SBS2739R - good candidate for JB 160/70 cross-border
SBS2795C - rear 'DOOR CLOSING' sign and chime spoilt, bus spotted with 3rd brakelight...
SBS6375E door side dress rim no more Merc logo
SBS Volvo FM10 recovery truck observation:
YK2462H both dress rims no more Merc logo, front Merc logo also removed, leaving a blank space. Probably someone wasn't too happy about the Volvo -> Merc conversion.
TIB701T faulty A/C
TIB465A (WL925) corrupted side EDS
TIB817T (AM67) corrupted side EDS, replaced by rear desto
* SBS7342T on OFF SVC 196 travelling on PIE, towards Clementi dierection... Time spotted: 1500hr...
* SBS8049J front-right side bumper cracked...
* TIB757H on 962 with 901 rear desto...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB757H on 962 with 901 rear desto...
Should be AM crossover...
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Should be AM crossover...
there is no AM crossover btwn 962 n 901.
SBS 7384Y bus stopping bell is "beep" 2 times instead of "beep"
Originally posted by TIB 585L:there is no AM crossover btwn 962 n 901.
I guess it did 901 in AM Peak before 962, or it e-pulled to 901, or the driver brought wrong desto...
UNKNOWN SBST Citaro on 66, sometimes ends at Bedok, sometimes ends at Be, which one? Front EDS, bus with ad, two of the ad colors AFAIK is white and pink.
SMB29D (AM171) rear EDS output at all even though front and side show 171
* TIB699S spotted along Wdls Ave 3 to Kranji direction with some new aluminium body panels unpainted... No more SMRT logos, but part of TIBS livery exposed... Suspect it's going for full exterior refurb in KJDEP after inspection at WLDEP... just like TIB697Y, TIB698U, TIB700X... Time spotted: 11.02AM...
* TIB1150B just departed from WLDEP... Spotted at Wdls Ave 3 to Kranji direction... Time spotted: 11.55AM
Hmm.... seem like now SV 87 is a place for HGDEP to try out their new DDs buses b4 they get perm whenever new DDs come in sure hv to go test on this svc first leh .
Originally posted by Lsk138:Hmm.... seem like now SV 87 is a place for HGDEP to try out their new DDs buses b4 they get perm whenever new DDs come in sure hv to go test on this svc first leh .
51 buses also like that (from SLBP)...
* TIB1244P rear "Bus Stopping" has no panel cover on both sides... Both "Door Closing" not working...
SMB214K (KJ307) left hand low beam failure
* SMB1323Y, SMB1373C shiny rims...
* TIB756K, TIB1098U, TIB1233X on 960, bunched up at Bt. Panjang Rd towards City...
* TIB1233X rear "Door Closing" not working... 1 of the rear Exit doors open slightly automatically everytime when its closed...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB1038T round font rear "BUS STOPPING" sign...
TIB1143Y (WLDEP 912) also like that...
Originally posted by SMB42P:SMB29D (AM171) rear EDS output at all even though front and side show 171
SMB7S (AMDEP 853) also like that...
Originally posted by All the Best!:UNKNOWN SBST Citaro on 66, sometimes ends at Bedok, sometimes ends at Be, which one? Front EDS, bus with ad, two of the ad colors AFAIK is white and pink.
what u mean by sometimes ends at be?
u mean the "dok" the EDS blink blink right?
it's 6071G or i may wrong. i know got a perm 66 citaro the EDS blink blink all the time.
Originally posted by azharjj:
what u mean by sometimes ends at be?u mean the "dok" the EDS blink blink right?
it's 6071G or i may wrong. i know got a perm 66 citaro the EDS blink blink all the time.
It's been like that since it permed 52... LAWO EDS fail!
I don't usually post in this observations thing but here's one:
* TIB896P (KJDEP 300) - The PIS inside the bus has this line:
Blk 483 (Please move to to the rear)
Originally posted by azharjj:
what u mean by sometimes ends at be?u mean the "dok" the EDS blink blink right?
it's 6071G or i may wrong. i know got a perm 66 citaro the EDS blink blink all the time.
Yep... be X bedok Blink blink
* SMB119C bottom panel of the Entrance still with Carrera ad...
* TIB1243S refurbed with super bright middle "Door Closing"... And no more "Fish-Tank" window...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB1243S refurbed with super bright middle "Door Closing"... And no more "Fish-Tank" window...
Went under refurbishment, right?