TIB828L with a desto that is really different from the usual desto we see everyday on 188R
TIB1045Y spotted at 10.10pm at Woodlands Ave 3 towards Marsiling MRT, suspect doing NR2
TIB428H still spotted on perm service today! Still going strong!
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB828L with a desto that is really different from the usual desto we see everyday on 188R
TIB1045Y spotted at 10.10pm at Woodlands Ave 3 towards Marsiling MRT, suspect doing NR2
TIB428H still spotted on perm service today! Still going strong!
427K 187.
I tot NR2 can't have bendy?
spotted 3227 & 3228 back to back on 157 lol
2 BR DDs appear on weekends
though it happens once a while, but this one 2 leh. usually 1
Hispano bodywork.
Info from BIS~ number one and most popular page on Singapore buses~
Originally posted by SMB388S:TIB572Z is the only Mercedes Benz O405 to date to have its Alcoa/Alux rims not painted to black during refurbishments - it is seen here deployed as a training bus.
Hispano bodywork.
Info from BIS~ number one and most popular page on Singapore buses~
So you're telling me that every Mercz O405 have Alcoa/Alux rims and are painted black during refurb....?? Another misleading info...
Originally posted by SMB66X:427K 187.
I tot NR2 can't have bendy?
Im not sure, i have seen bendies at BKE twds town at 10,11pm at times.
Originally posted by SMB66X:427K 187.
I tot NR2 can't have bendy?
SBS8400C rattling aircon...
On Saturday 12 Oct
9537K on 168, with Sv 6 side desto hiding behind the front 3 seats.
TIB455D (add-on) - has an original fabric Hispano Habit driver seat!
TIB560H - noisy doors, top part of door scraping the rear door panel, actually keeping it clean! Aircon (20`C) in the morning rain damn cold!
JMQ506 (JB bus) - corrupted CW5 EDS...
Originally posted by All the Best!:
Pls go to MAN A24 thread. 23ispolo said he saw 388S on NR5. I wonder why SMRT out bendies on NRs. Maybe tt time from RWS got many pax, can't load so deploy bendy on NR2/5.
Bendies only on NR during events... Not becoz of RWS load... SMB66X trying to say NR2 cannot have bendies, you go say NR5 for what...
* MAN on 700P, ends at Bt. Panjang...
* TIB481C rear EDS finally exposed again...
1 Aunty park her baby tram next to her seat on SMB3067Z and it fitted nicely into the space[at the single seater section]. Could it be the initial purpose from SMRT to remove the seats?
Originally posted by SMB66X:So you're telling me that every Mercz O405 have Alcoa/Alux rims and are painted black during refurb....??
Another misleading info...
Biasedness leads to blindness.
TIB515P and TIB610Y were painted black during refurbishments.
Originally posted by SMB128B:Bendies only on NR during events... Not becoz of RWS load... SMB66X trying to say NR2 cannot have bendies, you go say NR5 for what...
Oh k thks
Originally posted by Wright:Biasedness leads to blindness.
TIB515P and TIB610Y were painted black during refurbishments.
I remember seeing TIB572Z rims black before, either it was painted black or became very dirty. I found a photo of it with the front rims black.
SMRT cleaned up the rims earlier this year, was kinda surprised to see it with shiny rims again.
TIB458X - many seats found with spare Volgren O405 seat covers like TIB455D, desto covering side EDS, which seems to be scrolling 925C's route details again!
TIB517J - assorted combo of thick purple bottom seat covers, ad peeling off rear right window...
TIB558R - rear doors have Masats door system sound (MAN front doors), very attractive ZF! The front doors have SMRT livery, while rear doors are black, like TIB481C and TIB600B. The 'Door Closing' buzzer sounds like a piece of funky dance music, anyone want to spam the buzzer sound for a music video?
TIB560H (add-on) - all purple seat covers (except the last row) have very thick bottoms
TIB591T - very badly dented rear left interior panel (left of windshield from outside)
TIB815Z - rear door EZ-link card reader display spoilt, but reader still functioning! Told BC about the problem and asked him to check at AMK Int (169AM07 BC today)
Triple triple ones-ception!
SBS6111A on service 111 TripleOne Somerset at Somerset. That's a mouthful
‪#inception‬ ‪#publictransport‬ ‪#sbstransit‬‪#Mercedes‬ ‪#Benz‬ ‪#Citaro‬ — atTripleOne Somerset
Info from BIS~ most popular page on Singapore buses~
Originally posted by 23ispolo:TIB458X - many seats found with spare Volgren O405 seat covers like TIB455D, desto covering side EDS, which seems to be scrolling 925C's route details again!
TIB517J - assorted combo of thick purple bottom seat covers, ad peeling off rear right window...
TIB558R - rear doors have Masats door system sound (MAN front doors), very attractive ZF! The front doors have SMRT livery, while rear doors are black, like TIB481C and TIB600B. The 'Door Closing' buzzer sounds like a piece of funky dance music, anyone want to spam the buzzer sound for a music video?
TIB560H (add-on) - all purple seat covers (except the last row) have very thick bottoms
TIB591T - very badly dented rear left interior panel (left of windshield from outside)
TIB815Z - rear door EZ-link card reader display spoilt, but reader still functioning!
Told BC about the problem and asked him to check at AMK Int (169AM07 BC today)
Today Public Holiday, thats why using 925C EDS...
* SBS3008K offside shiny rear rim...
* SBS9522C upperdeck "Bus Stopping" chime almost going flat, "To-Woot... To-Woot"...
* SMB265M both front door flaps not working...
* TIB1109Y nearside panel beside the rear axle gone missing. The President's Challenge 2013 ad was used to covered the space...
9537K have weird noise on the upper deck when bus stopping bell is pressed
* JGX2346, CW1 Mercs bus with Optimax Eye Specialist ad, which the design resembles one of the creative ads on the net where the wheels replaced the eyes...
* SMB230M rearside panel cover slightly dislodged...
* SMB1378P shiny rims...
* SMB3033X portion of side EDS LEDs not working...
* TIB561E rearside without SMRT livery...
* TIB607H side EDS shows "7 " instead of "700", replaced with a rear desto instead...
* TIB731G had 1 or 2 broken wire dangling on the road with a cylindrical tube below the engine area...
* TIB747L changed new directional signals lightbulbs, very bright and tradition instead of the LEDs...
* TIB986M on 190, parking at Bt. Panjang Temp. Int, waiting to downroute 190... Time spotted: 0814hr...
* TIB1025E howling engine...
* TIB1234T middle "Door Closing" not working, and new "Bus Stopping" chime installed...
Go home citaro. U r drunk~
Info from BIS number one page on Singapore buses~