Originally posted by SMB355L:The rear of the 3 batches of Volvo Olympian 3 axles - batch 1 (far right), batch 2 (far left) and batch 3 (middle) showing the difference in configurations by Singapore Bus Service on the Alexander Royale's rear design.
The rear upper deck window was omitted in the batch 2 and 3 to allow for more space for advertisement during the good old days when advertisement did not cover the windows. Batch 3 was fitted/upgraded with LECIP signage as modernisation for the fleet.info from buses[in]gapore! Number one page on Singapore buses!
nobody cares ...
BullShIttingS is not my area of concern ...
There's a zhongtong LE bus bought by Sats transport dept
TIB1234T EDS shrunk today on 911
* TIB673R and TIB912B repainted rims
*TIB1113J new articulator
TIB978L - 912
Bus have a loud "eeeekkk" sound when it accelerates from rest.
I dont get it actually when the bus EDS said 'EZ reader out of order,Please Pay Cash'
One example was 1233X on 913 just now, the EDS said that and it stopped in front of me and the commuters tapped the card as if the reader was fine.
Is this an EDS problem or it is legitimate?
Originally posted by TIB 585L:I dont get it actually when the bus EDS said 'EZ reader out of order,Please Pay Cash'
One example was 1233X on 913 just now, the EDS said that and it stopped in front of me and the commuters tapped the card as if the reader was fine.
Is this an EDS problem or it is legitimate?
Saw it on 12 Mar around 8:30pm off sv to wldep along bpj rd with the same eds
TIB1218R, TIB1231B, TIB1075K (AMDEP 812) with new articulators
* SBS7671T showed " SIMS PLACE 64 " at HBF Int...
* SBS8476J got bolded front rego...
* SBS8577B right rear axle white colour...
* SBS9362Y using 65 old front desto...
* SBS9814K reversing at 3km/h then slowed to 0km/h repeatedly 5 times when BC rev the engine to the max...
* SMB106P under maintenance at HBF Int...
* SMB163Z part of left mirror holder missing...
* SMB318U front EDS 95% not working, only shows:
" TAMP "
INT / ...
* SMB330H 3rd brakelight covered up by Lifebuoy ad...
* SMB335U, SMB344T, SMB1315X shiny rims...
* TIB460M front EDS corruptedm half full flip-dots...
* TIB614L, TIB820H repainted rims...
I observed that most of the Batch 3 Wrights have rear- fan attachment
TIB1207Y dirty seat
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:SMB166R without DRESS RIM COVERS
how does it look like without rim covers?
Originally posted by SBS6301T:how does it look like without rim covers?
Just imagine a citaro without the mercedes-benz logo at the wheels(front)
That is called without dress rim covers.
Alot of people has mistaken between rimcaps and rim covers.
If you remove the rimcaps of a bus, the bus wont even budge...
Same applies to car, lorries and other type of vehicles.
Take Note:SBS 3253T got rear fan attachment
u guys notice another thing on wrights batch 3?
got emergency exit sticker at upper deck windows (4 on the left, 4 on the right)
speaking of these buses, abit of OT. since when 3248 perm 99? what bus is out? or is it replacing 7621?
Originally posted by azharjj:u guys notice another thing on wrights batch 3?
got emergency exit sticker at upper deck windows (4 on the left, 4 on the right)
speaking of these buses, abit of OT. since when 3248 perm 99? what bus is out? or is it replacing 7621?
Should be replacing 7621, I guess.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Should be replacing 7621, I guess.
is 7621 really on 7 all the time?
coz i suspect this bus got problem.. when it was a 99 permer, it did not present most of the time, not cameo on other svc, but totally MIA
Originally posted by azharjj:
is 7621 really on 7 all the time?coz i suspect this bus got problem.. when it was a 99 permer, it did not present most of the time, not cameo on other svc, but totally MIA
Sounds right. I almost travel to and fro where 7 plies but never see 7621 before, I think it is time to check what really happened. Don't tell me this bus go to depot change all the stuff and come out some funny bus.
Saw SBS7621M on sv7 run on 545 before also...
SBS8397D, SBS8777R, SBS8778M running on sv135 frequently
Mar 20 1840hrs
SBS8563R re appears on sv36 again, EDS NOT UPDATED to new type