Enhancements to SMRT Services (1Q 2014)
1. 169 [BSEP] - SMB3114X? (169AP90)
2. 173 [Non-BSEP] - Unknown
3. 188 [BSEP] - SMB3112B (188AP90)
4. 804 [BSEP] - SMB3095S (804AP90)
5. 806 [Non-BSEP] - Unknown
6. 850E [BSEP] - SMB3110G (850EAP95)
7. 856 [BSEP] - SMB3057C (856S190)
8. 857 [BSEP] - SMB3098J (857AP91)
9. 860 [Non-BSEP] - SMB3110G (850EAP95 xover)
10. 911 [Non-BSEP] - SMB3075A (951EAP90 xover)
11. 912 [Non-BSEP] - TIB593M, TIB818R, SMB298B (SWT 912E)
12. 925 [BSEP] - SMB3051T (925S192)
13. 951E [BSEP] - SMB3075A (951EAP90)
14. 960 [BSEP] - SMB3109L (960AP91)
15. 966 [BSEP] - SMB311_ (966S1??)
16. 972 [BSEP] - SMB3093Y (972S190)
17. 975 [BSEP] - SMB3054K (975S190)
Originally posted by 23ispolo:UPDATED:
Weekdays (12 A/P, 11 S1, 1 S2):
A/P = SMB3011J (188AP90), TIB547Y (188AP02), TIB548U (188AP07), TIB586J (188AP05), TIB891C (188AP04), TIB898J (188AP06), TIB899G (188AP08), TIB1082P (188AP09), TIB1087B (188AP10), TIB1101T (188AP11), TIB1203H (188AP01), TIB1238H (188AP03)
Splits = SMB201Y, SMB209B, SMB218A, SMB219Y, SMB1376U (188S111), SMB3046J (188S190), TIB810L (188S104), TIB828L (188S201), TIB854K, TIB988H (188S102), TIB1065P (188S107), TIB1118X, TIB1126Y
Weekends (12 A/P, 2 TQ):
A/P = SMB201Y, SMB218A, SMB219Y, TIB547Y (188AP01), TIB548U (188AP07), TIB586J (188AP05), TIB898J (188AP06), TIB899G (188AP08), TIB1082P (188AP09), TIB1101T (188AP11), TIB1118X, TIB1126Y
TQ = 2 random MANs
Today's fleet (Only say what i spotted):
TIB1203H (AP01)
TIB547Y (AP02)
TIB548U (Behind 547, on AP03??)
TIB810L (Behind 548, on AP07??)
TIB891C (AP04)
TIB1082P (AP09)
TIB1087B (AP10)
TIB854K (AP11)
SMB3011J (AP90)
SMB3046J (S190)
SMB110B, SMB218A split..
Originally posted by SMB42P:Today's fleet (Only say what i spotted):
TIB1203H (AP01)
TIB547Y (AP02)
TIB548U (Behind 547, on AP03??)
TIB810L (Behind 548, on AP07??)
TIB891C (AP04)
TIB1082P (AP09)
TIB1087B (AP10)
TIB854K (AP11)
SMB3011J (AP90)
SMB3046J (S190)
SMB110B, SMB218A split..
Which reminds me, TIB1101T was on 188TQ2 last Sunday... Possibly split too?
61 slots:
Weekdays (22 A/P, 10 S1):
KJDEP A/P = SMB111Z, SMB112X, SMB114R, SMB115M, SMB117H, TIB468S, TIB469P, TIB591T, TIB603T, TIB800R
KJDEP Splits = SMB39A, SMB40U, TIB597C, TIB598A
AMDEP A/P = SMB35K, SMB44J, SMB179D - SMB184M, SMB3013D, TIB503Z, TIB574T
AMDEP Splits = SMB151H, SMB177J, SMB178G, TIB621R, TIB799L
Saturdays (21 A/P, 2 S1, 1 TQ):
KJDEP A/P = SMB111Z, SMB112X, SMB114R, SMB115M, SMB117H, TIB468S, TIB469P, TIB591T, TIB603T
AMDEP A/P = SMB35K, SMB44J, SMB179D - SMB184M, SMB3013D, TIB503Z, TIB574T
AMDEP Splits = SMB177J, TIB1131G
Sundays (21 A/P, 2 TQ):
KJDEP A/P = SMB111Z, SMB112X, SMB114R, SMB115M, SMB117H, TIB468S, TIB469P, TIB591T, TIB603T
AMDEP A/P = SMB35K, SMB44J, SMB179D - SMB184M, SMB3013D, TIB503Z, TIB574T
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Which reminds me, TIB1101T was on 188TQ2 last Sunday... Possibly split too?
