SMB1341U configured with 2 less seats at the front right...
SMB1364D believed to have configured with 5 less seats, 2 front per side & 1 rear right conference seat...
Not sure if this configuration is set on the other SMB135xx, SMB136xx, SMB137xx series...
Today SMB1359U is doing 981...not sure replacing which bus.
Originally posted by SMB388S:
Dumb fuck kid acting smart~ this arrangement is suggested by BIS to SMRT on facebook because the grab pole sticking out from the seats cause people getting in and out of the outer seat is quite a pain~ and SMRT adopt BIS suggestion and removed seat~
Do you even know where he suggesting? You seriously dumb seh~ See what others posted on SMRT here to hear and you just anyhow infer, no wonder end up here posting rubbish lah...It's either your reading skills poor, or you simply have cock eyes.
His feedback was regards to the front section, and here am I talking about the rear, IDIOT Oh wait, why should I be so harsh on somebody who's a parrot? Gosh~~ Scolding a parrot sial omg~
Originally posted by SMB66X:Do you even know where he suggesting? You seriously dumb seh~ See what others posted on SMRT here to hear and you just anyhow infer, no wonder end up here posting rubbish lah...It's either your reading skills poor, or you simply have cock eyes.
His feedback was regards to the front section, and here am I talking about the rear, IDIOT
Oh wait, why should I be so harsh on somebody who's a parrot? Gosh~~ Scolding a parrot sial omg~
You worse IDIOT your reading skills worst proven bus kids have cock eyes~Info from BIS~
Always has this gripe with a pair of front facing seats right after the rear wheel arch on the MAN NL323F A22 - that grab pole sticking out from the seats =X
Because of this pole, getting in and out of the outer seat is quite a pain especially if the rear facing seats above the wheel arch is occupied. And to make things worse, the first pair front facing seats at the front half of the bus just after the front wheel arch is also equipped with that grab pole....
Originally posted by SMB388S:
You worse IDIOT your reading skills worst proven bus kids have cock eyes~Info from BIS~Always has this gripe with a pair of front facing seats right after the rear wheel arch on the MAN NL323F A22 - that grab pole sticking out from the seats =X
Because of this pole, getting in and out of the outer seat is quite a pain especially if the rear facing seats above the wheel arch is occupied. And to make things worse, the first pair front facing seats at the front half of the bus just after the front wheel arch is also equipped with that grab pole....
Woah not bad seh~ I anyhow bomb 1 you also found the mistakes. I thought you're too dumb to even notice it haha~
And Mr, how has that got to do with the arrangement? If the pole is bothering, they you have just shifted the poles, not removing the seats~ And how sure are you that BIS is the one? Again bootlicking liao lorh
Originally posted by SMB66X:Woah not bad seh~ I anyhow bomb 1 you also found the mistakes. I thought you're too dumb to even notice it haha~
And Mr, how has that got to do with the arrangement? If the pole is bothering, they you have just shifted the poles, not removing the seats~ And how sure are you that BIS is the one? Again bootlicking liao lorh
Proven you are so idiot have no brain to think only know target innocent bus fan like BIS~
Must be BIS because operators always listened to BIS feedback and adopt them~ BIS say Wright and Citaro good SBST buy so many now BIS say Superlion best SMRT double order and maybe more~ BIS say MANdy is success SMRT likely get 150 MANdy in future~ so BIS say about this pole SMRT quickly remove seat and listen to BIS~ because BIS is number one Singapore Bus fan and leader of bus community~
Opps, I just fed the troll
Great to start the day on Superlion with a smile!
Do wish that more bus captains greet their passengers if possible, really makes a difference!
Info from BIS most reliable page on Singapore Buses~
Small tow big! An Isuzu tow truck tows a MAN NL323F A22 chassis towards Malaysia's Gemilang factory for bodywork assembly~
Info from BIS most reliable page on Singapore Buses~
So removing that one seat at the rear half after the right rear wheel arch which was protruding out to the aisle - it juts out just enough to actually create a possible blockage, especially when crowded, allowing for a slightly wider aisle was SMRT's solution.
Info from BIS most popular and trusted page on Singapore Buses~
Originally posted by Bus Fan:Just put need not remove.SMRT must put the original seats lost back but remove two seats on the right bef PIW space juz like SBST Citaro
Agree, that is the best that they could do already, by removing just the 2 seats it is possible to fit in more standees. Also in my opinion the seat at the rear shouldn't be removed, I don't see how much could it cause a blockage. Maybe because I am not big-sized, hence it dosen't bother me that much.
How's d horn on the A22s?Did SMRT change to O405s type?Sbst I know their air horn all change to a Ah kwa type one
Maybe Nikon and SMRT's MAN Superlion should partner together for an advertisement.
"Most stylish and comfortable public bus in Singapore - MAN A22."
Info from BIS most reliable page on Singapore Buses~
Feedbacks, comments and decision (A or B) needed! Please head to the link below, thank you.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Feedbacks, comments and decision (A or B) needed! Please head to the link below, thank you.
SBS bus horn sound like it got sore throat like that. SMRT horn is nicer. Btw Dennis Lance use airhorn ar? I heard from the inside of the bus and it sounds like it.
Some Dennis Tridents also got the same air horn like sound
Music to one's
Info from BIS most popular page on Singapore Buses~