Observation when i passed WLBP by taxi
TIB436J,TIB441T,TIB438D spotted with regos near the entrance of WLBP. I tot they are deregistered? Why still got rego?
I saw some MAN that doesnt have regos
I saw a MAN that was wrapped up in black and i also saw an OC being wrapped up too. Regos cant be seen.
SMB1395P (911TQ01) on 911 today. PRC SL let in PIW inside 911, I tot 911 not declared as WAB, Can still let PIW in meh when the bus is not declared WAB
Originally posted by SMB42P:SMB57Y (KJ172)'s AM driver was using the chinese version of the driver's console yesterday (291113) for the trip that departed cck int at 1335hrs (supposed to depart at 1328hrs but only reached back int at 1330hrs and depart again at 1335hrs)
The chinese words are 冷气 for A/C, forgot what is the exact word for current stop, and 下一站 for next stop. No messages pop out during the trip so im not sure if the messages will be in chinese. Bus was super late (constantly +8 mins) and kena alot of people.
172 AM/PM off peak is really crazy..pity those drivers...
Maybe they thought theyre in China..
Originally posted by TIB 585L:
I saw a MAN that was wrapped up in black and i also saw an OC being wrapped up too. Regos cant be seen.
this 2 should be the buses dat already with new SMRT LIVERY bah .
Originally posted by Lsk138:this 2 should be the buses dat already with new SMRT LIVERY bah .
Maybe, I tot they changing ad at first that why they wrapped the bus haha
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I saw a MAN that was wrapped up in black and i also saw an OC being wrapped up too. Regos cant be seen.
Also spotted one MAN A22 wrapped up in black at Liannex, along with one unpainted (bare aluminium if I'm not wrong)
* SBS9632T doesn't have upperdeck rego...
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Observation when i passed WLBP by taxi
TIB436J,TIB441T,TIB438D spotted with regos near the entrance of WLBP. I tot they are deregistered? Why still got rego?
I saw some MAN that doesnt have regos
I saw a MAN that was wrapped up in black and i also saw an OC being wrapped up too. Regos cant be seen.
even at STK saw a number of new MAN buses wrap up in black (the region where the SMRT logo that stretch is)
SBS9548D -- Super cold aircon especially upper deck. But ticket machine out of order and the right side ez link exit reader spoil.
TIB734Z -- On 172 split today. BC speeding along old CCK road, bus has no speed limiter and therefore the bus speed was at around 70-75km/hr. Caught up with TIB759C on 975 near tengah air base stop and then BC slow down..was 7 mins ahead of schedule when reached CCK int at around 8.10pm.
TIB717Z -- Spotted off service just before the stop opp Hai Inn See Temple (30081) at around 8pm. 975 downroute from there at 8pm??
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* SBS9632T doesn't have upperdeck rego...
Since long time ago de..
By the way since when did SMRT got their "Thank You For Folding Your Prams Before Boarding" Sticker? Saw majority of them pasted beside the entrance window, below side EDS..
*SMB295B only shows route details of sv950, instead of "950" with route details, maybe EDS too small to fit in, or the EDS font is too big.
Now Geylang Lor 1 less taxis enter liao,would be good if 61,75,190,171,960 join 961,980,985 & RWS8 there
(Pun intended)
Info from BIS~ number one and most popular page on Singapore buses~
TIB1128S left WLDEP towards KJDEP.
TIB810L spotted turning left from Teck Whye Ave to CCK Road towards Woodlands Road. Bus was off service
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB1128S left WLDEP towards KJDEP.
TIB810L spotted turning left from Teck Whye Ave to CCK Road towards Woodlands Road. Bus was off service
Even weirder: TIB1026C left Bukit Batok Int and it was later spotted at Toh Tuck Link, when I took TIB964B on 106 from Bukit Batok...
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:By the way since when did SMRT got their "Thank You For Folding Your Prams Before Boarding" Sticker? Saw majority of them pasted beside the entrance window, below side EDS..
*SMB295B only shows route details of sv950, instead of "950" with route details, maybe EDS too small to fit in, or the EDS font is too big.
No wonder I saw on many buses having a yellow sticker...
* TIB593M rear rego lightings taken out, revealing SMRT red livery...
* TIB1076H one of its tail-lights came off...
* TIB1229J quiet engine, like A22s...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB593M rear rego lightings taken out, revealing SMRT red livery...
* TIB1076H one of its tail-lights came off...
* TIB1229J quiet engine, like A22s...
1076H on what svc? 1090R took it slot today
Originally posted by TIB 585L:1076H on what svc? 1090R took it slot today
Spotted it parking at the roadside before the first busstop @ Bt. Panjang from BKE Exit... Likely downroute 963...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB1076H one of its tail-lights came off...
TIB1043C also liddat...
Yesterday, saw SMB128B at 173 berth with EDS displaying 985W and it's route details! He realised the mistake and changed the EDS to 173 before he started the trip! Got a big surprise from this.
He left Bukit Batok Int at about 4+p.m...
PA5278M - the 'BUS STOPPING' sign inverted, both the 'BUS STOPPING' and the 'MIND THE STEP' signs spoilt... Only the 'BUS STOPPING' sign got flickering bulb that lights up the left of the sign when the bulb flickers on...
RU3722U - got new leather for the aircon ducts and new handgrips with new screws, but both the 'BUS STOPPING' and 'MIND THE STEP' signs still spoilt...
SMB38C - interior panels very clean , but both 'BUS STOPPING' signs spoilt, only PIS and chime working...
One of the rear exit door lights also spoilt...
SMB93S - super clean interior panels
TIB547Y - got the best A/C on the O405s, super powerful and cold, even at about 30'C...
TIB554B - one of the few O405s with all the interior panels (except the driver's cabin area, the doors and A/C panels) swapped with Batch 3 panels with the black aircon outlets... Last row middle seat got Volgren O405 seat cover...
TIB1168B side EDS showed off service while front showed 903 route
TIB486P both EDS was 'blank' when i took it just now but now ok
TIB536D came to 858 with off svc but eventually on the EDS to 858 route
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB1168B side EDS showed off service while front showed 903 route
TIB540R side EDS liddat, has been like that for long time leh...
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB1168B side EDS showed off service while front showed 903 route
TIB486P both EDS was 'blank' when i took it just now but now ok
TIB536D came to 858 with off svc but eventually on the EDS to 858 route
TIB1168B was on 903/971E slot...