Not surprised that both public bus operators are going for standardised bus types and bodywork, which means that one may find the fleet "boring". Foreseeable future.
That's where appreciating other things, like why, how and what of the buses are - along with the experiences of the old buses and private buses came in to this page a long time ago. Standardised doesn't mean there's nothing left in this interest after the fleet transition is complete :)
Info from BIS most popular page on Singapore Buses~
look above my post lor
Latest Post:
I'm using Google Chrome and hope that this isn't too early!
The replacements for the Hispano MK 1 bodied by Mercedes Benz O405G with a couple of MAN NG363F A24 with similar SMB388S specifications (seems to be) already delivered and awaiting registration with SMRT Buses!
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):look above my post lor
2nd post lor
The smiley face?
Ya so?
he shall be the one that will copy it and paste at here lor
User 228X/388S and his beloved BIS
Looks like someone has betrayed his fan