Originally posted by 23ispolo:No wonder I suspect that there are perm O405s on 853. Will be nice if TIB750B and TIB776C would become 853 perm again...(I know its impossible
It will not come back to 853 until its lifespan expired
SMB1379L on 856
SMB1354H on 966
SMB1352M on 961
TIB731G on 176
TIB776C on 61
TIB763P on RWS8
TIB825U on 188R
SMB1394S on 963R
SMB1362J on 963R
TIB1046U on 912
TIB1189R on 903
TIB476T on 184
SMB331E on 901
SMB1342S on 963
TIB1230D on 960
TIB1076H on 913
TIB1039R on 901
TIB1070Z on 903
SBS7450P on 166
SBS3657L on 143
SBS9408A on 65
7517G On 168 (AMDEP 22)
3165P On 8 (BRBP 94/585)
7722E On 28 (BRBP 154) AIA Vitality! near side offside all gone case!
7585J On 28 (BRBP 154) Subway!
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:
SLBP loves to cameo its new WEGs on sv 51, but hasn't given it a new WEG in a long long time.
dat could be this sv 51 from SLBP side Hv all already replaced out all their VO3X with this CDGE & WEGs DDs early on unless they also want to replace out the only 2 SD slots to DD slots from their side or take out this CDGE Buses to exchange loh like AM/BR doing now take out this KUBs & replacing to CITAROs to some of their svcs.
28 OCT 2013 MONDAY
SBS 3673P ON 25 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 9821P ON 72 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 3678B ON 74 (BBDEP SP)
SBS 9646D ON 76 (AMDEP SP)
SBS 1948K ON 80 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 1994B ON 87 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 3257H ON 87 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 3665M ON 87 (HGDEP 161)
SBS 3653Y ON 88 (BRBP 157)
SBS 3675J ON 88 (AM/BR SP)
SBS 9355T ON 88 (BRBP SP)
SBS 9613Z ON 88 (BRBP SP)
SBS 9326C ON 89 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 1978Z ON 107 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 1997T ON 109 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 6091Z ON 109 (HGDEP 83)
SBS 6356K ON 109 (BNDEP 354)
SBS 6100G ON 112 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 8236K ON 113 (HGDEP 80)
SBS 3672S ON 147 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 8615A ON 147 (HGDEP 151)
SBS 9294K ON 147 (HGDEP SP)
SBS 6643G ON 153 (HGDEP SP) this bus seem keep doing on this svc lately !
SBS 945A ON 159 (HGDEP 80)
SBS 8622D ON 159A (HGDEP SP)
SBS 8640B ON 159 (HGDEP 163)
SBS 9534T ON 161 (HGDEP 74)
SBS 9539E ON 161 (HGDEP 147)
SBS 963Y ON 325 (HGDEP 109)
SBS 8249Z ON 325 (HGDEP 156)
SBS 6219Z ON 372 (HGDEP 156)
SBS 8033 D on 183 (SLBP SP) - Ex-Perm
**Spotted tdy at 12:35pm approx. at Clementi, same time spotted on 24 Oct'13, suspect this bus might be doing 183 on alternate days, or weekdays only alternating.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:I have noticed 335 has quite a few people boarding it at Chinese Garden MRT. Last week, twice I was there and saw buses between 18.00 and 19.30 hours going with full loads. This was not the case before.
I think with improved frequency, more people are taking 335 from Chinese Garden, who were earlier maybe taking 98/187 from Lakeside or 334 from Jurong. Having said that, the other services also have packed loads during PM peak.
Observe 335 approximately an hour later from 7.30 pm. That's when the real loads come in.
28 October 2013 (Monday)
SBS2598E on Service 255 (SLBP 193)
SBS3659G on Service 174 (SLBP SP)
SBS5091E on Service 154 (BRBP 94)
SBS5137H on Service 192 (SLBP 193)
SBS7398H on Service 98 (SLBP 51)
SBS7622K on Service 157 (BRBP 143)
SBS7682L on Service 99 (BBDEP 198)
SBS8207U on Service 240 (SLBP 157)
SBS8736J on Service 157 (BRBP SP)
SBS8932J on Service 194 (SLBP 192)
SBS9291T on Service 251 (SLBP SP)
SBS9311U on Service 52 (SLBP SP)
SBS9373R on Service 251 (SLBP 257)
SBS9403M on Service 249 (SLBP SP)
SBS9475E on Service 198 (BBDEP 74)
SBS9555H on Service 199 (SLBP 174)
SBS9827Z on Service 154 (AMDEP 125)
TIB1126Y on Service 106 (KJDEP 188)
TIB1130J on Service 184 (WLDEP 856)
SMB2E on Service 941 (KJDEP 947/941/189A)
SMB69M on Service 941 (KJDEP 947)
SMB119C on Service 947 (KJDEP 700)
SMB206J on Service 173 (KJDEP 177/925)
SMB213M on Service 172 (KJDEP 307)
SMB1351R on Service 852 (WLDEP SP)
SMB1366Z on Service 187 (WLDEP 811)
28.10.2013 Monday
TIB890E - 911
TIB1067J - 912
TIB1179U - 903
TIB1187X - 912
TIB1189R - 911
TIB1190K - 911
TIB1228L - 912
TIB1247G - 911
- 2 MAN on 913 n 913E respectively, both depart at 4pm together
3676G 89
SBS3669C on 168 [AM SP].
