AMDEP Citaro[62XX onwards] seems to be better than BNDEP one, interior(or to say bus) is quite cooling and less heaty.
SMB66X - soft 'Bus Stopping' chime and 'Door Closing' sign. Low battery?
SBS9308E - rusty interior (upper deck)
SBS 3194E(AMDEP 72) have thinner font on the rear EDS. Looks like the back EDS is now going to change to thinner font EDS?
* Unknown MAN A22 parking outside Yishun VICOM Inspection Centre...
* SBS9293M repainted exterior...
* SMB264R, SMB3020H shiny rims...
* TIB1165J keeps having "ishh...." sound from the rear every 5 secs at high speed...
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:SBS 3194E(AMDEP 72) have thinner font on the rear EDS. Looks like the back EDS is now going to change to thinner font EDS?
Thinner font but fatter numbers?
Has been seen on SBS7491X on 88.
Seems like a LECIP reprogramming.
Edit: Also seen on 3601 and 3609 and 3282.
Originally posted by MoltenFalcon:Thinner font but fatter numbers?
Has been seen on SBS7491X on 88.
Seems like a LECIP reprogramming.
Edit: Also seen on 3601 and 3609.
SBS 7431U(AMDEP 72),SBS 7421Z(AMDEP 72),SBS 7486L(BRBP 88)all have fatter number too
* SBS8052Z on 275 with rear EDS "OFF SERVICE", had to use 275 rear desto...
* SMB235A loud engine...
* TIB541M "BUS STOPPING" chime still sound like TIBS days...
* TIB716B front EDS slanted...
* TIB771R on 188, using 188R rear desto...
* TIB967T on 188 with new BC seat, using 188 rear paper desto...
* TIB998D showed "EZ Readers Out Of Service. Please Pay Cash"...
more and more LECIP buses getting EDS updates including the big rounded numbers from rear EDS
like eg 3182 of 185
i remember seeing it yesterday as "Soon Lee Dep." Now, Soon Lee Depot haha
Even for newbies attach to west side it's stated Soon Lee Depot not bus park,Its too huge to call bus park
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:SBS 7431U(AMDEP 72),SBS 7421Z(AMDEP 72),SBS 7486L(BRBP 88)all have fatter number too
Another spotted on 7414.
Thinking about it, should we make a thread to catalogue these changes? It seems like a systematic update.
Originally posted by MoltenFalcon:Another spotted on 7414.
Thinking about it, should we make a thread to catalogue these changes? It seems like a systematic update.
You create the thread
Originally posted by azharjj:more and more LECIP buses getting EDS updates including the big rounded numbers from rear EDS
like eg 3182 of 185
i remember seeing it yesterday as "Soon Lee Dep." Now, Soon Lee Depot haha
LAWO also.. saw the citaro on 179A got a new formatting.
9255Z 161 desto place on the left side of the upper deck window.
apparently SBS8351K of BN 66 also has its font changed
the number at rear EDS definitely got a difference, compared to last time i saw.
btw majority of 98 permers for wright & CDGE got change in EDS format already
number looks "fat" on rear EDS
Originally posted by 23ispolo:SMB66X - soft 'Bus Stopping' chime and 'Door Closing' sign. Low battery?
The circuit connection starting to get lose I think? :o
3353M + 7570 + 1 Unknown adless Wright on 168 bunches again, infront there's 1 more orange ad Wright on off svc, didn't see rego. Probably 3090X 161.
Originally posted by MoltenFalcon:Another spotted on 7414.
Thinking about it, should we make a thread to catalogue these changes? It seems like a systematic update.
SBS 7398H(SLBP 51) have too
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:SBS 7398H(SLBP 51) have too
already a lot of buses EDS hv gotten this like svc 72 & 88 so many liao ! or u want to create a topic to update this like the new card readers topic ?
Originally posted by azharjj:apparently SBS8351K of BN 66 also has its font changed
the number at rear EDS definitely got a difference, compared to last time i saw.
btw majority of 98 permers for wright & CDGE got change in EDS format already
number looks "fat" on rear EDS
all 76 and 88 CDGEs have,76 wrights also have.
there seem to be a new "give way to bus"/bus lane hours" sticker for SBST... saw one on one of the sv33 strider...
Svc 12 and 21 CDGEs are getting the new font as well.
Originally posted by lemon1974:there seem to be a new "give way to bus"/bus lane hours" sticker for SBST... saw one on one of the sv33 strider...
Did you see it today? Because today SBS2600G cameoed on svc 29. It actually has the old Give way to buses sticker, though it looks new. Maybe they want to switch back to the old one?
Actually I was surprised when I saw this, I always thought SBS651Y was the last bus to have that sticker.
Originally posted by Lsk138:already a lot of buses EDS hv gotten this like svc 72 & 88 so many liao ! or u want to create a topic to update this like the new card readers topic ?
Topic created.
Please use this thread to discuss.
Originally posted by SBS9C:Did you see it today? Because today SBS2600G cameoed on svc 29. It actually has the old Give way to buses sticker, though it looks new. Maybe they want to switch back to the old one?
Actually I was surprised when I saw this, I always thought SBS651Y was the last bus to have that sticker.
Old sticker I presume..