Refer to my post in bus observation thread with regards to 188 spottings today..
188AM03 (548U)
(Realised that they have extend the timings since i last saw 188 timetable)
0535 (Kranji Depot)
0556 (CCK INT)
0705 (HBF INT)
Total: 69 mins
0712 (HBF INT)
0826 (CCK INT)
Total: 74 mins
0833 (CCK INT)
0954 (HBF INT)
Total: 81 mins (This is the one..rmb last time at most they give 75 mins)
1003 (HBF INT)
1111 (CCK INT)
Total: 68 mins
1146 (CCK INT)
1258 (HBF INT)
Total: 72 mins
1306 (HBF INT)
1415C (CCK INT)
Total: 69 mins (NOTE: bus late, only reach CCK INT at 1425hrs)
Originally posted by SMB42P:188AM03 (548U)
(Realised that they have extend the timings since i last saw 188 timetable)
0535 (Kranji Depot)
0556 (CCK INT)
0705 (HBF INT)
Total: 69 mins
0712 (HBF INT)
0826 (CCK INT)
Total: 74 mins
0833 (CCK INT)
0954 (HBF INT)
Total: 81 mins (This is the one..rmb last time at most they give 75 mins)
1003 (HBF INT)
1111 (CCK INT)
Total: 68 mins
1146 (CCK INT)
1258 (HBF INT)
Total: 72 mins
1306 (HBF INT)
1415C (CCK INT)
Total: 69 mins (NOTE: bus late, only reach CCK INT at 1425hrs)
On Weekends, runtime should be about 60 mins...
188AM04 (891C)
0629 (Kranji Depot)
0650 (CCK INT)
0823 (HBF INT)
Total: 93 mins (So long???)
0834 (HBF INT)
0919 (CCK INT)
Total: 45 mins (OFF SVC)
0919 (CCK INT)
1033 (HBF INT)
Total: 74 mins
1047 (HBF INT)
1156 (CCK INT)
Total: 69 mins
1218 (CCK INT)
1330 (HBF INT)
Total: 72 mins
1338 (HBF INT)
1447C (CCK INT)
Total: 69 mins
Always jam at Clementi MRT stop because of high volume of buses, and loading/unloading of pax.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Jam along Clementi Ave 6 and AYE at around 8+am every weekdays
ya i know..used to hear BCs complaining they super late as they are jammed there...another location of jam is along Clementi Road..after the right turn from AYE...good thing they decided to add run time..93 mins is really good..