SMB109G on 925 [KJ 985].
SMB299R on 950 [WL 962].
SMB344T on 963 [WL SP/963R].
SMB1382B on 176 [WL SP].
TIB443M on 75 [WL 961].
TIB468S on 190 [KJ 61].
TIB595H on 190 [KJ 970].
TIB733B on 925 [WL 75].
TIB753T on 187 [WL SP].
TIB761U on 963 [WL 176].
TIB768B on 190 [KJ 106].
TIB807Y on 190 [KJ SP].
TIB827P on 184 [WL 971E/169/903].
TIB1025E on 184 [WL 187].
TIB1041H on 184 [WL 969/911E].
TIB1047S on 960 [WL 911].
TIB1098U on 960 [WL SP]. Might be replacing TIB1159C as temp perm...
TIB1111P on 913 [WL SP].
TIB1189R on 911 [WL 913].
TIB1235R on 190 [KJ 176].
TIB1247G on 911 [WL 901].
SMB1380G on 913
TIB1039R on 913
TIB1247G on 911
SMB3079P on 858
TIB1180P on 856
TIB1179U on 903
TIB1025E on 900
SMB1378P on 176
Unknown MAN on 173
SBS3669C on 168
SBS7302J (BN 21) on 23
SBS8301E (BN SP) on 291
SBS8641Z (BN SP) on 18
SBS8662M (CG 8) on 291
TIB871K (WL SP) on 969
3057T On sv.161 (HGDEP 147)
9572H On Sv.28 (BNDEP SP)
7600Z On Sv.28 (BNDEP 69)
7394T On Sv.30 (SLBP 98)
Originally posted by SBS9C:28/10/2013
SBS7302J (BN 21) on 23
SBS8301E (BN SP) on 291
SBS8641Z (BN SP) on 18
SBS8662M (CG 8) on 291TIB871K (WL SP) on 969
Btw 7302J is still bearing with the expired ad?
Originally posted by TIB1234T:SMB299R on 950 [WL 962].
TIB733B on 925 [WL 75].
TIB768B on 190 [KJ 106].
TIB827P on 184 [WL 971E/169/903].
TIB1025E on 184 [WL 187].
TIB1041H on 184 [WL 969/911E].
TIB1098U on 960 [WL SP]. Might be replacing TIB1159C as temp perm...
1. Thats when the non-950 perm MANs come in...
2. Only see TIB733B on 75 on weekends...
3. TIB768B add in to supplement the load?
4. TIB827P, TIB1025E and TIB1041H all cameo on 184...
5. TIB1159C under refurbishment?
TIB507M on 960
SMB1350T on 960
TIB737R on 961
TIB582U on 962
TIB757H on 963
SMB1381D on 966
SMB1397J on 187
TIB441T on 187
TIB753T on 187
TIB762S on 964
TIB1105H on 903
TIB1109Y on 903
TIB1191H on 913
TIB972C on 925
TIB511A on 925
TIB1098U on 969
TIB750B @ BKE after KJE towards PIE
SMB1383Z @ BPJ Road
TIB1159C on Off Service @ WRI- Not under refurbishment
TIB542K on Off Service @ WRI
7702M On 143 (SLBP 183)
9539E On 161 (HGDEP 147)
891X On 166 (AMDEP SP)
6643G On 153 (HGDEP SP) still doing 153 now! Onboard now!
Originally posted by SBS5111G:
6643G On 153 (HGDEP SP) still doing 153 now! Onboard now!
might be perm on this svc liao with 153 svc guide seen on bus and this bus on this svc for quite some time also .
SBS 6140R ON 161
SBS 8261L ON 161
3050L On 153 (HGDEP 43) since when 153 take in many latest buses? Usually is older ones
with the recent in take of WEGs from HGDEP sv 107 & 153 might hv chance to get some share bah .
SBS6643G is perm 153
SBS3166L on 88
Originally posted by Lsk138:with the recent in take of WEGs from HGDEP sv 107 & 153 might hv chance to get some share bah .
Never c on 107 leh bro