Originally posted by carbikebus:Sooner or later MK2 bendy will become rare species in Amdep.
or maybe even bendies will become rare species in AMDEP
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:or maybe even bendies will become rare species in AMDEP
Dun think so cause svc like 67,851,854,969 feeders/intratown still need it.
Btw anyone spot 926 fleets today?Thought I heard Wldep take over?925C?
Originally posted by carbikebus:Sooner or later MK2 bendy will become rare species in Amdep.
left with habits only
Originally posted by carbikebus:Dun think so cause svc like 67,851,854,969 feeders/intratown still need it.
Btw anyone spot 926 fleets today?Thought I heard Wldep take over?925C?
Only SMB119C on 926...
* SBS7578E side EDS shows "SBS Trans"...
* SBS7591R rear DS spoilt...
* SMB181X aircon maintenance in C&C with unknown SBST Kirei Kirei Citaro...
* SMB205L - 806 at Bt. Batok Int...
* SMB240J hot aircon...
* SMB243B front SMRT logo changed back to the normal small ones...
* SMB283K, SMB284H gotten red M'sia stickers on the windscreen side...
* TIB973A rear right silver rim...
* TIB1143Y articulator support pole slanted forward...
so long never have this update: Hanover EDS
Boon Lay-Nanyang Cres
i think this one posted before
Shenton Way - M.Coastal Drive
Originally posted by dan474:All PIS stopped scrolling (Please Move To The Rear)?
Yes it did. I see also all the PIS stop scrolling.
AFAIK because all the people nvr move to the rear. I see alot of times. I might be wrong.
*TIB1105H all 6 ez-link card readers with a masking tape surrounding them.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:*TIB1105H all 6 ez-link card readers with a masking tape surrounding them.
Should change to new readers at least...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Should change to new readers at least...
No new retrofitting of new readers for WLDEP for quite a while after SMB228X received them...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:Should change to new readers at least...
I've seen new readers getting taped not long after they've been put on. And some new readers on buses swinging around, or some saying OUT OF ORDER.
SMRT seriously doesn't know how to maintain buses well, should pass all duties to SBST including the depots.
SMRT AMDEP should maybe merge with SBST AMDEP after SMRT pass duties to SBST. KJDEP to move place or close down.
And keep WLDEP.
Originally posted by SBS2656X:*TIB1105H all 6 ez-link card readers with a masking tape surrounding them.
it lost much of the features found in other habits ...
the orange coated poles
as for the ezlink readers ...
about to fall hence the masking tapes ...
Originally posted by SBS2656X:*TIB1105H all 6 ez-link card readers with a masking tape surrounding them.
How come I don't see the 5th one having masking tape?
Anyway, heard about the new reader being troublesome when the driver set it. Thus, you don't see much buses receiving new reader. I guess both SBS Transit/SMRT have trouble with the new reader(some drivers) and that they didn't continue installing?
I also feel that the drivers are the one whom used tape to "fix" the reader..
- SMB284H's dust bin either stolen or dropped off or never install back.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:I've seen new readers getting taped not long after they've been put on. And some new readers on buses swinging around, or some saying OUT OF ORDER.
SMRT seriously doesn't know how to maintain buses well, should pass all duties to SBST including the depots.
SMRT AMDEP should maybe merge with SBST AMDEP after SMRT pass duties to SBST. KJDEP to move place or close down.
And keep WLDEP.
maintenance level:
SMRT (read: epic)
Originally posted by SMB66X:How come I don't see the 5th one?
Anyway, heard about the new reader being troublesome when the driver set it. Thus, you don't see much buses receiving new reader.
The tapes are behind them, apparently to secure them to the metal holders.
The new readers are much harder to set.. Once I board SBS6138Z, the driver got so frustrated that he just gave free rides, lol.
Originally posted by SMB145B:maintenance level:
SMRT (read: epic)
No choice~ Their drivers all like that one :/ I think the company lack of bus eh? Board 1 SBS Transit bus, the reader spoilt and the bus was pulled out of service immediately
One last thing, new-reader is quite hard to scan. And if a bus with a new readers come during P hours, it's hoseh liao. I realised it was much slower when a bus with new-readers come. There was even once the new readers didn't work at all on SBS3054B and it stated Out Of Order. BC didn't bothered to go and investigate and gave free rides to everyone. When the bus reached HG Int, it straight went back to the depot with the EDS displaying EZ-Link Out Of Order after the bc had a 5-minute break.
Originally posted by SMB66X:No choice~ Their drivers all like that one :/ I think the company lack of bus eh? Board 1 SBS Transit bus, the reader spoilt and the bus was pulled out of service immediately
SBST at most put 1 yellow plastic bag wrap around if 1 reader spoil.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:One last thing, new-reader is quite hard to scan. And if a bus with a new readers come during P hours, it's hoseh liao. I realised it was much slower when a bus with new-readers come. There was even once the new readers didn't work at all on SBS3054B and it stated Out Of Order. BC didn't bothered to go and investigate and gave free rides to everyone. When the bus reached HG Int, it straight went back to the depot with the EDS displaying EZ-Link Out Of Order after the bc had a 5-minute break.
not hard to scan imo... cos everytime it scanned my card within 1 sec... I can tapped and board/alight without stopping to wait to scan like the old ones... I can just move and scan... new ones are faster though...
Originally posted by TIB1234T:not hard to scan imo... cos everytime it scanned my card within 1 sec... I can tapped and board/alight without stopping to wait to scan like the old ones... I can just move and scan... new ones are faster though...
Depends on which bus. Some are faster some maybe slower. Now SBS3054B's new reader is quite fast. Took it on thursday. I also like the voith acceleration. Very nice. Can hear the bc spamming hard.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Depends on which bus. Some are faster some maybe slower. Now SBS3054B's new reader is quite fast. Took it on thursday. I also like the voith acceleration. Very nice. Can hear the bc spamming hard.
So far all those new readers ones i took no problem in scanning...
Originally posted by SBS2656X:lol
ad went wrong ...
SMB1303E using old readers? Took it on 858 jz nw. I tot all new MANs use new readers