Scania K230UB Batch 1/2 Euro IV I have taken
SBS8132B SBS8133Z SBS8134X SBS8135T SBS8136R SBS8137M SBS8139H SBS8140C SBS8141A SBS8145P SBS8148G SBS8149D SBS8158C SBS8193A SBS8194Y SBS8202H SBS8204C SBS8211G SBS8212D SBS8220E SBS8236K SBS8243P SBS8246G SBS8252M SBS8258Y SBS8261L SBS8305U SBS8311B SBS8312Z SBS8313X SBS8317K SBS8320A SBS8352H SBS8400C SBS8403U SBS8433H SBS8436A SBS8438U SBS8439S SBS8440L SBS8442G SBS8450H SBS8461B SBS8470A SBS8491P SBS8555P SBS8560Z SBS8561X
Scania K230UB Euro V I have taken
SBS8570U SBS8571S SBS8576D SBS8586A SBS8589S SBS8590L SBS8591J SBS8593D SBS8601P SBS8613E SBS8615A SBS8616Y SBS8617U SBS8622D SBS8629K SBS8640B SBS8656G SBS8672J SBS8676Z SBS8700L SBS8717P SBS8718L SBS8719J SBS8720D SBS8721B SBS8740X SBS8741T SBS8742R SBS8743M SBS8745H SBS8868L SBS8893M SBS8906K SBS8937X SBS8989X SBS8998U
SBS5010P SBS5011L SBS5012J SBS5013G SBS5060U SBS5111G SBS5156C SBS5157A SBS5158Y SBS5159U SBS5193U SBS5195P SBS5196L SBS5221Y SBS5235H
Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro I have taken
SBS6013E SBS6086P SBS6100G SBS6125K SBS6130U SBS6134J SBS6135G SBS6137B SBS6138Z SBS6140R SBS6143H SBS6147Y SBS6154B SBS6195H SBS6196E SBS6197C SBS6224H SBS6225E
SBS6302R SBS6304K SBS6322H SBS6323E SBS6324C SBS6325A SBS6326Y SBS6327U SBS6330J SBS6339K
SBS6350B SBS6366G SBS6387X SBS6400R SBS6425U SBS6428L SBS6441Y SBS6498J SBS6499G SBS6500K SBS6560L
SBS6606P SBS6636C SBS6643G SBS6698Z SBS6702U SBS6703S SBS6710X SBS6715H SBS6716E SBS6718A SBS6723J SBS6724G SBS6725D SBS6726B SBS6727Z SBS6728X SBS6729T SBS6731K SBS6746T SBS6747R SBS6790P
Volvo B9TL I have taken
SBS7321D SBS7324X SBS7336L SBS7380H SBS7411C SBS7452J
SBS7633D SBS7635Z SBS7651B SBS7655R SBS7657K
SBS3002B SBS3003Z SBS3004X SBS3047Y SBS3049S SBS3050L SBS3053D SBS3060H SBS3082U SBS3105M SBS3153Z SBS3161A SBS3208A
SBS3305C SBS3326S
SBS3356E SBS3376Y SBS3418K SBS3431X SBS3434M SBS3435K SBS3446D
SBS3461J SBS3462G
SBS3295Y SBS3672S SBS3703L SBS3705G SBS3719S SBS3820G SBS3823Z
Volvo Olympian I have taken
SBS9419T SBS9472M SBS9532Z SBS9547G
Volvo B10BLE I have taken
SBS2996P SBS2998J
Did you know?
None of the public transport buses are painted.
Find out what the 'paint' is online.
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Did you know?
None of the public transport buses are painted.
Find out what the 'paint' is online.
You mean stickered livery? Usually new buses get painted, but SMRT's Hispano Habits get repainted after refurbishment... Maybe some of the Ex-JB SMRT Hispano O405s and the last 6 Batch 3 O405s (TIB827P, TIB831B and TIB832Z) too...
Originally posted by SBS3004X:Did you know?
None of the public transport buses are painted.
Find out what the 'paint' is online.
The base silver coat and stripes of the SMRT's new livery is painted.
Originally posted by SBS9C:The base silver coat and stripes of the SMRT's new livery is painted.
Also, the base white/beige colour of the MANs with original livery should be painted, only the side strips are stickered... Front and back strips all painted.
Volvo B9TL Batch 1 Wrights I have taken:
SBS7502Z, SBS7519B, SBS7520X, SBS7528A (favourite!), SBS7530S, SBS7531P, SBS7552D, SBS7557R, SBS7590T, SBS7600Z, SBS7615G, SBS7619X, SBS7623H, SBS7627Y, SBS7629S, SBS7652Z, SBS7658H, SBS7671T, SBS7676E, SBS7680S
Yesterday, SBS8368M's BC accidentally 按 the EDS to show '162' (> Shenton Way), instead of 162M, when I spotted it at Temasek Ave! Quickly, I alighted from my bus (SBS8169X on 36) and flagged down SBS8368M. When I boarded, I told the driver: "å�¸æœºï¼Œ 您好åƒ�把EDS按错了。“ He asked what it looked like in Mandarin. I said: "没有那个‘M‘ çš„." He got out from his seat to look outside and he found out what I meant. He thanked me and changed the EDS to 162M... Two stops later, I got off at The Eslpanade and he waved at me for helping him. Wonder who would have thought 162 'went' to Temasek Ave before Shenton Way?
