LOOK at the photo once again .. ... Is there any sentence or quotes that says about "buses[in]gapore" at all??? Then why want to kaypoh about other people's problem??? IF they make their own mistake, then its their own problem lah!! Why must the BIS people step in?? THINK AGAIN... ... Did they feel the pinch of being "F1RST" all the time?? Excuse me, what about SMRT's F1RST Citaros and OC500LEs??
Jason Lim WD called the singapore buses page people as "cowards and incorrigible", then why does mark have grudges with Public Transport Hub, the WBEC groups, and the people from Hong Kong???
Originally posted by Boeing 787 L0VUR:Did you know that the owner of (buses[IN]gapore!) and his gang is famous for defaming people publicly on their Page?
An incident which happened a few weeks ago, when a bus company at Hong Kong bought a MAN NL323F. Apparently the owner of (buses[IN]gapore!) aka Mark Chua Yong Xiang thinks it is right for him to reupload a photo of it on his Page without asking for permission.
After the owner of the photo, Mr Ying Hang Tin, asked him politely to take it down because Mark did not sought his permission beforehand to reupload, Mark went on to argue why it was okay it reupload the photo and give him credits for it, when the website where the photo is found explictly stated that nobody is welcomed to use any material from the website without seeking permission from the photographer beforehand, in this case, Mr Tin.
After arguing with Mr Tin, he screenshot the post with Mr Tin's and his comment, and continue insisting that Mr Tin was rude with his comment, when it was Mark Chua arguing back that it is the same as sharing the photo from another Page.
Unfortunately, Mark Chua thinks that reuploading the photo to his own Page and give credits, but without permission and sharing the photo from another Page is the same. And the post with the original picture on (buses[IN]gapore!) was promptly removed by Facebook for copyright infrigement.
Screenshot below:
Another example:
A few years ago, when Mark Chua and gang apparently was unhappy with another forum group called SPT, they set up a Page called "The SPT Daily, Trivialised", posting extremely crude and defamatory comments about them everyday, until it got deleted by Facebook one day.
I wished I had screenshots of this dirty act of theirs, unfortunately I do not.
Well now, he decides to publicly defame Singapore Buses which did nothing to harm or defame (buses[IN]gapore!). They were merely making a comment, but if the shoe fits, fell free to wear it.
Apparently the shoe fits for Mark Chua.
Originally posted by dan474: