no more....gone depressing....why the bus have to retire so early.....
photos of last moments post here next week.....
+1 before lock
Do you really need a special topic for this post??
at least it still in singapore
Even the UK and HK guys wanted to preserve sbs's LO3x? Cool.
Originally posted by C151 039/040:This bus is not with the property of SBS Transit anymore
but it is with Anglican High School, waiting to be painted into new vibrant colours. So far, it needs to be re-registered, as SBS9168S does not fit as purpose.
Will it be placed at AHS permanently and what will it be used for?
time for somebody or organization to set up a bus & coach museum here.
not only local vehicles but those of special exceptional significance from overseas can also be put on permanent exhibition here. perhaps the AAS can look into this ?
Convert into restaurant and bar lor better