Both boi2 or 1 Boi 1 gal?Misleading the motorist Somemore thought speed trap.Hope it's not our dear Mr 228X
Originally posted by carbikebus:Both boi2 or 1 Boi 1 gal?Misleading the motorist Somemore thought speed trap.Hope it's not our dear Mr 228X
He will do anything for the sake of his dear shitaros...
Must be careful of him wor...
He works for c & c leh
confirm not me one..
Originally posted by carbikebus:He works for c & c leh
Eh I think I know what happened... All the citaros are detoriating because mr 228X did some "editing" here and there on them...
Looks quite safe to me
you might nvr know when a wild ferrari or some other "supercars" might just come to test their 4WD system by driving onto the divider..
Aha yes...Even the exhaust fumes from heavy vehicles is hazard
Eh, it's both boy
Anyway, base on observation, that boy in white was the one whom dashed across the road and almost kenna buang by motorbike, while snapping 8030L - 197(and yes there's a overhead bridge for a good shot)
Thank you for adding to the mounting evidences that can be used against you people in the future, from what i hear, the dan474 is Danish?
Why would all of a sudden someone create a thread SPECIFICALLY for a STOMP post? Let the law and their schools handle this, i'm sure the counsellors in the schools next year has the time to cater to counsel their mindset out, if that's really what they want, spending their time after school having to stay back for counselling sessions.
How does this thread relate anything near buses? If this is regarding safety, email to Land Transport Authority.
The username that starts with TIB is not an excuse
koala took the photo?
Quite obviously the internal brawls or what-not nonsense going on is now dirty laundry for all to see.
"Can the traffic police do something about it?"
1. We are not traffic police.
2. The cuckoo who's complaining wants us to report on behalf?
3. The cuckoo is now trying to convince other cuckoos to join the cuckold cause. Whatever it is.
Originally posted by Jason Lim WD:Thank you for adding to the mounting evidences that can be used against you people in the future, from what i hear, the dan474 is Danish?
Why would all of a sudden someone create a thread SPECIFICALLY for a STOMP post?Let the law and their schools handle this, i'm sure the counsellors in the schools next year has the time to cater to counsel their mindset out, if that's really what they want, spending their time after school having to stay back for counselling sessions.
This stomp post related to you meh?
Originally posted by dan474:I heard you are Rachel Lim Zhen Min, no?
Md Danish Bin Karlin, according to your Facebook. not that your classmates are not friends of mines. Besides, being an outsider and seeing you kids trying to attack another group, it's time to wake up. I've heard of the name "Rachel" and supposedly a "Jonathan" was also involved, but we won't delve into details here.
Originally posted by dan474:and auntie, no i didn't STOMPed this. i have a life.
the reason i put this up is because a few of us have a bad habit of dashing to the road divider to snap cameos and shit. so why not bring this topic up
I've heard from my facebook friends, quite recently someone was spotted dashing across the road to the divider opposite ST Kinetics (a protected place) to photograph a "Mobitec Information Systems" MAN NL323F A22. The photo is uploaded to the facebook page called Public Transport Hub, an offside photo fitting the description i got.
It appears you lack the awareness of this event, given you're indicated as close to the person who dashed across the road, opposite a protected place which handles sensitive military hardware. Who knows when the guard detain the person based on suspicions he is a terrorist or espionage agent disguised as a child.
Originally posted by dan474:nobody spotted, nobody reported, no proof no talk hor.
Opposite ST Kinetics, a protected facility, photographing away. Let's hear the excuses.