A new topic for every disruption is OK. People won't dig this thread when in an emergency...
I was on 897.
I was very disappointed with SBST.
Firstly, there is literally NO TRACE of a single SBS staff to help control the load at Woodleigh station. So guess what? Many just walked down to board the bus, Leaving those at the station to stand like fuck.
Secondly, I was very shocked at the freq of the shuttle. 7-8 mins per bus, worse than SMRT! To those kiddos out there who keep chanting how bendies are bad due to MRT breakdown, may I just tell u, there wasn't even ONE DD seen doing the shuttle. So forget the DDs being good in this round.
I really REALLY wish SBST can do better and stop troubling we commuters. Coz if this continues I can never imagine SBST dealing with breakdowns of Downtown Line when it opens. - SMB128B
Originally posted by SMB128B:[REPOST]
I was on 897.
I was very disappointed with SBST.
Firstly, there is literally NO TRACE of a single SBS staff to help control the load at Woodleigh station. So guess what? Many just walked down to board the bus, Leaving those at the station to stand like fuck.
Secondly, I was very shocked at the freq of the shuttle. 7-8 mins per bus, worse than SMRT! To those kiddos out there who keep chanting how bendies are bad due to MRT breakdown, may I just tell u, there wasn't even ONE DD seen doing the shuttle. So forget the DDs being good in this round.
I really REALLY wish SBST can do better and stop troubling we commuters. Coz if this continues I can never imagine SBST dealing with breakdowns of Downtown Line when it opens. - SMB128B
There was a huge traffic jam along Serangoon Rd and outside NEX.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:There was a huge traffic jam along Serangoon Rd and outside NEX.
This I understand. But at least, AT LEAST, get some staff on the road to explain the situation and control the crowds. What they did was to throw everything to the mata to settle.
And yes, maybe SBST should've considered taking Bartley Rd to Woodleigh instead, and just leave a small fraction of the 85 buses to serve those southbound, since there isn't much people going to the city by NEL at that time. Most are going home. Then the majority who should've been assigned as single trip northbound buses could take the KPE, avoiding the jam on Upp Serangoon Rd to Woodleigh and saving half of the waiting time. It may be a big round, but at least will save significant time.
Originally posted by SMB128B:[REPOST]
I was on 897.
I was very disappointed with SBST.
Firstly, there is literally NO TRACE of a single SBS staff to help control the load at Woodleigh station. So guess what? Many just walked down to board the bus, Leaving those at the station to stand like fuck.
Secondly, I was very shocked at the freq of the shuttle. 7-8 mins per bus, worse than SMRT! To those kiddos out there who keep chanting how bendies are bad due to MRT breakdown, may I just tell u, there wasn't even ONE DD seen doing the shuttle. So forget the DDs being good in this round.
I really REALLY wish SBST can do better and stop troubling we commuters. Coz if this continues I can never imagine SBST dealing with breakdowns of Downtown Line when it opens. - SMB128B
Any amount of DDs or Bendies would be useless in the time of crisis when the person in charge cannot activate them in time.
Just like the haze, they are still lost after so many breakdown.
Actually there's nothing wrong deploy DDs if the staff know what to do.
Originally posted by Bus Fan:SBST said that 85 buses were deployed but all stuck at traffic jam.
I know. They should've taken another route. And make most of them uni-direction for Punggol direction since most affected are going home.
Originally posted by SMB128B:[REPOST]
I was on 897.
I was very disappointed with SBST.
Firstly, there is literally NO TRACE of a single SBS staff to help control the load at Woodleigh station. So guess what? Many just walked down to board the bus, Leaving those at the station to stand like fuck.
Secondly, I was very shocked at the freq of the shuttle. 7-8 mins per bus, worse than SMRT! To those kiddos out there who keep chanting how bendies are bad due to MRT breakdown, may I just tell u, there wasn't even ONE DD seen doing the shuttle. So forget the DDs being good in this round.
I really REALLY wish SBST can do better and stop troubling we commuters. Coz if this continues I can never imagine SBST dealing with breakdowns of Downtown Line when it opens. - SMB128B
You sold your car and bought a pick-up because of a few occasions where your collicks wanted to car-pool but there was that wee-bit too many people?
Originally posted by SBS2601D:You sold your car and bought a pick-up because of a few occasions where your collicks wanted to car-pool but there was that wee-bit too many people?
Thing is, since there are spare DDs at rest, why not deploy those instead?
I think you can look at the depot during peak hours and tell me the answer.
Originally posted by Bus Fan:SBST: If u cant manage ur NEL, pls give up. Dun think u can operate DTL
Think in the long run. Compare how many times NEL brokedown to either NSL or EWL.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Think in the long run. Compare how many times NEL brokedown to either NSL or EWL.
Lemme just tell you that EWL is, in the recent years, the most reliable MRT line in the whole system. And tell you what, I have NOT seen EWL in the papers since two years ago. So what have you got to say?
Wait till DTL comes and the people will have to stand on the roads during breakdown.
I would have passed it off as sarcasm, till I saw the nick......