Lousy maintance OR lousy bodywork? I guess it's both~~SMB240J - 187. PS, aircon was weak, too weak.
10 Days past(18/4 - 27/4), SMB388S have lost it's new interior smell. Articulate is getting dirty soon.
Originally posted by SMB66X:
Lousy maintance OR lousy bodywork? I guess it's both~~SMB240J - 187. PS, aircon was weak, too weak.10 Days past(18/4 - 27/4), SMB388S have lost it's new interior smell. Articulate is getting dirty soon.
I like new smell of MAN bus :(
also, by the time I take SMB388S the bellow kena black colour
* SMB347K one of the EXIT Doors' glass changed to spare one...
* TIB753T, TIB1246J repainted rims...
One of the side handgrip bar after the granny seats in SMB1304C is removed.
* SBS6610B has violent and screeching doors...
* SMB120Y front white rims, rear silver rims...
* SMB233E interior rego numbers and alphabets are slanted...
* SMB266K front rego plate came from Mercedes-Benz Cycle & Carriage...
* TIB1053Z new rear, but no orange warning stripes...
i am sorry if i always talk abt the 3263 & 3267... now the next bus to take note of is 3270T... been appearing on 243G quite often.
Originally posted by azharjj:i am sorry if i always talk abt the 3263 & 3267... now the next bus to take note of is 3270T... been appearing on 243G quite often.
243G is getting 1 or 2 Wrights almost every day for a month now. Still no perm. Confusing.
SBS 1974J (BNDEP 358)
Door Closing no buzzer sound.
Rear door right EZ-Link card tapping machine, sound is very soft.
Seems like TIB1105H's aircon at the rear getting better? It's always warm air blowing out, even during 6-7pm. But today(or recently), it started to became chilly cold.
Originally posted by SBS1929R:
Rear door right EZ-Link card tapping machine, sound is very soft.
Alot of AMDEP KUBs also liddat.
SBS 3009H (BNDEP 17)
Speedometer not working, tachometer also not working. Driver basically just flooring the Wright all the way. :))))))
Originally posted by SBS1929R:SBS 3009H (BNDEP 17)
Speedometer not working, tachometer also not working. Driver basically just flooring the Wright all the way. :))))))
Then don't be surprised if an accident happens, And another life gone.
Not funny boy if the one that gets pinned down under the bus is you or your family members.
btw the bus which knocked down the woman near clementi int is back on service 78 yesterday
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:243G is getting 1 or 2 Wrights almost every day for a month now. Still no perm. Confusing.
maybe try out?
Info from BIS~
Originally posted by SMB388S:Service 31, which plies between Tampines and Toa Payoh has 2 unique Volvo Super Olympians deployed as permanent buses for its fleet as of today - SBS9810X and SBS9889U.
Info from BIS~
There is a bus service that runs over your head and into your ass.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Seems like TIB1105H's aircon at the rear getting better? It's always warm air blowing out, even during 6-7pm. But today(or recently), it started to became chilly cold.
I saw 1105 H for the first time in my life yesterday.
Originally posted by SMB66X:Seems like TIB1105H's aircon at the rear getting better? It's always warm air blowing out, even during 6-7pm. But today(or recently), it started to became chilly cold.
Last time when I rode it whilst cameoing on 960, the rear was blowing out cold air. The windows were totally misted.
* SBS9405H on 192, side desto taken from one of 192 SD front desto...
* SMB245X got "Cranking" sound when its about to move off...
* SMB 3I3H tyre got "Chewing Gum"...
* SMB 3I7Y Rexona window ad not completed...
* SMB1343P has unusually quiet retarder when braking... The aircon outlet above the headrest seat is also facing the pax instead of the usual window... Likewise for the other side...
* TIB805C has a unique Door Closing chime, like those bodysearch scanning machine...
* TIB1003T only left with the rear unscrapped yet...
* TIB1044A on 856 with 950 EDS... Bus also mounted kerb at WRI Berth 1...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:* TIB1003T only left with the rear unscrapped yet...
As I suspected, the Lances were immediately send for scrap when its lay up begins...
Info from BIS number one page on Singapore buses~
Originally posted by SMB388S:The scrolling SBS Transit logo on the side signage on the Coolair, Hanover and Lecip electronic signage adds a very special modern feel to the bus whenever the corporate logo is displayed.
Info from BIS number one page on Singapore buses~
I suggest you should really see psychiatrist to get a new brain.
* SMB I3I7 R does not have "ENTRANCE" and "EXIT" stickers...
* TIB1034D, TIB1035B inside Liannex...
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:I suggest you should really see psychiatrist to get a new brain.
just ignore the troll, dude.
plus psychiatrist don't perform brain operation(s).....