Finally HGDEP are deploying several kubs on 103 daily because citaros arent very good in handling huge loads
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:That doesn't really help then... SMRT needs to beef up capacity of its feeders/intra-towns. If the A24s are merely for one-to-one replacement, then all the feeder/intra-towns are never going to get more high capacity buses.
Even after launching DDs... if you see the number of bendies have reduced even on critical services like 300... 300 which was a full bendy service got fleet adds of only SDs and today you have 4-5 SDs on this service daily... its pathetic IMO.
They can temp use 188,190 & 963 bendies if more DDs deployed on those service..If really Budep awarded to them then you start seeing more buses registered
Originally posted by SBS7557R:That's why using DDs solely is still the most desirable solution for space-crunch Singapore, even if it has its disadvantages when deployed on short trunk and feeder routes like sv300. Encouraging more commuters to move to the upper deck may not be easy, but at least it's achievable.
that's the only logical solution... rest all is idealism.
Originally posted by SBS5010P:Finally HGDEP are deploying several kubs on 103 daily because citaros arent very good in handling huge loads
103 these days already gets packed at Jalan Kayu.. in a few months, I suspect LTA will introduce 103M to loop around Jalan Kayu from Serangoon.. and also deploy DDs.. as the load has increased almost by double in the last 2 years.
15: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [1 trip will be added]
45: ETT revision on 10/01/15 [2 trips will be added]
[Saturday/Eve of X'Mas, New Year, Chinese New Year]
183: ETT revision on 05/01/15 [1 trip removed]
222: ETT revision on 05/01/15 [2 trips removed]
229: ETT revision on 05/01/15 [3 trips removed]
261: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [4 trips will be added]
291: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [13 trips will be added]
293: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [7 trips will be added]
359: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [13 trips will be added]
Originally posted by TIB987K:Update:
15: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [1 trip will be added]
45: ETT revision on 10/01/15 [2 trips will be added]
[Saturday/Eve of X'Mas, New Year, Chinese New Year]
183: ETT revision on 05/01/15 [1 trip removed]
222: ETT revision on 05/01/15 [2 trips removed]
229: ETT revision on 05/01/15 [3 trips removed]
261: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [13 trips will be added]
291: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [13 trips will be added]
293: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [7 trips will be added]
359: ETT revision on 12/01/15 [13 trips will be added]
Looks like 261, 291, 293 and 359 are up for another BSEP add.
Didn't 261 and 293 each get an add just in last quarter? 293 got WEG while 261 got 2 Citaros.
291 was expecting a WEG add from BSEP soon as the PPSS has been ineffective during peak hours. Actually same goes with 293.
359 good move. Would also like to see 358 get a BSEP add. Frequency is quite bad for a feeder service.
291 no need add,so many bunching,peak hours more worst..add a Citaro if they must then the WEG can give to svc like 518
# curious
What happens to the DDs on sv 513E after it does its AM and PM trip? Are there any crossovers for these?
For ex: E500s that do 850E crossover to 969. SDs on CT18 crossover to sv 228. Buses on 196e do a full route of 196 before doing 196e.
Is there any crossover for 3323A and 3324Y? Or do these only do 1 full trip daily?
Originally posted by lemon1974:so is sv43 going to be dual depot control wef this sunday?
It might all be a prank! The E-TT was not changed at all.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Looks like 261, 291, 293 and 359 are up for another BSEP add.
Didn't 261 and 293 each get an add just in last quarter? 293 got WEG while 261 got 2 Citaros.
291 was expecting a WEG add from BSEP soon as the PPSS has been ineffective during peak hours. Actually same goes with 293.
359 good move. Would also like to see 358 get a BSEP add. Frequency is quite bad for a feeder service.
261 no fleet add, just 1-2 additional trips from the s-shift buses (i.e BSEP buses)..
HDB board has reduced number of BTO flats by 40% in 2015 compared to 2014.
Is the population really increasing as they expected?? because I hear that lot of sales releases in 2014 did not get 100% occupancy and many flats are still available, contrary to their predictions.
Tbh what 45 needs are more split buses during peak hours.. Deploying more dds might not be very effective because it's the bad frequency that causes the crashloads. During peak hours i can see 3 53s before 1 45 coming.
SBST can arrange the DDs to come at the right timings currently the DDs come at wrong timings
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:359 good move. Would also like to see 358 get a BSEP add. Frequency is quite bad for a feeder service.
Sv 358's fleet size has remained the same for like the past 10 years man. That was the time when B10M Mk3s and N113CRBs made up the fleet up of 6 buses. Doesn't that speak volumes?
And like I said before, for much of the East and West loops of Sv 358, there's quite a variety of services from PSR Int / PSR Dr 1 for commuters.
Sv 359's pax load on the other hand has actually increased quite significantly with the new flats along the route completed / to be completed soon. If only they could put DDs. Haha.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Sv 358's fleet size has remained the same for like the past 10 years man. That was the time when B10M Mk3s and N113CRBs made up the fleet up of 6 buses. Doesn't that speak volumes?
And like I said before, for much of the East and West loops of Sv 358, there's quite a variety of services from PSR Int / PSR Dr 1 for commuters.
Sv 359's pax load on the other hand has actually increased quite significantly with the new flats along the route completed / to be completed soon. If only they could put DDs. Haha.
