TIB 725A has got its bell strips reinstalled. On Sv 67 today. Perhaps SMRT will do the same for 726Y ~ 797S?
Originally posted by MoltenFalcon:SBS3601Y (BNDEP SP) has a much “fatter” rear EDS font. On 45, number took up more horizontal space.
Hmm... maybe for double digits, 168 numbers were alright....
* TIB849B has 1 single aircon outlet above the 3rd solo seat behind the BC instead of the normal pair...
Pardon me for saying this but I feel majority Wldep BCs scared to drive cash cow Svc like 700/854 etc.Ever since these few Svc partly control by Wldep its getting more rubbish!700 for instance front Kjdep bus already packed and just 1 min apart this Wldep purposely stop beside road side and when the front bus move off this Wldep bus simply skip the bus stop and to my surprise the bus is not even half full!854 another case Wldep bus simply enter empty bus stops even when front Amdep bendy is packed to the brim!I don't know about 176 but I feel these BCs need counseling.Last time 169 Wldep play punk now that its full Wldep serve them right!969 Wldep I know a few BCs also play this kind of stuff.
Originally posted by MoltenFalcon:SBS3601Y (BNDEP SP) has a much “fatter” rear EDS font. On 45, number took up more horizontal space.
i think new formatted EDS for lecip wright
some previous rego also got the numbers look fat (like for eg the number 8 looks like u have to open eyes big2 like this O.O) forgot which rego
TIB967T - exterior cleaned up, but not refurbished.
* Shiny rims:
SBS3266G, SMB318U, SMB1330B
* Woodlands Dr 16 Svc.951E bus stop getting upgrade...
* SMB7S repainted rims...
* SMB33R flickering corrupted EDS...
* SMB45G ad-covered-EDS amended...
* SMB141L & Eversoft Citaro, both went into WLDEP...
* SMB346M & SMB1308S grinding engines...
* TIB441T experiencing reader problems, stuck at WRI for 10 mins with 961 and 161 buses waiting to pickup passengers... Surprisingly, the drivers didn't horn...
* TIB789R EDS slanted...
* TIB971E rear right taillights have double bulbs each, the left side all single bulb...
* TIB1081S bottom of BC window covered with Silkpro SilkBath ad...
SBS9665Z,SBS9666X,SBS9667T alll running on sv10 Jul 23
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* Shiny rims:
SBS3266G, SMB318U, SMB1330B
* Woodlands Dr 16 Svc.951E bus stop getting upgrade...* SMB7S repainted rims...
* SMB33R flickering corrupted EDS...
* SMB45G ad-covered-EDS amended...
* SMB141L & Eversoft Citaro, both went into WLDEP...
* SMB346M & SMB1308S grinding engines...
* TIB441T experiencing reader problems, stuck at WRI for 10 mins with 961 and 161 buses waiting to pickup passengers... Surprisingly, the drivers didn't horn...
* TIB789R EDS slanted...
* TIB971E rear right taillights have double bulbs each, the left side all single bulb...
* TIB1081S bottom of BC window covered with Silkpro SilkBath ad...
TIB732D EDS on slanted
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* Shiny rims:
SBS3266G, SMB318U, SMB1330B
* Woodlands Dr 16 Svc.951E bus stop getting upgrade...* SMB7S repainted rims...
* SMB33R flickering corrupted EDS...
* SMB45G ad-covered-EDS amended...
* SMB141L & Eversoft Citaro, both went into WLDEP...
* SMB346M & SMB1308S grinding engines...
* TIB441T experiencing reader problems, stuck at WRI for 10 mins with 961 and 161 buses waiting to pickup passengers... Surprisingly, the drivers didn't horn...
* TIB789R EDS slanted...
* TIB971E rear right taillights have double bulbs each, the left side all single bulb...
* TIB1081S bottom of BC window covered with Silkpro SilkBath ad...
Originally posted by MoltenFalcon:SBS3601Y (BNDEP SP) has a much “fatter” rear EDS font. On 45, number took up more horizontal space.
