Originally posted by 23ispolo:Another clue: This bus is TIB5***, with Mobitec EDS and from KJDEP... (Sarpino's Pizza ad too)
ooh ooh! paiseh..i didnt see the KJDEP thing..so i was trying AMDEP buses instead...got to be 517 liao...i @.@ liao..
Originally posted by SMB42P:
ooh ooh! paiseh..i didnt see the KJDEP thing..so i was trying AMDEP buses instead...got to be 517 liao...i @.@ liao..
Yep, you got it! YAY, ALL questions have been answered!
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Yep, you got it! YAY, ALL questions have been answered!
haha yup! finally! :)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:1. Which two bus services duplicate each other to Bedok Int from Hougang?
2. Which Volgren O405 with LAWO Aluma EDS is still in its original depot (when it started service)?
3. Which bus service plys Scotts Road after Whitley Road? (Clue: TIB605M's last perm service)
4. Name me 10 Batch 1 O405 OACs with original aircon ducts (which do not have any black vents on the side). (Clue: 1 perms 187, 2 perm 190, 1 perms 188, 1 perms 302, 1 is AMDEP spare, 1 perms 67, 1 perms 106, 1 perms 965 and 1 perms 858)
5. Which bus stop uses a former bus interchange (Clue: It is 115's starting and terminating point)
6. Which two OAC O405s with green seats have a red middle 'BUS STOPPING' sign? (Clue: Both buses are perm 67)
7. Which bus service has many of its ex-perms appearing on it again? (Clue: It goes to Harbourfront Int)
8. Which VO3X was perm 10, before becoming perm 65?
1. 25 and 854 (Answered by user SMB128B)
2. TIB959S (Answered by user SMB42P)
3. 700/A (Answered by user SMB128B too)
4.- Answered by user At The Bed: TIB447C (WLDEP 187), TIB521X (KJDEP 106)
- Answered by user SMB42P: TIB473B (WLBP 965), TIB513U and TIB515P (KJDEP 190), TIB517J (KJDEP 67), TIB545C (WLBP 858), TIB546A (KJDEP 302/SP), TIB547Y (KJDEP 188), TIB550L (AMDEP SP)
- Answered by user SMB128B (because you tell me to credit you ): TIB473B (WLBP 965) (Answered by user SMB42P too)
5. Hougang St 21, former Hougang South Bus Inerchange (Answered by user SMB128B too)
6. TIB475X (Answered by users At The Bed and SMB42P) and TIB600B (Answered by user At the Bed too)
7. 188 (Answered by user SMB128B too)
8. SBS9408A (Answered by user SBS 7603R)
Quiz (New Year Eve edition):
1. Which bus service went under WLDEP from AMDEP this year? (Clue: Yishun Int service)
2. Which Batch 1 O405 (with the specs of the Batch 2s) ever cameoed on both 811 and 911, when it was adless? (Clue: There is a video about it doing 911 on Youtube by user TIB770T...)
3. How many bus service(s) connect Kent Ridge MRT Stn to Kent Ridge Ter?
4. Give me the first Batch 1 O405 with Batch 2 specs (the aircon ducts all with the black vents).
5. Which bus service is like a Townlink, but connects a industrial area to a private housing area?
6. Which 5 Batch 1 O405s have the specs of the Batch 2s? (Clue: 2 perm 176, 1 perms 188/188R, 1 perms 970, 1 is SP/188R)
7. Which is the first bus service introduced under BSEP?
8. Give me the only trunk service which uses MCE currently, after being diverted.
9. Give me the bus services that ply Guilemard Road (Include the weekend service(s) in too)
10. Which O405G Habit has both a Hispano logo carved into the rear engine cover and the original fabric seats? (Clue: 903 perm)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Quiz (New Year Eve edition):
1. Which bus service went under WLDEP from AMDEP this year? (Clue: Yishun service)
2. Which Batch 1 O405 (with the specs of the Batch 2s) cameoed on both 811 and 911? (Clue: There is a video about it doing 911 on Youtube by user TIB770T...)
3. How many bus service(s) connect Kent Ridge MRT Stn to Kent Ridge Ter?
4. Give me the first Batch 1 O405 with Batch 2 specs (the aircon ducts all with the black vents).
5. Which bus service is like a Townlink, but connects a industrial area to a private housing area?
6. Which 5 Batch 1 O405s have the specs of the Batch 2s? (Clue: 2 perm 176, 1 perms 188/188R, 1 perms 970, 1 is SP/188R)
7. Which is the first bus service introduced under BSEP?
8. Give me the only trunk service which uses MCE currently, after being diverted.
9. Give me the bus services that ply Guilemard Road (Include the weekend service(s) in too)
10. Which O405G Habit has both a Hispano logo carved into the rear engine cover and the original fabric seats? (Clue: 903 perm)
5) My guess is 285
7) 860
8) 30
10) TIB 1140E
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:5) My guess is 285
7) 860
8) 30
10) TIB 1140E
All correct except Qns 5.
