I like 2615P's quizzes sia, any more for us?
simple question:
Name this service A which is a loop service
1st bus stop of A from its terminal have 5 services (no of services as per stated on bus stop plate, so will exclude those A/B service but will include M service,nightowl/premium)
2nd bus stop of A from its terminal have 4 services
3rd bus stop of A from its terminal have 5 services (exactly the same service as 1st bus stop)
4th bus stop of A from its terminal have 4 services.
2nd/3rd/4th bus stop are along the same road....
There are two services A and B, they are very good friends. From Interchange C they will travel together until a junction near Condo D where A will turn left and B will turn right. Within 15 stops after B turns right it will pass by Interchange C twice.
Question: Identify all unknowns.
Originally posted by SMB128B:There are two services A and B, they are very good friends. From Interchange C they will travel together until a junction near Condo D where A will turn left and B will turn right. Within 15 stops after B turns right it will pass by Interchange C twice.
Question: Identify all unknowns.
A=14 and B=222? D is the tanamera? C=Bedok interchange?
Originally posted by lemon1974:simple question:
Name this service A which is a loop service
1st bus stop of A from its terminal have 5 services (no of services as per stated on bus stop plate, so will exclude those A/B service but will include M service,nightowl/premium)
2nd bus stop of A from its terminal have 4 services
3rd bus stop of A from its terminal have 5 services (exactly the same service as 1st bus stop)
4th bus stop of A from its terminal have 4 services.
2nd/3rd/4th bus stop are along the same road....
Originally posted by lemon1974:A=14 and B=222? D is the tanamera? C=Bedok interchange?
There is this service, which piles the same two interchanges with two other services. Its next proceeding svc (definition: eg. proceeding svc of 162 is 163) plies the same 4 stops as this svc from one of the svc's terminus.
Warm-up question: Identify the service.
Question: What is so special of this service's fleet?
This should be really damn easy.
Originally posted by SMB128B:There is this service, which piles the same two interchanges with two other services. Its next proceeding svc (definition: eg. proceeding svc of 162 is 163) plies the same 4 stops as this svc from one of the svc's terminus.
Warm-up question: Identify the service.
Question: What is so special of this service's fleet?
This should be really damn easy.
Service 196.
It has two services with same interchange: 7, 14
Its proceeding svc 197 shares the same 4 stops from the service terminus (Bedok Interchange).
I am not sure what is special about this service's fleet.
There is also another alternative for this answer.
Answer: Sv 28
Shares same two interchanges Tampines and Toa Payoh with sv 8 and 31.
Its proceeding service 29 shares same 4 stops from Tampines Interchange.
What is special about its fleet - I don't know!!
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Service 196.
It has two services with same interchange: 7, 14
Its proceeding svc 197 shares the same 4 stops from the service terminus (Bedok Interchange).
I am not sure what is special about this service's fleet.
Both not my fixed answer, but I will take that as correct alternatives for my warm-up question! :D
Originally posted by SMB128B:Both not my fixed answer, but I will take that as correct alternatives for my warm-up question! :D
18? same int as 69 and 38 proceeding service 19 same 4 stops from Tampines whats so special? erm cos it has only 1 non WAB bus?
Originally posted by SBS2615P:18? same int as 69 and 38 proceeding service 19 same 4 stops from Tampines whats so special? erm cos it has only 1 non WAB bus?
Warm-up bullseye! But that's not the special thing...
Should be really easy now!
Originally posted by SMB128B:Warm-up bullseye! But that's not the special thing...
Should be really easy now!
special is because the 2 bendies?
Originally posted by SBS2615P:special is because the 2 bendies?
Yes correct! I told you it's damn easy
Originally posted by 23ispolo:New one:
1. Which Sentosa bus service connects the east of Sentosa to Beach Station?
2. Which is the only Sentosa Volvo B7RLE with a Mobitec EDS? (Clue: Bus 2 perm)
3. Which SMRT bus service has all the Volgren O405s from that particular depot?
4. Give me the first Batch 1 O405 with all the aircon ducts inside the bus (including the door panels and driver's cab) that have the Batch 2 black vents on the side.
5. Which 2 bus services serving Punggol Ter are not under HGDEP control?
6. Which 190 perm Mobitec EDS O405 ever cameoed on 188R? (Note: Still a KJDEP 190 bus)
7. Name me the bus service which is the longest trunk service. (Clue: The 1st and 3rd digits are the same and one of these similar digits is 3 more than the 2nd digit)
8. Which is the only Sentosa Volvo B7RLE with orange aircon ducts, like the coaches? (Clue: Bus 2 perm, former Bus 3 perm)
9. Which Sentosa bus service gets very crowded, due to visitors going from Imbiah Lookout to Underwater World?
10. Give me the Sentosa Bus 1 perm Volvo B7RLE which used to serve the Yellow Line. (Clue: MK II B7RLE)
1. Bus 3 (Answered by user SMB128B)
2. PA4139M
3. RWS8 (except TIB958U, answered by user SMB42P)
4. TIB542K (Repeated question! )
5. 3 and 136 (Answered by user SMB42P too)
6. TIB552G (Answered by user SMB42P as well)
7. 858 (Answered by user TIB1173K)
8. PA5286P (actually, should be the only MK II, since RU3721U [MK I] also have them )
9. Bus 1 (Answered by user SMB128B too)
10. PA5278M
New Quiz (with repeated questions )
