SMB 220S (KJDEP 868/ Ferry Svc) on 61 today, shiny rims.
OAC on 969 with super shiny silver rims.
SBS2716G front license plate is "SBS27 6G"
Originally posted by SMB189A:SMB141L with Shiny Sliver Rims
last time was black shiny rims..
Now its rims are silver again??
Wtf is smrt doin?More Citaros at Amdep,More MANs at Wldep and more OCs at Kjdep?
Originally posted by carbikebus:Wtf is smrt doin?More Citaros at Amdep,More MANs at Wldep and more OCs at Kjdep?
Soon,WLDEP will have 0 OCs
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:Soon,WLDEP will have 0 OCs
Unless they want to take 20C and 129Z along with the rest of the OCs then it will be literally 0 OC in WLDEP
Maybe after all the pre 90s and 2000s rigids were gone then we will see the Citaros and OCs redeploy again
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Unless they want to take 20C and 129Z along with the rest of the OCs then it will be literally 0 OC in WLDEP
20C mia already. SMB129Z was spotted last few weeks, bus seems to be dirty.
Originally posted by SMB66X:20C mia already. SMB129Z was spotted last few weeks, bus seems to be dirty.
129Z dirty seems like 1H too.
Originally posted by SMB66X:20C mia already. SMB129Z was spotted last few weeks, bus seems to be dirty.
I saw SMB129Z last week at WRI. Not as dirty as SMB1H.
Originally posted by Merczrox:
Now its rims are silver again??
* Boarded SMB71E on 925 today, dashboard keeps having beeping sound non-stop starting from Kranji Rd to WRI all the way... Driver call OCC, then park bus at WRI Canteen for mechanic to check as well...
* TIB1031L in Liannex...
* TIB1204E on NR1...
SMB136C cleaned up
-Rims all silver again
-All fused lights repaired
-Top black exterior aircon block is now totally black (used to be faded)
-Rear cleaned, totally white
TIB1245L with a CCTV fixed above the exterior last piece of window, above the window level(Door side)
SBS8434E Side EDS not working
or is it only yesterday...
Originally posted by SBS6301T:SMB136C cleaned up
-Rims all silver again
-All fused lights repaired
-Top black exterior aircon block is now totally black (used to be faded)
-Rear cleaned, totally white
fact no.1 and 4 is not true. rims still the same colour. and rear is still the same white with a small black mark on the left side.
and SBS6301T is still having the same scratches it beared when it was registered in Sept 2012.
SBS8537S side EDS corrupted. Shows 410G/53 and keeps spamming
* SMB48Z, TIB753T shiny black rims...
* SMB85R just finished exterior refurbishment... Super shiny...
* SMB336S no rear MAN logo...
* SMB3026S super shiny rims...
* TIB491Z rear red Bus Stopping sign not working...
* TIB521X rear offside in SMRT livery...
* TIB1119T changing rear tyre at New Bridge Rd Terminal...
SBS6116L [ BNDEP 109 ] has white nearside air-con grills. Seems like the black glossy sticker came off.
TIB1204E is refurbished, Hispano Habit.
SBS6614R shiny rims
Saw some SMRT staffs with clipboard writing and collecting statistics at Yishun Int, 804/806 berth today, around 7.30pm.
Also another staff at 811 berth. helping with the crowd? like at Woodlands Int, 900/901..
Maybe CCK/BBT also have?
980 these days is damn freaking fail to the max. WAB already and yet still many buses are non WAB. And yesterday evening peak had 5-6 buses, all non WAB! I notice 167 is much better. These 2 days keep seeing 1010Y on 980, really what the hell. And the no of Citaros seems to have reduced. Really SMRT should do something about 980.
Anyone saw 139U 140P lately? It had been MIA for months...
TIB1032J utmost back seat fabric is partially torn till can see the wooden material protruding out.