scrolling... 176 rear desto placed at the front.
*TIB725A on 963 today, spotted with 963E or 963R rear desto, with the 'E' or 'R' covered up with blank paper to show '963'...
* SMB1410D shiny...
* TIB725A using 963E or 963R rear desto...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB725A using 963E or 963R rear desto...
Wa, you also spotted it sia...
* SMB314E advert covered rear EDS...
* TIB731G confirmed LAWO Sicma EDS... Probably from TIB673R... Now svc.963 has the most number of LAWO-Sicma O405...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB731G confirmed LAWO Sicma EDS... Probably from TIB673R... Now svc.963 has the most number of LAWO-Sicma O405...
Seems like BBDEP gives the best maintenance for SBS Transit buses...
2711U using side desto in front while 905R using rear desto in front..
2711 was on 254, 905 was on 151
2696E using 255 rear desto in front..
2708E was in SLBP for 2 days without was on 105 on 31 May and the next time its in service is today on 193.. (evidence from running sequence in the bus tickets in the machine)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:PA4144Y (Sentosa Bus 2) – both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign and chime spoilt… Side EDS very glitchy…
Poor maintenance?
RU3720L (Sentosa Bus 2) - both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign and chime spoilt… Front left leaf door loose, like PA5279K (right)… Deep audio speakers onboard, best quality among the fleet of B7RLEs other than PA5286P…
SBS2818X (BBDEP SP) – spotted with faded orange iris nextbus sticker above the window behind the driver… Nice Voith!
SBS7661Y (CGBP 10) – squeaky rear suspension…
SBS8565K (BNDEP 36) – very noisy retarder…
SMB231K (WLBP 75) – very weird MAN from WLBP… Rear left Monster ad after the rear wheel peeling off and at the rear…
Very loud retarder! Tape above the front door and on the rear ‘BUS STOPPING’/’DOOR CLOSING’ speaker… Front door rubber bent weirdly, as doors cannot close properly… Very poorly maintained…
SMB254U (WLDEP 167) – only MAN with ForestVille ad… Very quiet and clean MAN from WLDEP instead, still feels very new! Only fault with the bus is the front left leaf door which has trouble closing properly… Otherwise, one of the best MANs to take!
SMB304J (WLDEP 859) – front right leaf door cannot close properly, bangs violently when open (very loose)…
SMB1418H (WLDEP 700) – front doors open shakily…
TIB544E (WLDEP 176) – using exchanged Batch 2 aircon ducts… ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign lit up by super bright LEDs, no blinking… Surprised it got extended, when TIB542K is in a better condition…
TIB545C (WLBP 858) – one of the few O405s to retain all original aircon ducts, with no black vents on the side… Very good aircon and engine, so I’m surprised it didn’t get extended…
TIB553D (KJDEP 190) – very shiok aircon! Very quiet engine, feels like a Batch 2 O405, so I am happy it got extended!
TIB558R (WLDEP 176) – ad on rear engine cover removed, revealing old colourful stripy ad…
TIB763P (AMDEP SP) – very powerful aircon, like TIB794A! Nice doors and engine! One of the best CACs in my opinion!
TIB966X (AMDEP RWS8) – both ‘DOOR CLOSING’ sign and chime now spoilt… Middle ‘BUS STOPPING’ sign hanging out, looks like it is going to drop off on the right side soon…
TIB1082P (KJDEP 188) – rear ‘LONG VEHICLE’ sign torn at top left, leaving a gap between the line of the ad and top of the sticker…
TIB1113J (AMDEP 851) – new rear engine cover in fresh SMRT livery, but the rest of the ads on the bus are retained, including the rear window…
TIB1062 spotted on neo tiew lane this morning....
At around 6.15pm, i always see random bendies turning right from Jalan Jurong Kechil to Toh Tuck Road. Anyone know what bus is this?
TIB1155M will downroute at BBT East Ave 3 after finishing its trip at WRI during PM peak. It will downroute and end PM Split at 7pm.
487L is 911S151- x-over to 901 for its first trip at 6.10am and then go back to 911/911E
Originally posted by lemon1974:TIB1062 spotted on neo tiew lane this morning....
Going to Boon Lay, I guess?
I dont recall KJDEP to Boon Lay using that route that 172 would use but it is possible aside from using Jalan Bahar PIE,KJE, Woodlands Road route.