1. Which bus service went from AMDEP to WLDEP control last year? (Many 176 perm O405s cameo on this Yishun service )
2. Which O405 with purple seats had an old Crizal ad, when it permed 77? (Clue: It now perms 67)
3. Which bus services ply Nicoll Highway, before heading to Shenton Way? (User BusAnalayzer should know... )
4. Which Batch 3 O405 got a POSB ad, then a Fisherman's Friend Lemon ad? (Clue: Now has the Bushiroad ad!)
5. Which is the only bus service to ply all the bus stops along Marymount Road?
6. Which KJDEP 190 perm O405 with green seats ever cameoed on 188R?
Originally posted by 23ispolo:New Quiz (with repeated questions
1. Which bus service went from AMDEP to WLDEP control last year? (Many 176 perm O405s cameo on this Yishun service
2. Which O405 with purple seats had an old Crizal ad, when it permed 77? (Clue: It now perms 67)
3. Which bus services ply Nicoll Highway, before heading to Shenton Way? (User BusAnalayzer should know...
4. Which Batch 3 O405 got a POSB ad, then a Fisherman's Friend Lemon ad? (Clue: Now has the Bushiroad ad!)
5. Which is the only bus service to ply all the bus stops along Marymount Road?
6. Which KJDEP 190 perm O405 with green seats ever cameoed on 188R?
3. 10, 70, 196
Originally posted by 23ispolo:New Quiz (with repeated questions
1. Which bus service went from AMDEP to WLDEP control last year? (Many 176 perm O405s cameo on this Yishun service
2. Which O405 with purple seats had an old Crizal ad, when it permed 77? (Clue: It now perms 67)
3. Which bus services ply Nicoll Highway, before heading to Shenton Way? (User BusAnalayzer should know...
4. Which Batch 3 O405 got a POSB ad, then a Fisherman's Friend Lemon ad? (Clue: Now has the Bushiroad ad!)
5. Which is the only bus service to ply all the bus stops along Marymount Road?
6. Which KJDEP 190 perm O405 with green seats ever cameoed on 188R?
5. 851
Originally posted by 23ispolo:New Quiz (with repeated questions
1. Which bus service went from AMDEP to WLDEP control last year? (Many 176 perm O405s cameo on this Yishun service
2. Which O405 with purple seats had an old Crizal ad, when it permed 77? (Clue: It now perms 67)
3. Which bus services ply Nicoll Highway, before heading to Shenton Way? (User BusAnalayzer should know...
4. Which Batch 3 O405 got a POSB ad, then a Fisherman's Friend Lemon ad? (Clue: Now has the Bushiroad ad!)
5. Which is the only bus service to ply all the bus stops along Marymount Road?
6. Which KJDEP 190 perm O405 with green seats ever cameoed on 188R?
1. 811
2. TIB561E
3. 10 70 196
4. TIB815Z
5. 851
Originally posted by SBS2615P:try this:
Service B&C are good buddies. They travel together until Avenue M. Then they will say good bye to each other for a while.So after B & C went to their routes, they meet back at Road N. From then on they will travel together.
Upon reaching expressway O, Service A, who starts at the same interchange as B & C, joins them on their journey.
Halfway through the journey, A & B needs to go to the ''washroom''. After A & B came out of the ''washroom'', the 3 services carry on their journey on expressway P
So they travelled on the expressway till they reached Avenue Q where A will say ''goodbye'' to B and ''See You Later'' to C.After saying good bye to A, B&C carry on their journey till they reach Avenue R, there B will say good bye to C and will carry on its journey on expressway P to its looping point
A and C meets each other again at Avenue S for a short while then they will proceed on to their respective interchanges.
Identify Service A B & C, Avenues M, R, Q and S. Expressway O and P, and Road N and the ''washroom''
This should be quite easy.
Not sure if anyone noticed. but i missed out KTPH part for 858(B) totally slipped my mind.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:New Quiz (with repeated questions
1. Which bus service went from AMDEP to WLDEP control last year? (Many 176 perm O405s cameo on this Yishun service
2. Which O405 with purple seats had an old Crizal ad, when it permed 77? (Clue: It now perms 67)
3. Which bus services ply Nicoll Highway, before heading to Shenton Way? (User BusAnalayzer should know...
4. Which Batch 3 O405 got a POSB ad, then a Fisherman's Friend Lemon ad? (Clue: Now has the Bushiroad ad!)
5. Which is the only bus service to ply all the bus stops along Marymount Road?
6. Which KJDEP 190 perm O405 with green seats ever cameoed on 188R?
Yes I do :)
3. 10, 10E, 70, 70M (suntec), 196, 196A, 196E
Originally posted by 23ispolo:New Quiz (with repeated questions
1. Which bus service went from AMDEP to WLDEP control last year? (Many 176 perm O405s cameo on this Yishun service
2. Which O405 with purple seats had an old Crizal ad, when it permed 77? (Clue: It now perms 67)
3. Which bus services ply Nicoll Highway, before heading to Shenton Way? (User BusAnalayzer should know...
4. Which Batch 3 O405 got a POSB ad, then a Fisherman's Friend Lemon ad? (Clue: Now has the Bushiroad ad!)
5. Which is the only bus service to ply all the bus stops along Marymount Road?
6. Which KJDEP 190 perm O405 with green seats ever cameoed on 188R?
1) 811
2) TIB517J
3) 10,70,196
4) TIB815Z
5) 851
6) TIB513U
Originally posted by SMB42P:1) 811
2) TIB517J
3) 10,70,196
4) TIB815Z
5) 851
6) TIB513U
Nice! You got them all correct!
Originally posted by SBS2615P:1. 811
2. TIB561E
3. 10 70 196
4. TIB815Z
5. 851
All correct, except Qn 2...
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Yes I do :)
3. 10, 10E, 70, 70M (suntec), 196, 196A, 196E