Some of the PIS didn't scroll (Please Move To The Rear)..
I think it's better because i find it irritating..
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Some of the PIS didn't scroll (Please Move To The Rear)..
I think it's better because i find it irritating..
Same here
Evolution of choping skills: From the chope seats at hawker centre using a packet of tissue paper - now comes someone who choped a seat for their next trip on the bus using a packet of tissue paper!
(choped - to reserve a place, such as a seat in a fast food restaurant, sometimes by placing a packet of tissue paper on it.)
On board SMB143G 985.
Info from BIS number one page on Singapore Buses~
TIB670Z spotted at WLBP. I tot its long gone already
Originally posted by TIB 585L:TIB670Z spotted at WLBP. I tot its long gone already
Are they going to waste their time on those useless scanias? I hope not given most of them are really in rotting condition.
I really wish for them not to be on our roads because they really look like rotting though.
Originally posted by TIB783G:Are they going to waste their time on those useless scanias? I hope not given most of them are really in rotting condition.
It is so easy to recognise because of the Esso ad 670Z had before it deregistered ands its park at the end of WLBP
Originally posted by TIB 585L:It is so easy to recognise because of the Esso ad 670Z had before it deregistered ands its park at the end of WLBP
Usually where does 178 and co park? do you have any idea?
Originally posted by TIB783G:Usually where does 178 and co park? do you have any idea?
I am not sure because whenever i pass WLBP its during split break period and i normally saw BSEP MAN and 131x MAN there.
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I am not sure because whenever i pass WLBP its during split break period and i normally saw BSEP MAN and 131x MAN there.
Ok thanks.
If anyone had observed SMB1302K, the sign at the exit doors is also a 'bus stopping' sign rather than 'doors closing' sign.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:If anyone had observed SMB1302K, the sign at the exit doors is also a 'bus stopping' sign rather than 'doors closing' sign.
No such bus as 1302K
Originally posted by TIB 585L:No such bus as 1302K
He means 1302H (you should know that too)
Originally posted by SBS6301T:He means 1302H (you should know that too)
Who knows it can be 1301K plus i never took 1302H nor 1301K today
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Who knows it can be 1301K plus i never took 1302H nor 1301K today
i took 1301K before it was the door closing sign IIRC
Originally posted by SBS6301T:i took 1301K before it was the door closing sign IIRC
Yes. The bus I am referring to is SMB1302H...I mistook it with the rego TIB802K.
Maybe waiting for other countries to buy if not then bye2?
Originally posted by carbikebus:Maybe waiting for other countries to buy if not then bye2?
First time I saw a MAN bus on 969 pax stand till the near the rear end as usually low floor buses got narrow aisle that prevent many to move to far end..
* SBS6316B has " | STOPPING " sign...
* SBS8403U reformatted EDS...
* SBS7666J rear cover & bumper dented...
* SMB27J front EDS corrupted...
* TIB1038T round font rear "BUS STOPPING" sign...
* TIB1221E repainted rims...
Saw TIB1218R's older brother, TIB1217T on 172 on Wednesday
Originally posted by Gus.chong:If anyone had observed SMB1302K, the sign at the exit doors is also a 'bus stopping' sign rather than 'doors closing' sign.
thats not the only MAN that have that
i forgot the rego but a 2xx MAN also have it
All PIS stopped scrolling (Please Move To The Rear)?
Originally posted by dan474:All PIS stopped scrolling (Please Move To The Rear)?
BIS never say means fake info~
- Refurb Volgren Gs, like TIB1187X, have a newly repainted door handle(same color, unlike TIB1192E style). Looks brand new, great job
I believe the interior poles were painted as well.
- First time seeing 3 MAN back to back on 911, weekdays~ Unsure about the 4th bus then..probably another MAN since bendy were cleared.
SMB289U(911E) > SMB288Y(911) > SMB347X(911E) > ??? Maybe SMB283K or Bendy.
Sooner or later MK2 bendy will become rare species in Amdep.