Same for SBS 3296U
spotted unknown service 99 wright with service 9 EDS LOL
> changi freight ctr 9
either the BC press wrong EDS or since gg to reach clementi, the BC decides to play haha
Originally posted by carbikebus:Pardon me for saying this but I feel majority Wldep BCs scared to drive cash cow Svc like 700/854 etc.Ever since these few Svc partly control by Wldep its getting more rubbish!700 for instance front Kjdep bus already packed and just 1 min apart this Wldep purposely stop beside road side and when the front bus move off this Wldep bus simply skip the bus stop and to my surprise the bus is not even half full!854 another case Wldep bus simply enter empty bus stops even when front Amdep bendy is packed to the brim!I don't know about 176 but I feel these BCs need counseling.Last time 169 Wldep play punk now that its full Wldep serve them right!969 Wldep I know a few BCs also play this kind of stuff.
Aren't the drivers from AMDEP/KJDEP also? oO
Originally posted by SMB66X:Aren't the drivers from AMDEP/KJDEP also? oO
What I meant is Svc like 700/854 that used to be full Kjdep and Amdep respectively suddenly become rubbish ever since part control with Wldep.Notice that most Wldep love to skip bus stops,speeding and some would just follow by 2 mins gap.169 last time also same Wldep especially those split BCs like scared to take more paxs compared to Amdep one.I knew they're frustrated to part control Svc like 176,700,925,854 etc but again because of their actions SMRT gained more tarnish reputation
Originally posted by carbikebus:What I meant is Svc like 700/854 that used to be full Kjdep and Amdep respectively suddenly become rubbish ever since part control with Wldep.Notice that most Wldep love to skip bus stops,speeding and some would just follow by 2 mins gap.169 last time also same Wldep especially those split BCs like scared to take more paxs compared to Amdep one.I knew they're frustrated to part control Svc like 176,700,925,854 etc but again because of their actions SMRT gained more tarnish reputation
Now i know why most service i took from WLDEP loves to skip bus stop and the front bus tank the load and speeding. 605M might be speeding too when the accident happens.
SBS6095M [ HG 101 ] the standee area pole still bent
SBS6350B [ HG SP ] the door closing sound damn soft. I standing right next to it can't even hear properly
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Now i know why most service i took from WLDEP loves to skip bus stop and the front bus tank the load and speeding. 605M might be speeding too when the accident happens.
That's is what the investigation team thinks too,Anyone with years of driving experience know judging by the video,Auto transmission when you decelerate will gradually decrease the speed but this one much more to say.Pardon me to say but judging by the video I highly suspected the driver doze off for a while
Suspect 980 got 1 additional duty from Wldep,Beside the regular 6 duties,I often saw random O405s,332C,335U & 1351R also,Can someone check?
Originally posted by carbikebus:What I meant is Svc like 700/854 that used to be full Kjdep and Amdep respectively suddenly become rubbish ever since part control with Wldep.Notice that most Wldep love to skip bus stops,speeding and some would just follow by 2 mins gap.169 last time also same Wldep especially those split BCs like scared to take more paxs compared to Amdep one.I knew they're frustrated to part control Svc like 176,700,925,854 etc but again because of their actions SMRT gained more tarnish reputation
Oh quite true actually~ Often experience this. But there's some driver whom check the stop etc. before moving off(with another bus infront, same svc). But there's really some whom love to take more pax.
3006A 964 got shiny rims
* SBS970B on 3, using 3A rear desto...
Spotted SMB1370K - SMB1375Y and 1 DAF* on convoy on SLE, towards YCK/TPE direction... Only saw DAF with white paper desto... Either 7 buses on Charter or 6 MANs to AMDEP with only DAF on Charter...
*Fully refurbished exterior, totally re-spraypainted even the DAF logo as well, looks as new, as shiny, as fresh as refurbished Habits... Not sure if its long lost TIB707C...
* SMB113T repainted rims...
* SMB276G rear EDS shows "966" > "002" > "966" continuously...
* SMB1312D rearside bumper cracked with opened hole...
* TIB559M on 911E, EDS showed "533" when changing to "911"...
* TIB801M has green Training Box (TIBS)...
* TIB1182J rear Exit "STOP" bells all not working, and all Exit doors very loose, keep flapping in and out...
TIB465A - weird hub sound, spoilt 'Door Closing' sign and one seat found to have Volgren seat bottom (soft).
TIB1225U - 'Bus Stopping' sign (facing the rear of the bus interior) installed the other way, both rear trailer 'Door Closing' sign and bell spoilt, dirty PIS...