According to SGWIKI
SBS 3658J
Originally posted by SBS9C:Agree with this deployment, I see TIB871K often on the same time slot with same driver.
SBS8878H (BNDEP SP) -> CGBP 293
Will double confirm the bus that is out, I am suspecting SBS8880A because it has been MIA for sometime already. What puzzles me is that SBS8878H left 293 and did random cameos, then replaced SBS8222A for a whole week, then returned to 293 with a new ad this week.
Sorry wrong bus. Thought it was 8878 with that ad.
SBS8878H (CGBP 293) -> BNDEP SP
SBS8880A (BNDEP SP) -> CGBP 293
SBS8880A's slot is still covered by random cameos, today being SBS8580R.
3663T perm 13 (TBC)
3347 3348 3349 might be sv72 perm.. been doing sv72 almost daily.. this morning these 3 buses depart one after another..... 3349 (72) follow by 3347 (72A) and then 3348 (72)
Originally posted by lemon1974:3347 3348 3349 might be sv72 perm.. been doing sv72 almost daily.. this morning these 3 buses depart one after another..... 3349 (72) follow by 3347 (72A) and then 3348 (72)
So, 3347/48/49/52/53 all are for sv 72. 5 BSEP WEG.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
So, 3347/48/49/52/53 all are for sv 72. 5 BSEP WEG.
i think this few buses just rotating doing on 72 only bah ! when seeing 47 & 49 on 72 then 52 & 53 will normally not doing on this svc
for 48 usually doing on 25/ 55/ 70 this svcs dat all i know .
Hi..posted this before on the misc topics in October regarding mistakes in the deployment in sgwiki but there wasnt any changes made. Saw that changes will be made if posted here so i shall post here again. Dont want to change myself coz i want to respect the owner :)
1. Think I mentioned before that 307 only has 6 full AM/PM shifts, though it has 7 perm AM/PM buses. On any one day, one perm bus will not be on 307 coz the driver will be on rest. Pls kindly remove duty 307AP07, which does not exist. Similar to 302, only has 6 AP/PM shifts (AP01, AP02, AP03, AP04, AP05, AP90) but 7 perm full AM/PM buses.
2. SMB1329G is on duty 971ES104, not 307S102 as mentioned on sgwiki.
3. SMB3045L is on 302AP90, not 302S190 as mentioned in sgwiki. It will change shift at cck int at around 3pm everyday.
4. Service 172 has 7 AM/PM slots and 8 split shift slots..and yes..more split shift slots then full day slots. Its confirmed.
Please make the necessary changes... Thank you! :)
SBS 3693G HG
SBS1994B HG 159
Perm stix spotted next to interior rego
Originally posted by Lsk138:i think this few buses just rotating doing on 72 only bah ! when seeing 47 & 49 on 72 then 52 & 53 will normally not doing on this svc
for 48 usually doing on 25/ 55/ 70 this svcs dat all i know .
3348D also on 50 often!
Originally posted by SBS3050L:SBS1994B
HG 159
Perm stix spotted next to interior rego
May not be perming on 159 bah ! Like last time 2660H someone also
said hv perm stix but bus also not on this svc
Now buses dat always doing on 159 r 892 & 2607 go check them out instead
3353M on 70 today
961 got duty add or one of the bus is replacing one bus
Full day i have seen on 961 are: 577K,490B,494R,528C,501D,500G,728S,818R, 726Y,536D, 294D,
I observed that 576M is doing full day slot lately but i remember this bus is split perm.
491Z havent seen it on 961 lately. 726Y last spotted last week so idk this week on 961 or not. 1342S to 1344L are replacing 443M,481C and 1 more bus if not fleet add. I believe these 3 bus are doing full day not split.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:961 got duty add or one of the bus is replacing one bus
Full day i have seen on 961 are: 577K,490B,494R,528C,501D,500G,728S,818R, 726Y,536D, 294D,
I observed that 576M is doing full day slot lately but i remember this bus is split perm.
491Z havent seen it on 961 lately. 726Y last spotted last week so idk this week on 961 or not. 1342S to 1344L are replacing 443M,481C and 1 more bus if not fleet add. I believe these 3 bus are doing full day not split.
1342S - 1344L are full days... 831B must keep a lookout...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:1342S - 1344L are full days... 831B must keep a lookout...
Isnt 831B a split bus? 491Z on 961 lately?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Isnt 831B a split bus? 491Z on 961 lately?
I think 491Z hybernating...
Originally posted by TIB 585L:961 got duty add or one of the bus is replacing one bus
Full day i have seen on 961 are: 577K,490B,494R,528C,501D,500G,728S,818R, 726Y,536D, 294D,
I observed that 576M is doing full day slot lately but i remember this bus is split perm.
491Z havent seen it on 961 lately. 726Y last spotted last week so idk this week on 961 or not. 1342S to 1344L are replacing 443M,481C and 1 more bus if not fleet add. I believe these 3 bus are doing full day not split.
Think replace bus,in fact i dun think 961 got 29 buses..Last roster i see at Amdep its 27 with Amdep control 6 duties
Guys, if the slot for different services keeps having different buses for each day, Don't bother to change because it would be hard to track every ONE of them single week, In the past SMB52K used to be 171AM10/PM10, Now the block as of current is being done by 102A and I'm not sure what bus would do that slot this week.
As for 811's case, shouldn't there be (full shift) bendies for weekdays and weekends too?
(SLBP 154) not sure which bus out
Originally posted by SBS2615P:
If im not wrong like i said should be 8042C that has been kicked out of 154, it has nv been back on this svc since a major overhaul to its engine due to constant red light at its dashboard panel, then now it is back, it has been running around SL svcs. No longer on 154.
sv190 duties 3, 7, 9, 10 & 17 transferred to WLDEP.
Originally posted by samtlk:sv190 duties 3, 7, 9, 10 & 17 transferred to WLDEP.
This is odd. shouldn't they transfer 1-10 to WLDEP instead of having duties that are 'staggered'?
Don't think the OC500s will come over though.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:961 got duty add or one of the bus is replacing one bus
Full day i have seen on 961 are: 577K,490B,494R,528C,501D,500G,728S,818R, 726Y,536D, 294D,
I observed that 576M is doing full day slot lately but i remember this bus is split perm.
491Z havent seen it on 961 lately. 726Y last spotted last week so idk this week on 961 or not. 1342S to 1344L are replacing 443M,481C and 1 more bus if not fleet add. I believe these 3 bus are doing full day not split.
490B still on duty 3 and 536D right behind.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:961 got duty add or one of the bus is replacing one bus
Full day i have seen on 961 are: 577K,490B,494R,528C,501D,500G,728S,818R, 726Y,536D, 294D,
I observed that 576M is doing full day slot lately but i remember this bus is split perm.
491Z havent seen it on 961 lately. 726Y last spotted last week so idk this week on 961 or not. 1342S to 1344L are replacing 443M,481C and 1 more bus if not fleet add. I believe these 3 bus are doing full day not split.
To answer your queries and doubts:, my 961 full day sequence are as follows (may jump a bit here and there, but all full day buses accounted for):
294D 1342S 490B 491Z 1370K 494R 608E 726Y 728S 818R 1344L 1371H 1343P 500G 1372E 501D 528C 536D
576M is still running split as when i last saw it. 491Z MIA for unsure reasons.
During the last schedule revision, 961-15 shifted up to WL, renumbered AM/PM55, x-over to 901 for Reg Wkday (takes over 961-09, converted regular full day). AM/PM18 (original 961-29, added in previous revision) xfer to AM, block number renumber to 961-18. AM 961 still remains as 3AP / 2S1.