TIB459T - dirty interior, spoilt 'Door Closing' sign, loose exit door panel and front door (right side)
TIB551J - growling engine, spoilt 'Door Closing' chime and sign, TV spotted at front...
TIB749G - loose exit door and front panels
TIB899G - super dirty inside and out
TIB859Y with Dennis Lance Bell Chime(4beats one)
3619Y was otw to SLBP with 111 EDS
9305M sv9 rear desto was placed on the right side of the rear window.
* Shine Youth Fest. ads logo are machine cut, thus depots are able to update the new "Shine" logo without having to tear off half sides of the ads... Example SMB281R, with visible dirty adhesive from previous logo...
* SMB240J, SMB1374A shiny rims...
* SMB3047G rear EDS slanted...
* TIB624H side EDS still covered up with Fisherman's Friend Blackcurrent ad...
SBS9827Z - 168, Top headlights(or beam light) is flashing like the stars
TIB1134Z - Shiny black rims
~Found on facebook~
TIB829J has new LAWO Benefit EDS. Credits to Singapore Buses for the photo.
* TranStar, PC999M, with RWS Transformer ad...
* SBS6151J rearside dented...
* SMB242D Exit cover keeps shaking and making irritating "Eek...Eek...Eek..." noise...
* SMB294D shiny rims, no dustbin, keep having "Beep...Beep...Beep..." randomly when bus moves/brakes/in motion...
* SMB3025U has BSEP window ads...
* TIB536D repainted rims...
* TIB697Y refurb exterior, same as TIB698U...
* TIB968R using 925 rear paper desto...
* TIB1054X rear bumper warning stripe is 1 whole piece, same as TIB1026C...
* TIB1190K refurb, with repaired dents...
* SMB188C repainted rims...
* SMB347K Exit sensor dropping off soon...
* SMB1371H might be going to WLDEP for maintenance soon... BC keep jam brake, so hard that everyone keep shifting forward from their seats... New retarder already sounds like jet engine roaring louder than usual...
* TIB601Z seen heading to WLDEP...
** SHC3468Z right & rear with Daikin ads, left adless...
TIB967T with 975 EDS spotted outside RP heading twds WLDEP
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB967T with 975 EDS spotted outside RP heading twds WLDEP
Same for TIB601Z but OFF SVC...
SBS 8323S has a new rear. The rear looks like 7888K's rear. :O
SMB278B SL spotted sleeping after alighting passenger at midnight just now. Must be really tired till he slept while the bus is parked at the alighting bay :P
TIB 456B on sv 67 has got bad stench (ie poop & vomit smell). Since 8am already like that.
TIB521X - spoilt exit door buzzer and sign, but very good aircon at 20*C.
TIB600B - rear 'Bus Stopping' in red, lit up by red LEDs. Powerful aircon.
SBS 9672C having a loud braking sound when bus cameo on 161 today coming to a stop .
* Tong Tar ZhongTong, PC313S, with Sentosa Cove dolphins ad... Front painted white rim like OCs last time...
* SBS6079K aircon pod has tree branch stucked on top...
* SBS6226C rear rooftop ventilation cover paintcoat came off, looks like SMRT Batch 1 Citaros... Rear EDS top half keeps flashing...
* SBS8845C grinding engine and rear left creaking suspension...
* SMB225D Exit door system cover loose...
* TIB1163P rear EDS area rainwater leaking... Rear "Door Closing" sign supprt frame broke, lightbulbs exposed...
Recently can see this SV 159 Perm Citaros always been kapo away to other svcs like doing on 27 34 43 etc. and throwing back more DM & STRIDER again .
Originally posted by Lsk138:Recently can see this SV 159 Perm Citaros always been kapo away to other svcs like doing on 27 34 43 etc. and throwing back more DM & STRIDER again .
I would rather the B10Ms to do 27 or 34 because of the larger amount of seats and the nature of the routes that they are plying (expressways/long distances). 43 is ok as there are passengers alighting and boarding every stop. I really hate boarding the overloaded KUBs and Citaros on both 27 and 34 because it is really an uncomfortable journey, and worst still if the bus gets stuck at the TPE Sengkang/Punggol exit (hopefully the widened road will ease the situation).
I really hope 34 frequency can be reduced to 10 mins per bus, while a parallel route to svc 27 starting from Tampines utilizing dds can be introduced.
Originally posted by SBS9C:I would rather the B10Ms to do 27 or 34 because of the larger amount of seats and the nature of the routes that they are plying (expressways/long distances). 43 is ok as there are passengers alighting and boarding every stop. I really hate boarding the overloaded KUBs and Citaros on both 27 and 34 because it is really an uncomfortable journey, and worst still if the bus gets stuck at the TPE Sengkang/Punggol exit (hopefully the widened road will ease the situation).
I really hope 34 frequency can be reduced to 10 mins per bus, while a parallel route to svc 27 starting from Tampines utilizing dds can be introduced.
i dun think they using back much this B 10Ms on 27 & 34 as they r already WAB svcs liao so just take this citaros dat still from non-WAB SVC 159 to cameo on them .
spotted 7402's EDS on 199 just now
Boon Lay-Nanyang Cre 199
TIB697Y with its exterior refurbished with a clean livery, along with an original formatting LAWO Benefit LED signage.
Info from BIS most creative and infomative page on Singapore Buses~ unlike some other obnoxious pages~
TIB964B - exterior grill (rear left) with previous ad, all but one inside Nexcare ads pasted improperly, but the aircon has been improved.