Originally posted by SMB128B:Shut up.
Do we look like we give a fuck for uncomfortable rides? It's the service that matters in the first place. I wouldn't want to take the horrid 950 which has so poor freq and wait at the bus stop UNCOMFORTABLY. And why fucking take 950 when the A22 buses are gonna get trashy soon since SMRT is notorious for poor maintenance.
And stop fucking saying info from BIS... The first of the brake lights info came before your shitty ass page.
Lifeless clone.
some kid trying to destroy BIS using SMB388S clone account....
Originally posted by TIB562C:some kid trying to destroy BIS using SMB388S clone account....
How is he destroying BIS? Giving it fucked up reputation?
Originally posted by SMB128B:Lol
How is he destroying BIS? Giving it fucked up reputation?
haters gonna hate the truth
Ive had enough of everyones nonsense. Id like to publicly declare all Singapore Buses facebook page admins have never used any clone accounts on sgForums to create any form of chaos. Please go and get an IT expert or any form of policing body to track. I really urge all parties to stop fighting as this is not going to do any good. As much as we have our differences, I would appreciate if everyone would learn to make peace. I may have said harsh things to the lot of you guys and all that was at the spur of the moment. We are all not a 100% angel and somewhere along the lines we mess up. I would like to publicly apologise to anyone who has ever been offended by me. And I would boldly declare that no one in Singapore Buses facebook page being an admin there. None of the admins have or would go to STOMP or sgForums and make a ruckus using clone accounts and fake names. If you have created other enemies, I cannot help you. You just have to face them yourself. Lets stop these childish chatters and move on with life
Originally posted by SBS7485P:Ive had enough of everyones nonsense. Id like to publicly declare all Singapore Buses facebook page admins have never used any clone accounts on sgForums to create any form of chaos. Please go and get an IT expert or any form of policing body to track. I really urge all parties to stop fighting as this is not going to do any good. As much as we have our differences, I would appreciate if everyone would learn to make peace. I may have said harsh things to the lot of you guys and all that was at the spur of the moment. We are all not a 100% angel and somewhere along the lines we mess up. I would like to publicly apologise to anyone who has ever been offended by me. And I would boldly declare that no one in Singapore Buses facebook page being an admin there. None of the admins have or would go to STOMP or sgForums and make a ruckus using clone accounts and fake names. If you have created other enemies, I cannot help you. You just have to face them yourself. Lets stop these childish chatters and move on with life
as an outsider, i would like to say that it is clear as light who's the troublemakers causing all the drama rah rah time and again. thanks for the gesture to restore peace to this forum, although i have to remain sceptical.
i believe that it takes 2 hands to clap (i'd prefer the chinese idiom å¤æŽŒé›£é³´ though), ignoring the clones is the best policy forward. However we always have ignorant people taking the bait and propelling them forward by quoting, responding and even picking up fights with them. it's not hard to see that most longtimers simply do not fall into such traps. there will be no meaning in whatever whoever is trying to do if there is no audience - they can make merry and continue their monologues.
see no evil, hear no evil.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:Ive had enough of everyones nonsense. Id like to publicly declare all Singapore Buses facebook page admins have never used any clone accounts on sgForums to create any form of chaos. Please go and get an IT expert or any form of policing body to track. I really urge all parties to stop fighting as this is not going to do any good. As much as we have our differences, I would appreciate if everyone would learn to make peace. I may have said harsh things to the lot of you guys and all that was at the spur of the moment. We are all not a 100% angel and somewhere along the lines we mess up. I would like to publicly apologise to anyone who has ever been offended by me. And I would boldly declare that no one in Singapore Buses facebook page being an admin there. None of the admins have or would go to STOMP or sgForums and make a ruckus using clone accounts and fake names. If you have created other enemies, I cannot help you. You just have to face them yourself. Lets stop these childish chatters and move on with life
Originally posted by SBS7485P:Ive had enough of everyones nonsense. Id like to publicly declare all Singapore Buses facebook page admins have never used any clone accounts on sgForums to create any form of chaos. Please go and get an IT expert or any form of policing body to track. I really urge all parties to stop fighting as this is not going to do any good. As much as we have our differences, I would appreciate if everyone would learn to make peace. I may have said harsh things to the lot of you guys and all that was at the spur of the moment. We are all not a 100% angel and somewhere along the lines we mess up. I would like to publicly apologise to anyone who has ever been offended by me. And I would boldly declare that no one in Singapore Buses facebook page being an admin there. None of the admins have or would go to STOMP or sgForums and make a ruckus using clone accounts and fake names. If you have created other enemies, I cannot help you. You just have to face them yourself. Lets stop these childish chatters and move on with life
Kiddos like u get stomped before~ is proven no credibility~
U r just jealous of BIS admit it~
Hoping that the SBS Transit K230UBs that will be deployed on the cross border 170/160 services in the near future have their engines fixed up or something to reduce the engine idling vibrations to a minimum if possible before they get deployed.
