SMB270Y is SP on sgwiki?!! LOL! The last time i saw this bus was on perm service 960 and i seen it on 960 often. Who the hell editted it as Spare?
SMB287A (WLDEP 962/962B) True?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:So is there any other news from him? His info can be partly reliable as one time quite a number for AMDEP SP buses failed to get transferred to WLDEP as told by him
448A 449Y 531S 572Z 959S 960L* 961J* 962G 966X failed to transfer.
Only 737R 756K 773K made it to WLDEP.
960L 961J went to KJDEP.
relax it's just deployments. surely it's a last minute decision not to transfer some of tr buses
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Stop the discussion RIGHT now. SBS6328T, you do need to reply to SMB66X and vice-versa. We can’t have every thread have people fighting and insulting.
Enjoy your weekend guys!! I am really enjoying my glass of Bordeaux right now.
Do I care?
Originally posted by SMB66X:Bro, I'm not good in all your bus stuff fyi[Neither do I go read all the specs]. If you aren't understanding enough, then stop showing out your anger thanks~
Because you're also creating unnecessary fight too by replying in that tone[if you even realise
Oh I also have just realised that I am wasting my time talking with an unknown grown up
To Both Bus analyzer and SMB 66X,you do not need to reply to me. If you are really an grown-up adult,you do not need to reply to me,a disrespectful 20 year old boy,so what can you do? I suggest you just ignore me
Originally posted by SMB66X:I tot he's pissed off when people(including TIB12XXX user) somewhat "told him off" and somewhat like unappreciating his help etc.? :O
That's another of the reasons I suppose. Because other than the people I said earlier who leak out his info early, there are also some people who just pluck his info & copy-paste onto other forums without crediting him.
And I guess when he ask these guys when they never credit him, they kind of shot him back or something? Yeah, guess that's what he meant by 'unappreciating his help'.
SBS 5025Y
SBS9548D SL SP >> SL 199
Perm writing spotted on coin box
on full day slot today
Originally posted by SMB42P:SBS9548D SL SP >> SL 199
Perm writing spotted on coin box
on full day slot today
9311U, on the other hand, should be perm 246. It was on 246 for the past two weeks.
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:SBS 5025Y
Now 186 under Brbp right?
Originally posted by SBS7557R:9311U, on the other hand, should be perm 246. It was on 246 for the past two weeks.
Yar..most probably..i wasnt sure though coz now i exam so i didnt really go notice...
Originally posted by carbikebus:Now 186 under Brbp right?
It should be BRBP
Originally posted by SBS7557R:9311U, on the other hand, should be perm 246. It was on 246 for the past two weeks.
9311U was also doing 199 for over two weeks on same time slot. Guess now it has been redeployed coz not seen it last few days.
Originally posted by lemon1974:No change. Sv168 still park at the inspection centre area. 7 b9 in a row plus one b9 infront. Dunno where 9632 park at night but today afternoon it was at sv186 slots.
Sv125 still at same place also. The space vacant by sv186 are been parked by random buses. (7404 park there for this week)
Thx for the update!!!
super shiny on sv.109
(WLDEP SP) to (WLDEP 969/911E*)
(WLDEP 969/911E*) to (WLDEP SP)
I dont get this redeployment coz it is just switching bendies but this is what i have observed for the past 1 month.
1041H is back now but not on 969. The perm driver kept driving that bus in the morning and evening split slot.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB871K
(WLDEP SP) to (WLDEP 969/911E*)
(WLDEP 969/911E*) to (WLDEP SP)
I dont get this redeployment coz it is just switching bendies but this is what i have observed for the past 1 month.
1041H is back now but not on 969. The perm driver kept driving that bus in the morning and evening split slot.
Agree with this deployment, I see TIB871K often on the same time slot with same driver.
SBS8878H (BNDEP SP) -> CGBP 293
Will double confirm the bus that is out, I am suspecting SBS8880A because it has been MIA for sometime already. What puzzles me is that SBS8878H left 293 and did random cameos, then replaced SBS8222A for a whole week, then returned to 293 with a new ad this week.
[HG 161 SL SP].
Originally posted by TIB1234T:SBS9587R
[HG 161SL SP].
Late update. TIB783G updated this redeployment on the 26th November wich was exactly 1 week ago.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Late update. TIB783G updated this redeployment on the 26th November wich was exactly 1 week ago.
No wonder never see it on 161...
Im awaiting 60 & 154 to be handed over to Bndep.If 48 & 93 can partial Bn also great can relieve space at Arbp.St Mikes can go under Brbp purview with Bndep taking some of 21 duties.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Im awaiting 60 & 154 to be handed over to Bndep.If 48 & 93 can partial Bn also great can relieve space at Arbp.St Mikes can go under Brbp purview with Bndep taking some of 21 duties.
I would have thought 60 should have gone first to BNDEP. Makes sense for 48 to go BNDEP. In fact should be majority BNDEP control, minority ARBP.
Originally posted by TIB1234T:No wonder never see it on 161...
while 3684H replaced 9587R on 161 liao !