SBS3637U door side front LED lights blink instead of the yellow blinker light. Someone must have wired this pair of lights wrongly!
TIB714G (KJ172) suspected driven by new driver 1st day (PM01 or PM02) shift i think). Behind him was a senior driver, telling him what to take note of. Overheard him telling the new driver that DAF buses is harder to drive than it looks and the new driver was careful when braking and therefore all his stops are very smooth, coz he will brake early and the DAF decelerating sound will drag a little as he will have to wait till the bus is at the bus bay before coming to a full stop. All his stops are accurate too.
Many people started to board at 30041 and the bus is packed to the brim. Guess the driver had no experience and the senior driver have to control the crowd, tell the new driver when to open/close front door. Quite funny.
Anyway, according to the console, he is late for more than 10mins for that particular trip. (Reaching cck int about 1710hrs)
New BC with the mentor la,Last time in SBST i go through this stuff during my first 2 svc for a few days..SMRT side only my 1st svc that is 853.My mentor would add where is d hazard places,bus stops,where got speed check etc
SBS3185G "70 seats available" on the indicator
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:SBS3185G "70 seats available" on the indicator
It counted the air above passenger's head
Originally posted by SBS 7603R:SBS3185G "70 seats available" on the indicator
Yah... Took it today, was stunt when i was thinking "got so many seats on top meh?"
* SMB8P corrupted front EDS: "8 YISHUN INT/MRT 8"... 888...
* TIB879P middle Exit has 4 sensors instead of the normal 2...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB750B slow motion Entrance doors...
- TIB750B has yellow Hispano Habit door handles!
Originally posted by 23ispolo:Add-on:
- TIB750B has yellow Hispano Habit door handles!
Some buses have it, TIB666L, TIB673R... TIB769Z has Scania modified doors since TIBS 372 (Now 903)...
TIB443M - front doors open violently (ninja 3rd edition ), but close normally, with MAN A22 Masats Door system...
Nice ZF, I cannot feel the de-registration day coming so soon...
TIB586J - front 'BUS STOPPING' two tone colour (faded) like this > 'BUS STOPPING', super cold aircon at 27'C in the hot morning , like TIB547Y (the best aircons of the O405s, not TIB815Z
TIB815Z - only front interior lights working (in the parallel light pattern turned on by the driver), (opposite of the Denso aircon CAC O405s )
TIB1143Y - front trailer left rear aircon filter panel (nearest to the articulator) hanging loose and very dangerously. Had to inform BC about the loose and swaying panel, as the passengers' safety was at risk... (Have I eaten too much humble pie?
TIB519D (KJ927) using 927A rear desto today...
the "wait...what?" style sounds very familiar...trying too hard to copy be original , see so many pages yet go copy
Originally posted by kaputwheel:
More pictures of the errors spotted on MAN..
Originally posted by SMB66X:More pictures of the errors spotted on MAN..
more cockfaces everywhere talk shit about buses.copycat
page also pay money despo get likes catch up
Originally posted by kaputwheel:
more cockfaces everywhere talk shit about buses.copycatpage also pay money despo get likes catch up
Originally posted by SMB66X:
Originally posted by SMB388S:
Kiddos like u jealous BIS success and most popular page~
Your Nose, Eyes and Taste got major problem, go see doctor ASAP
SBS9630Z still bears the SBST logo in white at the top of the bottom windscreen...
Originally posted by SMB66X:Your Nose, Eyes and Taste got major problem, go see doctor ASAP
Originally posted by SMB66X:Your Nose, Eyes and Taste got major problem, go see doctor ASAP
SMB194J (WLBP 852) - damn dirty rear
TIB530U (WLDEP 854) - spoilt 'DOOR CLOSING' sign and chime, interior panel still has Marigold fruit juice ads...
TIB626C (KJDEP 173) - rear Fisherman's Friend black ad portion retained on top of rear bumper... Most seats have thick bottom cushions, very nice aircon. Bus now has hub reduction sound...
TIB902E (WLDEP 176) - nice 'BUS STOPPING' doorbell chime like TIB870M, believe that it's from TIBS time...
SBS9407C repainted (including rims) and fitted with a new set of tires. Whole bus including the tires are very shiny.
Originally posted by SBS9C:SBS9407C repainted (including rims) and fitted with a new set of tires. Whole bus including the tires are very shiny.
SBS 9426Y and SBS 9428S both (HGDEP 153) also repainted same like SBS 9407C
Originally posted by SBS9C:SBS3637U door side front LED lights blink instead of the yellow blinker light. Someone must have wired this pair of lights wrongly!
The light has been fixed as of today.