‪#‎lazy‬ ‪#‎travel‬ ‪#‎publictransport‬
Info from BIS~ number one page on Singapore buses~
* SBS9444U upperdeck "Bus Stopping" covered up with newspaper. Pax could only be notified through the chime...
* SBS9591C restickered livery...
* SMB223J front SMRT logo changed for the 3rd time, back to the normal small logo...
* SMB3065D just got new engine cover and bumper due to the recent damages...
* TIB450S on 187, using "184" rear desto with hand-drawn "7" on a piece of paper to covered up the "4"... KMB hand-drawn desto style detected!
Originally posted by TIB1234T:
* TIB450S on 187, using "184" rear desto with hand-drawn "7" on a piece of paper to covered up the "4"... KMB hand-drawn desto style detected!
What KMB has to do with this
Originally posted by All the Best!:What KMB has to do with this
Due to their plastic desto theft cases, and lost of destos, theis staffs/drivers had to handmade them with papers/markers/pens/stickers/etc... This TIB450S resembles what i stated, that's why...
9632T OS at WRI, but when the bus is at the bus stop after TPE, it is on perm service 168 with passengers inside...
* SBS7561C rear rego wordings are fading off...
* SMB248M, SMB303L, SMB313H, SMB1312D, SMB1314Z, SMB3032Z, SMB3059Y shiny rims...
* SMB313H, SMB347K Exit door system panel cover already seperated from the window frame panels, like SMB240J...
* TIB830D isn't refurb yet...
* TIB877U vibrative rear...
* TIB1152X departed from WLDEP to KJDEP...
* TIB1163P rear "Door Closing" sign left-side frame broken, plastic sign card slanted to the left, exposing the fluorescent tubes...
SMB198Z - front doors are ninjas (seriously fast), the doors bang damn hard, so both door flaps are badly bashed. Worst Masats doors ever!
SMB235A - radiator cover stuck with tape, like TIB613P last time...
SMB1341U - screw missing from rear door cover, making it shake 'down' over bumps. Also, blue seat right behind the door loose...
TIB475X - red LED-lit middle 'Bus Stopping' sign, like TIB600B. Several seats with Volgren O405 bottom seat covers (why so many spares?!?!?!)
TIB488J - middle 'Bus Stopping' sign spolit. Panels which were cut for the new 'aircon equipment' are obviously repainted. Konventa aircon filter had a noisy air suction sound when on 882 (one of the most epic O405 cameos ever!)
TIB968R - interior in poor condition, flooring behind the rear right wheelhub replaced by metal floorboard, like TIB832Z... Lighting covers starting to become transparent... Rear 'Door Closing' sign and chime both spoilt...I think it needs a major refurbishment soon...
TIB1033G - rear trailer aircon damn weak!
Info from BIS most popular page on Singapore buses~
* Full body ad Citaro inside C&C...
* SBS2608K on 159, still using old readers...
* SBS3128Y has LOTTE hangers...
* SBS7431U front & middle right rims changed to the same as Wrights...
* SMB235A special PVC seats are softer than the production ones, and only the headrest cushion is using the same PVC material... Its doors interlocked disabled as well...
* TIB1187X rear left rim repainted with smooth coating, believe to be a new rim...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* Full body ad Citaro inside C&C...
By 29mins ago, spotted one O405 on 106 traveling approx. 70km/h along Boon Lay Way towards BBT
Originally posted by 23ispolo:SBS or SMRT?
What's the ad name
SBS3186D - left rear axles area scraped, exposing the purple paint and even the metal used for the bodywork...
SMB11D - top door arm (support) compartment exposed, showing the wires for the rear left door (from the interior).... 3 old O405 bus stopping buttons found on the walls of the bus (dirty yellow)...
SMB127D - top door arm (support) compartment exposed, showing the wires for the rear left door (from the interior), left rear door (from interior) shaking vigerously over bumps....
TIB625E - assorted mix of thin, medium and super thick bottom purple seat covers... 'Bus Stopping' chime quite nice (BEEP). Air-con quite pleasant too!
TIB965Z - interior panel ads all badly pasted, except the one at the front right... 'Door Closing' light spoilt... Middle 'Bus Stopping' light very bright.
* Spotted a VO3x ontow at Turf Club Ave to Kranji Rd to a scrapyard... Time spotted: 1214hr...
* SMB262X rearside panels dented very badly...
* TIB853M squeaky articulator, but has a uniquely smooth gearbox... Middle Exit with noisy pneumatic system with loud screeching sound... Middle "Door Closing" no chime...
* TIB1144U rear "Bus Stopping" red missing cover fixed...
TIB725A spotted at Sembawang Way towards SEBP, Suspect doing ONP. Confirm not 882. Either 167 or 980
TIB550L - has clean front livery until halfway along the driver's side battery box, where the side livery becomes dirty (obviously stickered)...
This shall be 3in1 lah... Lazy today
TIB1072T, cameo on 300 + refurbished. Whole body shiny
* SBS9575A rear-top lightings are white LEDs found on WAB buses...
* SMB331E doesn't have "Give Way to Buses" and "Bus Lane Timings" stickers at the rear...
* TIB552G still have the long ago Brother printer yellow/blue door ads...
* TIB672T has alot of window ads adhesive stuck on the rearside windows, above the rear axle...
* TIB793C has underfloor a/c vent, but its empty like TIB1105H... However, the Burger King ad still make way for the vent...
* TIB1045Y on 960, downroute from Bt. Panjang Rd first busstop... Time: 0824hr...
* TIB1111P shows "SMRT's"...
TIB1142A has the brightest EDS ever. Was really illuminating when spotted at night
TIB726Y EDS still corrupted
SMB3056E Ez Link Reader Spoilt, Please Pay Cash
SBS2635G - middle of front left rim red (SBS times )...
SMB141L - shiny silver rims (except the rear left...), front rims look like SBST's Citaro's rims...
TIB779U - rear right rim paint starting to come off, exposing the lovely original silver rim...
TIB1178Y - black stickers on the right underfloor aircon covers (front) coming off, exposing the metal used for the bodywork ... May need a refurbishment soon...
Originally posted by SMB128B:Unknown OC on 854 has Gorba EDS font and format for all EDS on the entire bus, front EDS service number on the left of EDS…
I think it's SMB45G. Check buses[in]gapore!'s photo of SMB45G posted on October 17...