Have you ever wondered that you want to post something, but don't know where to post and you post it in random topics. Maybe we just need a topic to post all random / miscillaneous topics on buses.
Today I was so upset with this BC on svc VO3x 154. I was at Clementi MRT and a 154 KUB came. It got packed to the door. I didn't take it as I could see a 154 VO3x coming at a snail's speed. I waited for it. There were only some 25pax on board.
The driver was such an A$$ that he never overtook the KUB. He drove slowly behind the KUB such that it took all the load. He kept one bus in between. So from Clementi to Albert Park, there was 52 in between. He was zooming at signals when it turned amber and didn't wait but would drive very slowly while coming to a bus stop.
Even when there were no pax to alight, he did not overtake the KUB. At the end, there were not more than 20pax on the DD, while I could see the KUB stopping at each stop for 2-3 mins struggling to manage pax. He also kept a bus in between everytime so people at bus stops didn't realize that there was a 154 coming right behind.
I wanted to go down and shout at the BC. What do you do when you meet such a weird BC who was clearly fooling around?
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Have you ever wondered that you want to post something, but don't know where to post and you post it in random topics. Maybe we just need a topic to post all random / miscillaneous topics on buses.
Today I was so upset with this BC on svc VO3x 154. I was at Clementi MRT and a 154 KUB came. It got packed to the door. I didn't take it as I could see a 154 VO3x coming at a snail's speed. I waited for it. There were only some 25pax on board.
The driver was such an A$$ that he never overtook the KUB. He drove slowly behind the KUB such that it took all the load. He kept one bus in between. So from Clementi to Albert Park, there was 52 in between. He was zooming at signals when it turned amber and didn't wait but would drive very slowly while coming to a bus stop.
Even when there were no pax to alight, he did not overtake the KUB. At the end, there were not more than 20pax on the DD, while I could see the KUB stopping at each stop for 2-3 mins struggling to manage pax. He also kept a bus in between everytime so people at bus stops didn't realize that there was a 154 coming right behind.
I wanted to go down and shout at the BC. What do you do when you meet such a weird BC who was clearly fooling around?
This is what I'll conclude looking at your predicament.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Have you ever wondered that you want to post something, but don't know where to post and you post it in random topics. Maybe we just need a topic to post all random / miscillaneous topics on buses.
Today I was so upset with this BC on svc VO3x 154. I was at Clementi MRT and a 154 KUB came. It got packed to the door. I didn't take it as I could see a 154 VO3x coming at a snail's speed. I waited for it. There were only some 25pax on board.
The driver was such an A$$ that he never overtook the KUB. He drove slowly behind the KUB such that it took all the load. He kept one bus in between. So from Clementi to Albert Park, there was 52 in between. He was zooming at signals when it turned amber and didn't wait but would drive very slowly while coming to a bus stop.
Even when there were no pax to alight, he did not overtake the KUB. At the end, there were not more than 20pax on the DD, while I could see the KUB stopping at each stop for 2-3 mins struggling to manage pax. He also kept a bus in between everytime so people at bus stops didn't realize that there was a 154 coming right behind.
I wanted to go down and shout at the BC. What do you do when you meet such a weird BC who was clearly fooling around?
My views :
>Blame the KUB drivers for stopping lorh(when the bus didn't have anyone alighting).
> The VO3X driver might be on time or early, didn't bother to overtake to prevent the "order" to be mixed
> The VO3X driver isn't helpful.
Personal experience on 962 also have this case of 2 bus bunching. Bus A was very late, Bus B is right behind. I was on Bus A, at that point of time, Bus B alr overtook it and signal Bus B to skip stops whereas possible. Ended up hearing from Bus A driver that Bus B is helping him/her to reach interchange.
Another was on 911E. The bus(427K - 911E) I'm on skipped the stop purposely even though the bus wasn't full as the China driver knew that a 911 bendy was behind(and indeed it was). Both bus and passengers along the route benefitted(esp 2nd last stop people, able to board the bus to Interchange when 427K arrived).
Quite big road can't overtake.. But 300 TIB433S(the rego maybe wrong) driver overtake O405G by quick turning to the opposite driving area and swooped (CCK Ave 5). That's what I call "pro driver".
By overtaking the front bus you can screw up frequencies...
