Originally posted by SMB66X:From TIB585L & TIB1234T :
SMB283K also JB Reg.
283K driven by 911 perm driver jz nw.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:283K driven by 911 perm driver jz nw.
If this bus go 950, can swope out SMB70H
I hope 950 fleet would be more of this :
7 OCs, 4 MAN, 1 Volgren(probably 970H).
3 OCs namely 70H, 126G, 127D. 2 MAN namely SMB283K and (UNKNOWN)~ as spare buses. Of cause, if they introducing 950A to serve the people whom are lazy to walk in, they can use mainly the Volgren(2 buses in the fleet).
Originally posted by SMB66X:If this bus go 950, can swope out SMB70H
I hope 950 fleet would be more of this :
7 OCs, 4 MAN, 1 Volgren(probably 970H).3 OCs namely 70H, 126G, 127D. 2 MAN namely SMB283K and (UNKNOWN)~ as spare buses. Of cause, if they introducing 950A to serve the people whom are lazy to walk in, they can use mainly the Volgren(2 buses in the fleet).
Shall see redeployments between 950 and other buses nxt week
You haven't seen the queue for 170X/170/160 at Kranji Stn yesterday.
After attempting to take 950 from Malaysia back to SG and failing to do so, ending up on 170 instead, I can only say that 950 is one seriously f*cked up service that is never there when you need it.
Really what is the point of 950 when 160, 170 do a better job at clearing the crowd and then I can always take 911, 178 etc if I want to go to WRI?
The same story for NR6 and SBST 6N, after experiencing so much crappy service from the former that got even WORSE, I figured this was another hopeless service and I'll be happier taking cab if there's people splitting the cost, or taking 6N on festive seasons.
How many complaints have there been on nightriders going wrong way?
Go figure.
Desmond Kwek was right in saying the entire management of SMRT either was non-existent or just f*cked up. And the attitude goes all the way down to the SLs.
I took 854 a couple of weeks ago at night and despite people flagging for the bus at least 3 stops, the BC never bothered even to slow down and stop!
Seriously wtf is wrong with this company?
You should see 302 yesterday. One whole day the bus pack to the brim.
I think 950 should not be created in the first place. Stupid govt want to have competition between cross border service. Should just use the resources on other services.
I am all for the 950 route.
Because the crowd at Kotaraya makes Boon Lay at peak hour look puny.
But the 950 created doesnt even stop at Kotaraya, nor is its frequency anywhere close to 170.
You know how come?
Because SMRT lacks the resources.... and the management style.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:data indicates that contrary to some speculation, SMRTB routes do not bleed as much as SBST in overall terms.
which is curious. apparently SBST services do not earn as much in per bus distance (km) terms as we often imagined.
It really is the cost in per bus terms that was staggering for SMRT, and I would think one major reason is really how SMRT BCs love to floor the pedal.
Another source revealed that educating Chinese truck drivers in Guangzhou on fuel efficiency tactics (ie not flooring the pedal unnecessarily) saved companies as much as 30% in fuel cost.
food for thought.
then is it the refurbishment of older buses + overhaul and maintenance that causes SMRTB to bleed more money in total more than SBST?
Originally posted by SBS2656X:You haven't seen the queue for 170X/170/160 at Kranji Stn yesterday.
queue for 170X at kranji is forever long... but i cant understand why people cant just take 178 and walk into the CIQ rather than queueing there for dunno how long.
Originally posted by sbst275:Kranji diff…
but 170X is way too dependent on CIQ traffic condition… 3 potential hazards on Weekend
1) Lorry.. Ever since KTM no more cargo sv, more n more lorries.. The jam problem getting bad.. This one bus can still siam using Woodlands Ave 3, Woodlands Centre Rd.
2) The Car jam… This one is more towards JB, once it reaches a certain point.. The bus has to merge into the car lane [during jam’s pov]...
3) The queue up of buses into JB CIQ [Woodlands bound]...
there's a special lane for lorries and buses on the causeway towards JB. so it should be quite fast until the buses have to merge into the car lane. and there is no queue of buses into JB CIQ.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:After attempting to take 950 from Malaysia back to SG and failing to do so, ending up on 170 instead, I can only say that 950 is one seriously f*cked up service that is never there when you need it.
Really what is the point of 950 when 160, 170 do a better job at clearing the crowd and then I can always take 911, 178 etc if I want to go to WRI?
The same story for NR6 and SBST 6N, after experiencing so much crappy service from the former that got even WORSE, I figured this was another hopeless service and I'll be happier taking cab if there's people splitting the cost, or taking 6N on festive seasons.
How many complaints have there been on nightriders going wrong way?
Go figure.
Desmond Kwek was right in saying the entire management of SMRT either was non-existent or just f*cked up. And the attitude goes all the way down to the SLs.
I took 854 a couple of weeks ago at night and despite people flagging for the bus at least 3 stops, the BC never bothered even to slow down and stop!
Seriously wtf is wrong with this company?
as above, people are really very lazy to walk out to the WTCP bus stop... but i still find 950's frequency more consistent than 160/170. outbound at WDL checkpoint, normally 1 950 = 4 160/170(X).
IMO i rather stand on 950 then on 160/170. those DM3500 ceiling is low and it feels extremely cramped, and the boarding is very messy.
Originally posted by sbst275:950A for what…
The bus enters Woodlands CIQ would have to depart for JB.. there’s no U-turning back…
introducing 950A is useless... you cant u-turn at SG side, only JB side.
Originally posted by dan474:introducing 950A is useless... you cant u-turn at SG side, only JB side.
maybe they should make use of the u-turn in JB. Dont need renumber as 950A. I see some 170 buses u-turn at JB CIQ.
Originally posted by dan474:then is it the refurbishment of older buses + overhaul and maintenance that causes SMRTB to bleed more money in total more than SBST?
SBST did far more refurbishment than SMRT in fact.
Even if SBST did not do as complete a refurbishment back in the recent years for their Volvos, they have far more buses to re-seat, put some nice new AC fabric covers etc.
Not to mention that there are less visible overhauls. Compare the engines of SBST buses against SMRT ones and I would hazard a guess that it is not only because SBST mainteinance seems more consistent but the engines and gearboxes are overhauled more often. Nobody has yet to dig up NEL's mainteinance schedule against EWL and NSL, but the latter 2 have been cited as sorely lacking in crucial mainteinance.
No matter how they did so much nice refurbishment on the L113s, the fact remained that the bus engine sounded horrible and smoke was actually entering the bus interior. And I was referring to my ride on 673, supposed to be part of the newest batch of L113s.
I used to think the B10Ms had pretty horrible grinding sounds when they moved and the gearbox gear clanging and meshing were very terrible.
Then to my dismay the SMRT 0405s have so much more of these problems now.
Originally posted by dan474:there's a special lane for lorries and buses on the causeway towards JB. so it should be quite fast until the buses have to merge into the car lane. and there is no queue of buses into JB CIQ.
Originally posted by sbst275:950.. consistent…
ya 160 is also cui once the jam is very bad…
but once there’s jam, and it’s very bad.. 950 25 mins also no bus.. but there’s still 170X at least.
I'm not bothered arguing about whether 950 consistent or not.
Who cares.
I'm just not gonna bother about taking 950 if I value my patience and sanity.
SMB263T, SMB283K, SMB284H...