Originally posted by SBS 9631X:I'm pretty sure they'll use the existing SP ones for 168 before they ever touch these 3 new ones, haha. But i get what you mean.
DD overkill in BNDEP now
Maybe the BCs can request the deployer to give them some other VO3x as perm until BN really no more then change new Wrights...
Registered on 18th April 2015:
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Maybe the BCs can request the deployer to give them some other VO3x as perm until BN really no more then change new Wrights...
From recent trends though, BNDEP has a tendency to just replace the non-WABs straight with WABs when the non-WABs are deregistering...
And they only update the timetables to reflect the changes in WAB vs non-WAB timings months later anyway, haha. I haven't seen them do any immediate changes to the e-tt whenever there are Mk4s or VO3xs going for some time alr~
Registered on (20 April 2015, Monday):
Registered on (21 April 2015, Tuesday):
Registered on (22 April 2015, Wednesday):
Registered on (24 April 2015, Friday):
Registered on (28 April 2015, Tuesday):
Originally posted by Gohqianyan832:Registered on (28 April 2015, Tuesday):
Finally, all the 200 ex-Mercedes-Benz O405 DM CAC regos all registered by newer Volvo B9TL Wright B3.
i wonder will some of it go to service 145. the DD buses look like have or not have. how many are there? 4? weekend never see any of them.
Originally posted by al92:Finally, all the 200 ex-Mercedes-Benz O405 DM CAC regos all registered by newer Volvo B9TL Wright B3.
15 more to go for the July 2012 order.
Originally posted by Gohqianyan832:Registered on (28 April 2015, Tuesday):
Add-on: SBS3953G, SBS3955B, SBS3958T
Registered on (30 April 2015, Thursday):
Originally posted by Gohqianyan832:Registered on (30 April 2015, Thursday):
Add on: SBS3956Z and SBS3960K
SBS3050L, SBS3105M slots reflected as non-WAB on SBST timetable.
Saw unknown Wright on 66 today this morning..so surprise... saw it at along Jln Jurong Kecil..Finally 66 got dd.
Originally posted by Transtar Solitarie:Saw unknown Wright on 66 today this morning..so surprise... saw it at along Jln Jurong Kecil..Finally 66 got dd.
About time =) Expected this to happen.
Now how many wrights left to go for this batch.? I guess is reaching 550 soon
Originally posted by SBS5111G:3954D TO HGDEP (ON SV.161) ULTRA BLING BLING
Ytd 3952J also on 161, which i believe 3948Y will be under HG as well...
any wright on sv66 today? from the ETT, seem like the Wright are for Weekend only...
Originally posted by lemon1974:any wright on sv66 today? from the ETT, seem like the Wright are for Weekend only...
3839 was in 66 yesterday, after I boarded in.
Originally posted by al92:3839 was in 66 yesterday, after I boarded in.
Guess perm alr. But need more observation
Originally posted by al92:3839 was in 66 yesterday, after I boarded in.
yesterday is sunday... what about today???
Originally posted by SBS5111G:Now how many wrights left to go for this batch.? I guess is reaching 550 soon
11, but there was once in late August 2014 where Wrightbus and Volvo released a statement concurrently that implied that Batch 3 has 565 buses...therefore it is pending confirmation...the link to the press release is in the thread posted around that time period.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:11, but there was once in late August 2014 where Wrightbus and Volvo released a statement concurrently that implied that Batch 3 has 565 buses...therefore it is pending confirmation...the link to the press release is in the thread posted around that time period.
The last rego is 3971D for this batch. At this rate I guess no BSEP will be registered. Coz they haven register for BSEP for long time.