Originally posted by dan474:By overtaking the front bus you can screw up frequencies...
That happens though, unless there's breakdown etc.
and the O405G was on the first side of the loop, whereas the o495 was on the second(u will know if u boarded svc 300 b4)
Originally posted by OMSI123:That happens though, unless there's breakdown etc.
and the O405G was on the first side of the loop, whereas the o495 was on the second(u will know if u boarded svc 300 b4)
yea i know but by doing that you can screw up frequencies, i know sometimes the back bus driver just want to relieve loads on the front bus before letting the front bus overtake him
I remembered this incident clearly on 962. I was on a Smiley Bendy on 962. 4 yrs back i wasnt a bus spotter so idk much about bus. But when i was returning home from secondary school, I took 962 with a group of friends and i was standing at the space inside the bus facing directly at the door Then it was turning into Woodlands Ave 6 near the NPC there then i realize the bus moved without closing the door, Then me and my friend was quite mischievous at that time came to the door and enjoy free wind for 2 bus stops. The bus closed its doors at the junction of Ave 6 and Ave 5 and that the end of my free wind episode in 962. Idk if this kena STOMP or what but i seen many cases SL nvr close door kene STOMP which i find it pathetic in a way 4 yrs later.
Originally posted by nfshp253:On the same topic, I was recently waiting for bus 27 and the two buses came at the same time, a KUB and a Citaro following behind. The KUB was full all the way to the door while the Citaro was empty, so I boarded the Citaro.
All the way, the driver on the Citaro was extremely impatient and floored the throttle whenever possible, but strangely refused to overtake the KUB in front which was picking up all the load.
The Citaro driver would constantly sound the horn whenever the KUB accelerated slowly, like out of a bus stop or from a stop light. On the PIE, the Citaro driver drove so close to the KUB that I’m sure the distance is much less than a single car’s length, and he kept sounding the horn when the KUB slowed down slightly from 60km/h.
The rudest thing was that the driver kept sounding the horn even at the terminal basements when the KUB driver was driving at an acceptable speed. After getting off at T2, the Citaro finally overtook the KUB whilst it was being loaded and I saw the KUB driver express his anger at the Citaro driver.
Epic journey this was.
Originally posted by SMB355L:
Proven Citaro always better than KUB~ can make ad for Mercedes
Nobody ask you to prove them lah dey
This isn't proving identity bro
Originally posted by SMB355L:
Proven Citaro always better than KUB~ can make ad for Mercedes
brother you want people to expose you ar...
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:This is what I'll conclude looking at your predicament.
- 1. The BC didn't have enough sleep.
- 2. The BC went drinking at a PUB last night and was still in ''play'' mode.
- 3. The BC kisiao like some 7653X driver.
- 4. The BC is new.
- 5. The BC drank before he started his trip.
- 6. The BC forgot how to drive Volvo Olympian.
- 7. The steering of the Volvo Olympian is not powerful enough.
- 8. The Volvo Olympian has no steering
Everything is possible, and I like this thread.
Thank you!! :))
Originally posted by nfshp253:On the same topic, I was recently waiting for bus 27 and the two buses came at the same time, a KUB and a Citaro following behind. The KUB was full all the way to the door while the Citaro was empty, so I boarded the Citaro.
All the way, the driver on the Citaro was extremely impatient and floored the throttle whenever possible, but strangely refused to overtake the KUB in front which was picking up all the load.
The Citaro driver would constantly sound the horn whenever the KUB accelerated slowly, like out of a bus stop or from a stop light. On the PIE, the Citaro driver drove so close to the KUB that I’m sure the distance is much less than a single car’s length, and he kept sounding the horn when the KUB slowed down slightly from 60km/h.
The rudest thing was that the driver kept sounding the horn even at the terminal basements when the KUB driver was driving at an acceptable speed. After getting off at T2, the Citaro finally overtook the KUB whilst it was being loaded and I saw the KUB driver express his anger at the Citaro driver.
Epic journey this was.
Yes. And have observed many BCs doing this. They just follow the bus in front, and make the bus ahead take all the pax while their bus goes empty. It is total discomfort for passengers, as they cram into the first bus, and waste of resources as well.
There should be some way in which BC attitudes should be monitored. I like that SBST is actually motivating BCs by showing their kind gesture.
