* Off Service MAN on 169 spotted at Wlands Ave 3 to WLDEP...
* Some Moove-Media KUBs had a red box installed on the roof of the bus, like SBS8187T, but not on SBS8101R...
* SBS8465R has noisy radiator...
* SMB201Y rear red portion sticker above the left reverse light missing...
* SMB242D, SMB1301K front left mudguard tearing off...
* SMB307B chassis still hanging with a loose long piece of metal plate...
* SMB1351R rearside & rear have alot of birdshit-like white spots...
* SMB3069T odd-1-out Batch 2, equipped with Batch 1 retarder instead of Batch 2's...
* TIB494R "Door Closing" chime spoilt...
Even if 950A is made possible, I feel that it's even better to re-route 950's JB sector to stop at various shopping malls[if allowed], like the CW5 etc.
spotted city direct big route map at jurong town hall rd blk 253 bus stop...
does that mean that the new city direct service for jurong east starts at that bus-stop?
since the route map spotted at blk 749 bus stop, where 651 plies
* SBS8216T on 168, side & rear Coolair EDS changed to exact Mobitec font... Almost thought the bus got Mobitec EDS...
* SMB6U on 927, WAB logo...
* SMB15T front & rear regos letter "M" seems bolded...
* SMB3006A, SMB3026S with BSEP Move In window ads...
* SMB3033X parking at KJE Slip Rd busstop waiting to do downroute 960... Time spotted: 0853hr... Downroute Time: 0855hr at Bt. Panjang Rd first busstop...
* TIB544E, TIB868X rear suspensions cui...
* TIB791H side EDS cover plate half opened...
* TIB1185B rear left suspension broke, whole rear tilted to the left, bouncing like a ball...
TIB508K - 800, carrying 2 of this ver. desto-Front and back.
* TIB576M rear suspension loose, keep having "Klung...Klung...Klung..."...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* SMB327T brokedown at The Salvation Army busstop at Bt.Timah at 0830hr...
* TIB576M rear suspension loose, keep having "Klung...Klung...Klung..."...
1st post, Wrong thread.
Originally posted by SMB66X:TIB508K - 800, carrying 2 of this ver. desto-Front and back.
Very hard to see YI feeders using destos these days.
Info from BIS most popular page on Singapore Buses~
Saw a photo of SMB136C's interior(recently taken), found out that AMDEP had changed the plastic pannel before and after the rear door.
Originally posted by SMB66X:TIB508K - 800, carrying 2 of this ver. desto-Front and back.
TIB527E spotted with same desto today...
* SMB88H with rear restickered SMRT livery. 2 diff colour tones can be seen comparing with spraypainted side body...
* SMB3002K, SMB3024Y with BSEP Move In window ads...
* TIB438D, TIB478M on 178A, returning to WRI via Wlands Ave 3 @ 0835hr & 0840hr...
* TIB1068G, probably the first President's Challenge 2013 bus with cut-out heart shape window ads... TIB1064S might be the 2nd one...
* TIB1132D with Inspection desto along Kranji Stn going to KJDEP...
* TIB1246J has working Speed Limit Alarm...
831B very shiny
Service 961 has a fleet reshuffling.
500G,501D,528C,481C slots was shifted to arrive around 6pm whereas the old slots this 4 buses would arrive WRI at 4-5pm. The 4 slots was taken over by 818R,831B,536D,522T. I conclude there are some reshuffling in 961 timings
Originally posted by TIB 585L:831B very shiny
Service 961 has a fleet reshuffling.
500G,501D,528C,481C slots was shifted to arrive around 6pm whereas the old slots this 4 buses would arrive WRI at 4-5pm. The 4 slots was taken over by 818R,831B,536D,522T. I conclude there are some reshuffling in 961 timings
The timing all screwed up like..Iris departure : 1533, there's SMB1373U departing at 1531, and TIB671X at 1538.
PS, Don't mind using the "IRIS" term...mixed up already
Originally posted by SMB66X:The timing all screwed up like..Iris departure : 1533, there's SMB1373U departing at 1531, and TIB671X at 1538.
I lost track of 961 fleet already. Last time fleet sequence easy to remember, Now the whole sequence is jumbled up
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I lost track of 961 fleet already. Last time fleet sequence easy to remember, Now the whole sequence is jumbled up
106 same thing... I can only remember 169 and 75 (on weekends).
Originally posted by 23ispolo:106 same thing... I can only remember 169 and 75 (on weekends).
106's fleet, Uh They will play around almost every week.
One week 1238H 768B 788T another week 782J 783G 1237K etc.
Originally posted by TIB783G:106's fleet, Uh They will play around almost every week.
One week 1238H 768B 788T another week 782J 783G 1237K etc.
969 even worse for AM side. the bendies are jumbled up everyday on different timings. 1077E can be on 995L slot on Monday, Then 1077E on 1220H slot then on perm slot on Wednesday- For example. WL side the 3 bendies are very consistent
Originally posted by TIB 585L:969 even worse for AM side. the bendies are jumbled up everyday on different timings. 1077E can be on 995L slot on Monday, Then 1077E on 1220H slot then on perm slot on Wednesday- For example. WL side the 3 bendies are very consistent
For splits if they want to play around should be no problem.
If you were to compare the 3 970 x-over slots, you'll have a hard time tracking down who is the perm bus.
eg 970S104 monday can be 41S tuesday 42P wed 43L thursday 72C etc, it is very hard to keep track who does the slot except if you can guess the split bus it changed for.
Originally posted by TIB783G:For splits if they want to play around should be no problem.
If you were to compare the 3 970 x-over slots, you'll have a hard time tracking down who is the perm bus.
eg 970S104 monday can be 41S tuesday 42P wed 43L thursday 72C etc, it is very hard to keep track who does the slot except if you can guess the split bus it changed for.
Full day buses are easy to track, When comes to split slot, it is very hard to track the perm bus and the timing wich explains why peak hour normally got alot of cameos
TIB1058K (refurbished)
one of seats opposite the rear-most door gave way
SMB136C has green lights that can be switched on in the interior. Is it unique to SMB136C or do the other Citaros have it too?
Originally posted by SBS9C:SMB136C has green lights that can be switched on in the interior. Is it unique to SMB136C or do the other Citaros have it too?
This are the lights i'm had talked about long ago... Only this bus have it since last year or the year before...