Originally posted by SMB42P:Today's fleet (Only say what i spotted):
TIB1203H (AP01)
TIB547Y (AP02)
TIB548U (Behind 547, on AP03??)
TIB810L (Behind 548, on AP07??)
TIB891C (AP04)
TIB1082P (AP09)
TIB1087B (AP10)
TIB854K (AP11)
SMB3011J (AP90)
SMB3046J (S190)
SMB110B, SMB218A split..
Yesterday's fleet:
Unknown bus (188AP01) - suspect TIB1118X
TIB547Y (188AP02)
TIB1042E (188AP03)
TIB548U (188AP04)
TIB891C (188AP05)
SMB203S (188AP06)
TIB1126Y (188AP07) - AP07 goes in consecutive order on Weekends, not between AP03 and AP04 on Weekdays...
SMB1322A (188TQ1)
SMB218A (188AP08)
TIB1087B (188AP09)
SMB219Y (188AP10)
Unknown bus (188AP11) - suspect TIB988H
Also, 188R fleet:
TIB549S (188RAP01)
TIB586J (188RAP02) - perm now?
TIB556X (188RAP03)
TIB560H (188RAP04) - perm?
TIB828L (188RAP05)
188R fleet:
TIB549S (188RAP01), TIB556X (188RAP03), TIB560H (suspected), TIB586J (suspected), TIB828L (188RAP05)
If I'm not wrong, based on yesterday's fleet, slots are:
TIB549S = 188RAP01 (300/188R) - still 188R perm, just does 300 for Weekdays...
TIB556X = 188RAP03
TIB560H/Unknown bus = Unknown
TIB586J = Unknown
TIB828L = 188RAP05
Originally posted by 23ispolo:188R fleet:
TIB549S (188RAP01), TIB556X (188RAP03), TIB560H (suspected), TIB586J (suspected), TIB828L (188RAP05)
If I'm not wrong, based on yesterday's fleet, slots are:
TIB549S = 188RAP01 (300/188R) - still 188R perm, just does 300 for Weekdays...
TIB556X = 188RAP03
TIB560H/Unknown bus = Unknown
TIB586J = Unknown
TIB828L = 188RAP05
True enough...but need to find its replacement for Saturdays..coz i still see it on 300 TQ quite regularly...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Yesterday's fleet:
Unknown bus (188AP01) - suspect TIB1118X
TIB547Y (188AP02)
TIB1042E (188AP03)
TIB548U (188AP04)
TIB891C (188AP05)
SMB203S (188AP06)
TIB1126Y (188AP07) - AP07 goes in consecutive order on Weekends, not between AP03 and AP04 on Weekdays...
SMB1322A (188TQ1)
SMB218A (188AP08)
TIB1087B (188AP09)
SMB219Y (188AP10)
Unknown bus (188AP11) - suspect TIB988H
Also, 188R fleet:
TIB549S (188RAP01)
TIB586J (188RAP02) - perm now?
TIB556X (188RAP03)
TIB560H (188RAP04) - perm?
TIB828L (188RAP05)
SMB203S is on 188 today..but idk which slot..leave CCK int around 840-845pm..
Nice spotting :)
Originally posted by SMB42P:
True enough...but need to find its replacement for Saturdays..coz i still see it on 300 TQ quite regularly...
Yea... Tf I'm not wrong, should be TIB552G or TIB634D from 190 or a random bus for Saturdays... But, TIB549S confirm Sunday perm on 188RAP01.
Originally posted by SMB42P:SMB203S is on 188 today..but idk which slot..leave CCK int around 840-845pm..
Nice spotting :)
Spotted it at Opp Blk 113 at 4.43p.m, after TIB828L on 188R... I think it would have arrived at CCK Int at about 4.15p.m. and leave at about 4.35p.m... Going by the sequence AP06 > AP07 (TIB1126Y) > TQ1 (SMB1322A), I knew that SMB203S was 188AP06, though it was weird to see TIB891C on 188AP05...