Originally posted by TIB1234T:Spottings at 8.05 - 9.20AM:
SMB220S on 177A [Ferry Svc/SP].
SMB1384X on 176 [WL SP].
TIB478M on 587 [WL 178/178A].
TIB494R on 966 [WL 961].
TIB572Z on 856 [AM SP].
TIB753T on 187 [WL SP].
TIB1234T on 960 [WL SP].
Spottings at 8.30 - 9.40PM:
SMB42P on 61 [KJ 970].
SMB1344L on 961 [WL SP].
SMB1357A on 960 [WL SP].
TIB789R on 960 [WL 75].
572Z is 851/856 x-over?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:572Z is 851/856 x-over?
SBS8079Y 123 (ARBP 16)
SBS8059E 111 (ARBP 123)
3658J On 58 (AMDEP SP)
3649K On 168 (BNDEP SP) 7589Z Slot
9289B On 168 (BNDEP SP) 7573T S shift slot
7599U On 168 (BNDEP 7) 7570B A/P slot
011113 (Fri)
99: SBS9471R
172: TIB546A
179: SBS7506M
187: SMB199X
188: TIB771R
192: SBS3146U
193: SBS1931H
199: SBS3120T (Perm or crossover?), SBS7568J, SBS9311U (replace 9261)
300: TIB968R (433 slot) , TIB1086D
302: SMB56A (suspected replacing 546)
There's a A22 doing NR7 is that considered rare?
2 Nov 2013
3185G 168
1112L 857
SBS 7719R ON 72 (AMDEP 70)
SBS 5199D ON 88 (BRBP SP)
SBS 1981M ON 109 (HGDEP 156)
SBS 2631S ON 109 (HGDEP 156) both 963 & 2612 also on svc !
SBS 6127E ON 109 (HGDEP 151)
SBS 6676L ON 109 (BNDEP SP)
SBS 8496B ON 109 (BNDEP 15)
SBS 918D ON 159 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 2691T ON 159 (HGDEP 165)
SBS 6097H ON 159 (HGDEP 158)
SBS 964U ON 161 (HGDEP 112)
SBS 1995Z ON 161 (HGDEP 112)
SBS 1997T ON 161 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 2665U ON 161 (HGDEP 101)
SBS 2666S ON 161 (HGDEP 112)
SBS 2675R ON 161 (HGDEP 101)
Today perm DDs on 161 hv 3090 3602 3664 3665 3666
TIB611U (KJDEP SP) - Ex-perm!
TIB602X (WLDEP 859) - replacing TIB615J
TIB744U - on TIB812G's slot
TIB756K (WLDEP SP) - on TIB813D's slot
TIB858A (WLDEP 184/SP) - before TIB815Z
TIB1182J (WLDEP 963)
TIB447C (WLDEP 187)
SMB250E (WLBP 167) - before SMB238S
SMB1394S (WLDEP SP) - 187 receiving new buses? Behind TIB1025E
TIB488J (WLBP 167)
TIB1178Y (WLDEP SP) - this bus likes to do 187
TIB1034D (KJDEP 190) - between TIB1087B and TIB560H
TIB599Y (KJDEP 67) - replaced by bendy?
TIB740E (KJDEP 307) - C.C.K feeders jumping around again...
SMB27J (AMDEP 854) - rigid cameo again!
TIB621R (AMDEP 61) - haven't seen it for a while...
TIB440X (WLBP 857) - this bus likes jumping around...
TIB443M (WLBP 961) - WLBP 961 buses like to do 852...
TIB743Y (AMDEP 804)
TIB822C (WLDEP 971E/962)
TIB861P (WLDEP 184)
TIB1176C (WLDEP 811) - not first time...
TIB866B (WLDEP 184/SP)
SMB3071K (WLDEP 860)
TIB1225U (WLDEP 169/SP)
TIB632J (WLDEP SP) - rigid cameo again!
TIB1039R (WLDEP 911/SP)
TIB980D (WLDEP 913)
TIB1047S (WLDEP 911/SP)
TIB1193C (WLDEP 903)
TIB1190K (WLDEP 912)
SMB1377S (KJDEP 945/188)
SMB204P (KJDEP 177/77/189)
TIB1226S (WLDEP 963)
TIB476T (WLDEP 176) - not the first time...
TIB757H (WLDEP 176) - 3rd consecutive time spotted...
176: 745S
178: 340D 282M 315C 316A (1311G-1314Z)
542K and 779U x-over to 178
960: 1345J
961: 449Y 1343P
SBS1994B on 43 [HG SP].
SBS1997T on 161 [HG SP].
SBS2675R on 161 [HG 101].
SBS3185G on 168 [AM 55].
SBS3345L on 293 [BN 2]!!! Bunched with SBS3637U & a DM B10M @ last stop bef Int, 3 buses in a row...
SBS3638S on 12 [BN SP].
SBS3649K on 168 [BN SP].
SBS3651C on 222 [BN SP].
SBS6126H on 225G [BN 9/35].
SBS6673U on 401 [BN SP].
SBS6685K on 401 [BN SP].