It's not going to be very comfortable in a jam across the causeway ><
Info from BIS most popular and number one page on Singapore buses~
Originally posted by SMB388S:Kiddos like u get stomped before~ is proven no credibility~
U r just jealous of BIS admit it~
Kiddo? You know who he is? You should be the kiddo, always using the same picture over and over again to bombard people...
It is high time peple should realize how pointless BIS and its owner's secret activities trying to suppress other people's bus activites are. A totalitarian BIS and its fellow lunatic followers trying to influence every aspect of the bus community would be a shame to all bus fans here. Is BIS able to hold people who don't like them 'accountable' to non-existent lawsuit threats? I do doubt. Fie, fie! Only the cameo otakus from Singapore Buses are a jot better than BIS.
Hoping some KUBs can be on 160/170 soon for a trial, and I would still like some OCs on 950 since it is better at loading than MANs..
Originally posted by All the Best!:Hoping some KUBs can be on 160/170 soon for a trial, and I would still like some OCs on 950 since it is better at loading than MANs..
Yes. In fact I would've doubted 858 and 950 will get full fleet A22 had it not been the Adblue issues...
The standards of this community is now significantly lower than it was years ago.
Originally posted by sgbuses:The standards of this community is now significantly lower than it was years ago.
much agreed, can we say that members then were much more civilised? lets get back to topic anyway. quarrelling about feuds made long ago isn't going to make any sense.
kubs on jb svc. that's pretty crazy. poles are already rattling in singapore, so jb leh? break off the screws ah. anyway i took a look on some buses already, the licence holder for the yearly road tax thing is there. waiting for more news.... after all the B10M mk4 buses are going to get out of JB before 2015 or 2016, so, earlier the better isn't it.
Originally posted by sgbuses:The standards of this community is now significantly lower than it was years ago.
much agreed, can we say that members then were much more civilised? lets get back to topic anyway. quarrelling about feuds made long ago isn't going to make any sense.
kubs on jb svc. that's pretty crazy. poles are already rattling in singapore, so jb leh? break off the screws ah. anyway i took a look on some buses already, the licence holder for the yearly road tax thing is there. waiting for more news.... after all the B10M mk4 buses are going to get out of JB before 2015 or 2016, so, earlier the better isn't it.
I would like to see the condition of the KUBs after being deployed on 160/170.
Originally posted by SBS1897Z:much agreed, can we say that members then were much more civilised? lets get back to topic anyway. quarrelling about feuds made long ago isn't going to make any sense.
kubs on jb svc. that's pretty crazy. poles are already rattling in singapore, so jb leh? break off the screws ah.anyway i took a look on some buses already, the licence holder for the yearly road tax thing is there. waiting for more news.... after all the B10M mk4 buses are going to get out of JB before 2015 or 2016, so, earlier the better isn't it.
would have been better if they had left some people alone and not target, attack, cyber-bully or called names , causing distress to the affected parties, or to say about trying to kick people out of the hobby.