At Jurong East Interchange, saw a big poster about this BC who helped a passenger who was running for the bus and slipped and fell. He not only put the passenger in a taxi, but also slipped a $20 note to the taxi driver to take the passenger home. Cheers to him!
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:This is what I'll conclude looking at your predicament.
- 1. The BC didn't have enough sleep.
- 2. The BC went drinking at a PUB last night and was still in ''play'' mode.
- 3. The BC kisiao like some 7653X driver.
- 4. The BC is new.
- 5. The BC drank before he started his trip.
- 6. The BC forgot how to drive Volvo Olympian.
- 7. The steering of the Volvo Olympian is not powerful enough.
- 8. The Volvo Olympian has no steering
Everything is possible, and I like this thread.
Why the special mention for the 7653X BC?
Basically it should have been the DD infront of the SD. The SD can help in tanking the load or picking up the remaining pax left stranded at the bus stop if the DD infront is overcrowded.
But do you have those "ragequit" moments whenever there's an SD infront of a DD? Even if the pax saw the DD behind, they still crammed into the SD nevertheless, and thus the DD behind will get umm... "NL(Not Loaded)" as in less than 40 pax...
Maybe it's due to scheduling issues. They could schedule the DD infront of the SD instead, but it all depends on which particular timing in which the bus is VERY crowded, and that's when you have to deploy 1 DD infront and 1 SD behind. On other times, they could just send one DD or one SD out in case the loading DOES get very high, but still... depends on the loading at that particular time, and it's beyond our control...
Why do I sound like someone here???
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:Basically it should have been the DD infront of the SD. The SD can help in tanking the load or picking up the remaining pax left stranded at the bus stop if the DD infront is overcrowded.
But do you have those "ragequit" moments whenever there's an SD infront of a DD? Even if the pax saw the DD behind, they still crammed into the SD nevertheless, and thus the DD behind will get umm... "NL(Not Loaded)" as in less than 40 pax...
Maybe it's due to scheduling issues. They could schedule the DD infront of the SD instead, but it all depends on which particular timing in which the bus is VERY crowded, and that's when you have to deploy 1 DD infront and 1 SD behind. On other times, they could just send one DD or one SD out in case the loading DOES get very high, but still... depends on the loading at that particular time, and it's beyond our control...
Why do I sound like someone here
There are as many moments when you will find a SD ahead of the DD as when the DD will be in front of the SD. And you are right. I don't get it. Most people are not sure that the DD is right behind and do not want to take a chance so they will cram into the SD.
The BCs also don't do a good job of overtaking the SD and going ahead. As a rule, the DD should be given a preference over the SD. Afterall, it can seat 80+ pax. I have observed that SDs on heavy loading routes often cause schedule disruption and delays causing bunching.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:There are as many moments when you will find a SD ahead of the DD as when the DD will be in front of the SD. And you are right. I don't get it. Most people are not sure that the DD is right behind and do not want to take a chance so they will cram into the SD.
The BCs also don't do a good job of overtaking the SD and going ahead. As a rule, the DD should be given a preference over the SD. Afterall, it can seat 80+ pax. I have observed that SDs on heavy loading routes often cause schedule disruption and delays causing bunching.
overtaking will screw up the frequency, and BCs are not supposed to arrive at the terminal early anyway.
It could be due to their own scheduling issues, I rather they not overtake... Maybe they need to revise their timetables or something...
Someone saw Alexander Dennis representatives at SMRT. What happened further? It's been 6 months now with the tender announcement and still no signs of high capacity bus addition, apart from the 1-2-1 replacement of old bendies.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Someone saw Alexander Dennis representatives at SMRT. What happened further? It's been 6 months now with the tender announcement and still no signs of high capacity bus addition, apart from the 1-2-1 replacement of old bendies.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Someone saw Alexander Dennis representatives at SMRT. What happened further? It's been 6 months now with the tender announcement and still no signs of high capacity bus addition, apart from the 1-2-1 replacement of old bendies.
maybe rigid buses, not high capacity?
Originally posted by SMB195G:maybe rigid buses, not high capacity?
i doubt rigid buses..
Originally posted by SMB355L:
Rejected and SMRT choose Lion City family~ Lion City G coming~
Pui ah, BIS clone.