SBS6686H on BDK svc [BN SP].
SBS6687E on 228 [BN SP].
SBS8323S on 401 [BN 5].
SBS8529R on 197 [BN 2].
SBS8563R on 225G [BN SP].
SBS8663K on 2 [BN 197].
SBS9289B on 168 [BN SP].
SBS9378C on 168 [AM 55]!!!
SMB160G on 853 [AM 857].
SMB250E on 187 [WL 167].
SMB329M on 961 [WL 75].
SMB347K on 966 [WL 960].
SMB353S on 700A [WL 981/882/859].
SMB1352M on 171 [WL SP].
SMB1355E on 965 [WL SP].
SMB1377S on 926 [KJ 945/188/530/941].
SMB1378P on 961 [WL SP].
SMB1390C on 187 [WL SP].
SMB3001M on 904 [WL 858]. First BSEP MAN...
TIB456B on 171 [AM SP].
TIB467U on 960 [WL 900].
TIB468S on 926 [KJ 61].
TIB481C on 960 [WL 961]!!! The only O405 with unused red rear EDS... Same EDS as TIB872H last time...
TIB508K on 853 [AM SP].
TIB523R on 853 [AM SP].
TIB582U on 178 [WL SP].
TIB760Y on 854 [WL 859].
TIB822C on 854 [WL 971E/962].
TIB855H on 187 [WL 184/SP].
TIB861P on 854 [WL 184/SP].
TIB864G on 187 [WL 176].
TIB879P on 960 [WL 964].
TIB977P on 960 [WL 962].
TIB980D on 912 [WL 913].
TIB994P on 190 [KJ 180].
TIB1061A on 900 [WL 963].
TIB1098U on 960 [WL SP]. 6th week... Covers TIB1142A when refurb, now covering for TIB1091M...
TIB1165J on 960 [WL 962].
TIB1183G on 912 [WL 900].
Originally posted by ooxFire0x:Just Making fun of your stupid hobby =D that why i am here
Ahh..no wonder you look even stupid lah...not bad, keep up the level of stupid you have now
Originally posted by ooxFire0x:At least i am not crazy and stupid like you guys, stalking bus and other shit
i have diffrent things to do, not like u guys having such a weird hobby.
Crazy? Stupid? Have different things to do?
Spelling mistakes eh
If you got different things to do, why are you still here? Showing your level of stupid? Or really nothing better to do? Or your hobby is commenting on others? Weirdess hobby from you...
SBS5073H (BN SP) on 18
SBS6272T (BN SP) on 19
SBS8319E (BN SP) on 15
Originally posted by ooxFire0x:Hmmm people do make mistake u know, i showing off my level of stupid? i think you guys are the one, oh please, taking picture of a bus SERIOUSLY? And making your own bus route, etc. oh my god ,dumb people doing such shit
Oh, even after edit? Simple word leh...
Oh please, coming here making yourself stupid by commenting on others. Didn't you said you have different things to do? Go do la? Why are you still here? Oh my god, imaginary people
Originally posted by ooxFire0x:Just Wanting to make fun of your hobby, and also chatting with you, since you keep replying back to me, =D, like i say, not all people are perfect, if you are, than you must be god then.
Oh, so fun ah? Boliao max. Talking to some stupid like you, seriously makes me feel facepalm. How old are you ah?
Like what you said, not all people are perfect, no doubt there's some unusual stuff done by people.
Seriously, enough talking to stupid people like you lah...how old already still find it fun. Damn shocking if you're >13... Peace and happy stupid life of yours, enjoy making fun of others. You'll realise it's seriously something stupid one day :)
Originally posted by ooxFire0x:Then why you keep replying to me? you bo liao or wat? you no friends is it? are you sad that you have no friend because of this hobby? well sorry to disappoint you i not even under 13 years old, i am above 13, but still i find your hobby weird and stupid. who in the world will take photo of a bus when u can ride it in your daily life?
Nahh, I'm seriously shocking that you can't even infer. No sense of respect also
Who wants to reply to you anyway? Look who's the bo liao here first bah, telling others you have different things to do, yet you're idling here. If you find it weird, then be it. I also find you weird, stupid and even a loner...seriously
If you don't know the real purpose behind it, ask lah. Didn't your teacher/parents taught you? "Don't know must ask", heard before?
Originally posted by ooxFire0x:don talk cock la, u thing you are my fucking teacher ah? oh please, i got manners, but i will not respect weird people like you guys, stalking bus, then taking video inside the bus, people think you already crazy la. I don understand why there weird people like you guys.
and also i think you always like to use the word "Retarded" Are you refering to yourself? i so then i feel sad for you, doing such a weird hobby.
woah..think became thing, joke Keyboard warrior detected anyway...
No wonder still not mature and yet stupid la...even if people think we're "crazy", at least they would kindly ask first, not like you.
Anyway peace I don't see a point now, since you couldn't even help yourself already.
Happy Deepavali, Namaste and Alvida
Anyway, please don't use vulgar ;) It makes you no different as the guy whom claim that he have manners...like WOAH..