Originally posted by SBS6301T:what's missing?
Notice that it does not have the "Please Give Way" rear stickie is missing despite not having any rear advert
Compare with this photo
SBS7307X on 21
SBS5032B on 124
Originally posted by SBS6301T:what's missing?
Give Way Sign.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Give Way Sign.
Btw, buses such as SBS5067B, SBS8959H and SBS8960C dun have as well
LO3X in the city
SBS9175X on 97
SBS9160M on 186
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Taken on 31st October 2012
SBS5228D on 151 (BBDEP 151) at Kent Ridge Bus Terminal
Originally posted by SBS5010P:SBS8312Z (HGDEP 113) on 112
SBS8150Z (HGDEP 100) on 113 (3rd day, with svc 64 guides)
Originally posted by TownLink 291:SBS9633R Rear
is 9633 the only bus with this ad? just now at woodlands int saw a few people taking photo of this bus!
Originally posted by Lee Teuk:is 9633 the only bus with this ad? just now at woodlands int saw a few people taking photo of this bus!
Check out Did You Know?(Part 5) topic.
A non-singapore buses user posted something about that bus...
2nd November 2012 Videos
[SMRT Bus Ride] SMB46D on 851: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUTbHua8of0
3rd November 2012 Video
[SMRT Bus Ride] TIB976S on 851: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxnOVIA3fSE
SBS6088J on 11
Newest Bus Ride Video
The Volgren Demonstrator Bus Montage (SBS1688K):
The appearance of TIB798P back to Svc 851 after weeks of refurbishment.
Originally posted by TIB868X:SBS6088J on 11
11 always get the "8" buses...
Last time was SBS888G
SMB102A on 169
Svc 86 @ Jalan Kayu
Svc 119 @ Kovan Hub
4th November 2012
A cameo bendy on 980 in case you don't believe me. TIB879P on 980
SMB170C on 980
SBS8627R receives a new JerseyBoys Musical ad, on SLBP 66
SBS3137X on 166
A new ad received by SBS3116G, I almost thought it's perm 65
Behind the cameo Wright comes a perm Olympian...SBS9381S on 65
Originally posted by SBS8501U:4th November 2012
A cameo bendy on 980 in case you don't believe me. TIB879P on 980
Common for weekends (: Or at least Uncommon. Volgren did 980 that time too(1188T - 980)
Originally posted by SMB66X:Common for weekends (: Or at least Uncommon. Volgren did 980 that time too(1188T - 980)
Bendies are common for services such as 857, 859 and 980 on weekends.
TIB858A and TIB868X operated 857 yesterday.
TIB1041H, TIB1071X and TIB1073R all on 859 yesterday.
A few days back TIB1241Y on 980 as well.
TIB1215Z on 67
TIB879P on 980
Wanted to film a Bendy Bus Video Montage on Saturday.
Only to realise that I have insufficient storage in my ipad and I've to omit my rides on TIB1218R and TIB1136T out...
Originally posted by SBS8501U:
TIB1215Z on 980
TIB879P on 980
TIB1215Z on 980?
Originally posted by SBS8501U:Wanted to film a Bendy Bus Video Montage on Saturday.
Only to realise that I have insufficient storage in my ipad and I've to omit my rides on TIB1218R and TIB1136T out...