Qns 1 - 6 and 9 left to answer!
Originally posted by 23ispolo:All correct except Qns 5.
Qns 1 - 6 and 9 left to answer!
Q5) 246??
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:Q5) 246??
Nope. 246 is a JIS. The correct service is a trunk service, with two loops. (Now, this should be easy)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Nope. 246 is a JIS. The correct service is a trunk service, with two loops. (Now, this should be easy)
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:265?
Nope. 265 is a Townlink! I'm looking for a bus service which is not a Townlink, but has two loops!
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Nope. 265 is a Townlink! I'm looking for a bus service which is not a Townlink, but has two loops!
I give up.
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:I give up.
Aiyoh. One clue: It is similar to Service 42
New year's eve question! In celebration of 2014.
Svc A is a loop svc. One digit of its service number can be found by adding up the digits of the new year. It meets up with three services here throughout its route.
Svc B is quite closely related to svc A. It runs parallel to it from svc A's looping point to a junction near a well-known old overhead bridge. It then meets with svc A at two places: one near an MRT station; and secondly at a place where a BSEP svc plies.
Svc C shares one of its terminus with another svc here. Its fleet currently holds a special DD that used to belong to another svc terminating at the terminus of two other svcs here. It meets svc E somewhere along its route.
Svc D shares both of its terminus with one other svc here each. It is also the only SMRT svc at one of its ends. It meets with a svc that has the same two ending points with another svc here near a reservoir.
Svc E takes express sectors and while on an expressway it passes through the terminating point of two svcs here. At its looping point it meets with svc C.
Svc F does not meet with any of the svcs here, however one of its terminus has a svc terminating at the terminus of some svcs here. Lots of army beng take this service.
Question: Identify the six svcs.
Bonus Question: Identify all the unknowns.
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Aiyoh. One clue: It is similar to Service 42
Originally posted by SMB128B:49?
Wrong! Try again!
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Quiz (New Year Eve edition):
1. Which bus service went under WLDEP from AMDEP this year? (Clue: Yishun Int service)
2. Which Batch 1 O405 (with the specs of the Batch 2s) ever cameoed on both 811 and 911, when it was adless? (Clue: There is a video about it doing 911 on Youtube by user TIB770T...)
3. How many bus service(s) connect Kent Ridge MRT Stn to Kent Ridge Ter?
4. Give me the first Batch 1 O405 with Batch 2 specs (the aircon ducts all with the black vents).
5. Which bus service is like a Townlink, but connects a industrial area to a private housing area?
6. Which 5 Batch 1 O405s have the specs of the Batch 2s? (Clue: 2 perm 176, 1 perms 188/188R, 1 perms 970, 1 is SP/188R)
7. Which is the first bus service introduced under BSEP?
8. Give me the only trunk service which uses MCE currently, after being diverted.
9. Give me the bus services that ply Guilemard Road (Include the weekend service(s) in too)
10. Which O405G Habit has both a Hispano logo carved into the rear engine cover and the original fabric seats? (Clue: 903 perm)
1. 857?
Originally posted by SMB128B:1. 857?
Nope. 857 is still partial AMDEP. I meant full WLDEP from AMDEP. (Clue: It is not a trunk service)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Aiyoh. One clue: It is similar to Service 42
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Nope. 857 is still partial AMDEP. I meant full WLDEP from AMDEP. (Clue: It is not a trunk service)
Very useful clue there.
Originally posted by SMB128B:64?
Oh no! Please don't make me facepalm ah! 64 got only one loop leh... This service plys around Buona Vista!
Originally posted by SMB128B:Very useful clue there.
Yep. This was easy. (Note: This is a good clue for Question 4)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Oh no! Please don't make me facepalm ah!
64 got only one loop leh... This service plys around Buona Vista!
Haiz... Hard leh...
Originally posted by SMB128B:Haiz... Hard leh...
No. 120 has only one loop. (Clue: This bus service is a trunk which goes to Loop 1, passes by the terminal on the way back, and do Loop 2, before ending the trip)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:No. 120 has only one loop. (Clue: This bus service is a trunk which goes to Loop 1, passes by the terminal on the way back, and do Loop 2, before ending the trip)
91? XD