On sv 359: Where is the issue for DDs? West loop is okay IMO... if there is a concern, it might be on east loop side.
On sv 358: Yes, that's why need BSEP add. But got stupid mini buses on 358P.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:On sv 359: Where is the issue for DDs? West loop is okay IMO... if there is a concern, it might be on east loop side.
On sv 358: Yes, that's why need BSEP add. But got stupid mini buses on 358P.
For Sv 359, the only portion where I think could be a problem is PSR Dr 1 turning into PSR St 51. There isn't much leeway on the left side of the bus when turning.
They managed to put DDs back then with the 2-axle Atlanteens and VO2xs though. So, I think that the extra length of current DDs is the problem for that junction.
For Sv 358, I actually think the minibuses are working quite well at the moment though. Granted that it's smaller than the other PPSS buses. But, at least I don't see empty 358P buses on the return trip. Haha.
Anyway, not sure if this is old news... But new bus stop (B11) spotted along Tampines Ave 5, along the stretch between Tampines Ave 10 and Ave 8 (where 34 plys express). Likely for the new flats coming up in the area...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Anyway, not sure if this is old news... But new bus stop (B11) spotted along Tampines Ave 5, along the stretch between Tampines Ave 10 and Ave 8 (where 34 plys express). Likely for the new flats coming up in the area...
I posted this some time before... It was built a few months ago, but I think they're waiting for the widened sector of Tampines Ave 5 to open. Also I saw some small-scale construction opposite this bus stop, and I guess it may be another bus stop as well.
So the Australian bus did the trial alr? HAHAHAHA
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Anyway, not sure if this is old news... But new bus stop (B11) spotted along Tampines Ave 5, along the stretch between Tampines Ave 10 and Ave 8 (where 34 plys express). Likely for the new flats coming up in the area...
Still time for the flats there to open.. maybe that's why bus stop not activated yet. Anyway, as of now only sv 34 will stop. But I believe after condos along ave 10 are ready, there will be a new feeder for ave 5, 10 and 8.
Tampines concourse..Might see a new feeder plying the bus stop to Tampines Int
Originally posted by TIB429E:So the Australian bus did the trial alr? HAHAHAHA
Was wondering abt this bus as well..think the trial gone case alr..
Theyre still unsure to trial hybrid buses..Less pollution but maintenance and repair...
The Minister is farting.... (Pang pui in hokkien)
SINGAPORE: The drop in energy prices seen in 2014 could translate to a reduction in public transport fares in the next fare review exercise at the end of the year.
Based on available data for 2014, the fare adjustment could be "in the region of negative one per cent", said Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew in Parliament on Monday (Jan 19), in response to a question on the fall in oil prices.
MP Gan Thiam Poh had asked, with regard to the ongoing 2014 fare review exercise, whether the Public Transport Council would consider a reduction of transport fares, as a result of the fall in oil prices since June 2014.
However, Mr Lui noted that the ongoing fare review exercise, which started in November 2014, looks at changes in indices for 2013.
"We will have to leave it to the Public Transport Council to assess the public transport operators' applications for fare increase, the fare adjustment quantum as given by the formula and the affordability of public transport for Singaporeans, amongst other things, and decide on the fare adjustment," the minister said.
The fare formula is pegged to changes in the core consumer price index, wage index and energy index over the preceding year. This reflects the operating cost structure of public transport operators, said Mr Lui.
The core consumer price index and wage index account for 40 per cent of the formula each. The energy index component, which accounts for energy and fuel costs, makes up 20 per cent.
In the ongoing 2014 exercise, the value of the energy index component was negative 12.6 per cent - due to lower energy prices in 2013 - but the core consumer price index went up by 1.7 per cent, while the wage index saw an increase of 4.3 per cent.
The fare adjustment quantum yielded by the formula would have been negative 0.6 per cent for the 2014 fare review exercise. However, the previous fare review exercise had announced a fare increase of 6.6 per cent in two steps.
A 3.2 per cent hike was introduced in April last year, with the 3.4 per cent increase to be carried over to the ongoing review. Mr Lui explained that is why there is a 2.8 per cent fare adjustment quantum for the ongoing fare review exercise.
The next fare review exercise is set to take place towards the end of 2015 and is based on data for the full year of 2014.
This minister also pang pui. This has been practice all the while. Sleeping minister
SINGAPORE: Bus drivers will be directed to take a different route if they are likely to experience a delay due to an accident, for instance, along the route they are on. This new practice will be adopted in Singapore as part of a move to improve bus punctuality.
At the heart of it all is a command centre which will be set up to allow the authorities and public transport operators to predict and react more quickly to road situations. Senior Minister of State for Transport Josephine Teo said the practice of redirecting bus routes has been in place in London and proven to be effective. But she added that for the system to work in Singapore, it is crucial that commuters are understanding and cooperative.
There are about 600,000 cars on our roads. With 1.2 million households in Singapore, this means half of them own cars. Ms Teo said the figure is one of the highest for cities worldwide. She hopes the global positioning system will provide timely information to motorists on the road and suggest alternative routes so that drivers can detour to avoid congestion.
Ms Teo said: "In the future, before we leave the house, the new system is able to suggest three options. For example, you can take this route - it'll tell you how much it costs and how long is the estimated time for travel. And if you don't take the first route, you may take the second. The distance might be longer but it might also cost you less, even though your travel time is slightly longer. Then you make a choice as to which route you will take."