Respect is to be earned, and i see them not getting respect as well for their actions.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:Ive had enough of everyones nonsense. Id like to publicly declare all Singapore Buses facebook page admins have never used any clone accounts on sgForums to create any form of chaos. Please go and get an IT expert or any form of policing body to track. I really urge all parties to stop fighting as this is not going to do any good. As much as we have our differences, I would appreciate if everyone would learn to make peace. I may have said harsh things to the lot of you guys and all that was at the spur of the moment. We are all not a 100% angel and somewhere along the lines we mess up. I would like to publicly apologise to anyone who has ever been offended by me. And I would boldly declare that no one in Singapore Buses facebook page being an admin there. None of the admins have or would go to STOMP or sgForums and make a ruckus using clone accounts and fake names. If you have created other enemies, I cannot help you. You just have to face them yourself. Lets stop these childish chatters and move on with life
Originally posted by SBS7485P:Ive had enough of everyones nonsense. Id like to publicly declare all Singapore Buses facebook page admins have never used any clone accounts on sgForums to create any form of chaos. Please go and get an IT expert or any form of policing body to track. I really urge all parties to stop fighting as this is not going to do any good. As much as we have our differences, I would appreciate if everyone would learn to make peace. I may have said harsh things to the lot of you guys and all that was at the spur of the moment. We are all not a 100% angel and somewhere along the lines we mess up. I would like to publicly apologise to anyone who has ever been offended by me. And I would boldly declare that no one in Singapore Buses facebook page being an admin there. None of the admins have or would go to STOMP or sgForums and make a ruckus using clone accounts and fake names. If you have created other enemies, I cannot help you. You just have to face them yourself. Lets stop these childish chatters and move on with life
SBS7485P, why is the apology only now and not much much earlier to the lot of the guys who were affected? It's apparently 3 years from what i gathered off the investigating. 3 years to realise that what you've done indirectly harmed the hobby and people whom were affected? You indirectly created enemies for one party in the past with your spur of the moment actins and now you wash your hands off?
Boycotting due to phtoography of buses. Whether true or not, i don't care but whoever who's intiating boycotts is pretty much chidlish to the core. Stupidly throwing them aside instead of respecting each and every photographer's unique abilities, forcing everybody to follow one fucking "standard". Later people became more successful in photos then realise you screwed up.
Both parties are at fault. At the spur of the moment. Harsh things. By finger pointing at one party, then badmouthing and causing the intial chaos because of defensive actions after the incident? Not to mention, your party did wrong, not respecting the company and degrading the hobby with that kind of usage. Why was the blame and claim of sabotage even exist? Then people hate that one party because of the belief he sabotaged the hobby, this already formed the basis of the hate that you are indirectly responsible for, SBS7485P.
All things have a chain effect. One party attack, the other party defend. Then the bigger party not happy still, brainwash people to boycott and dislike the smaller party, slowly eroding the support and friends away so as a way to gain back the support? Then slowly become a war.
Not to mention slowly a biasedness grow out and then causing more chaos because of the intial chaos. Honestly, I didn't see the point why people target here and there. Then create more conflicts.Then people get divided into more camps and from what i see, the person who was targetted actually lost his friends becaue of the "spur of the moment" actions.
And what is with those clone accounts happening that kept copying that party's facebook page content and posting it with nonsenical claim? Then later start to victimise that party's page and then later start to target his friends around him? What the fuck for?
Was these hate and anger even necessary? Was there benefit to attack and badmouth? Was retaliation neccessary? Wasn't it better to leave the party alone and do your own fucking things in the first place? End up today everybody hate, target and anger, and create all these bullshit. For what fuck?
I gathered that the party is seeing a doctor as well, and I do not see the point as well why people want to bring up his medical and life situation and badmouth as well, repeatedly. There's a limit to bullying as well, and i agree with many others, it has crossed the line. Not surprised why the other party retaliated as well. Even you don't respect people, respect the medical and life situation, STUPID, by leaving it out of the politics!
All of you who had participated have to make amends and work things out each other. GO and think.
brainless group of youths, do actions don't think of consequences.
SBS8057K (BBDEP 95) spotted with 3rd brakelight.... Sigh :(
Originally posted by 23ispolo:SBS8057K (BBDEP 95) spotted with 3rd brakelight.... Sigh :(
Why sigh?
Originally posted by All the Best!:Why sigh?
The answer's right above my reply... This is happening too often...
Originally posted by All the Best!:Why sigh?
sigh because finally some people realise no ponint doing all those verbal attacks and shit and creating all these chaos, after all these had happened?
Originally posted by Wright:sigh because finally some people realise no ponint doing all those verbal attacks and shit and creating all these chaos, after all these had happened?
Originally posted by Wright:sigh because finally some people realise no ponint doing all those verbal attacks and shit and creating all these chaos, after all these had happened?
I agree with you for once.......