Originally posted by lemon1974:SBS3213J
(AMDEP 186)
(AMDEP 186
9183 not perm, just temporarily replace 9108. 3213 is new perm
As for 3228, it parks at 157 in brbp every night just that the 157 prc BCs haven't learnt wrights. That's why 3226 3228 are always on 88. 3226 is finally on its perm block cos the BC has been wright trained.
Also, 9810 will be doing 90 just for this week. 9146 will be on 31 in return. Because of driver's preferences.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:9183 not perm, just temporarily replace 9108. 3213 is new perm
As for 3228, it parks at 157 in brbp every night just that the 157 prc BCs haven't learnt wrights. That's why 3226 3228 are always on 88. 3226 is finally on its perm block cos the BC has been wright trained.
Also, 9810 will be doing 90 just for this week. 9146 will be on 31 in return. Because of driver's preferences.
Aiya SBS9810X and SBS9889U both on 31
SBS9810X will be doing BRBP 90/139A for awhile...
Originally posted by SBS8676Z:6176M had its perm sticker on coinbox removed. Saw it while it did 163 just 2 days ago.
thanks very much for the update!
1 Volvo B10M Mark IV (1 DM3500)
1 Scania K230UB (1 Batch 1 Euro V)
SBS3077K SBS3079E SBS7551G SBS7575M SBS7581U SBS7583P SBS7586G SBS7588B SBS7602T SBS7609A SBS7611S SBS7613L SBS7620R SBS7621M SBS7625C SBS7626A
16 Volvo B9TL (2 WEG2 Batch 2B / 14 WEG2 Batch 1)
Originally posted by SBS2656X:Aiya SBS9810X and SBS9889U both on 31
SBS9810X will be doing BRBP 90/139A for awhile...
I hope to educate, it is similar to the one week 9262 stint on 90 a few weeks ago. There's a female prc that doesn't drive leylands. Then tpi's first prc to learn super who drives 31 is the opposite, stand by leylands till death do they part. There we go, a swap for the week. Next week, female prc drive scania block so back to normal deployment. As long as leylands and the female prc are on 90, every few weeks, there will be a whole week where a volvo would be exchanged to do 90.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:I hope to educate, it is similar to the one week 9262 stint on 90 a few weeks ago. There's a female prc that doesn't drive leylands. Then tpi's first prc to learn super stand by leylands till death do they part. There we go, a swap for the week. Next week, female prc drive scania block so back to normal deployment. As long as leylands and the female prc are on 90, every few weeks, there will be a whole week where a volvo would be exchanged to do 90.
Does this happen to other services as well? Cause I haven't heard of such arrangements in quite some time, or perhaps I missed out on those.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Does this happen to other services as well? Cause I haven't heard of such arrangements in quite some time, or perhaps I missed out on those.
325... All STRIDERS...
There is a white-hair BC who drives SBS2656X [ or so since 325 does jumpbus ] he doesn't seem to drive citaros or DMs. Sometimes he drives DM3500s too. He said that he is very used to strider and DM3500 since he drove 27 bef.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:Does this happen to other services as well? Cause I haven't heard of such arrangements in quite some time, or perhaps I missed out on those.
sv21 25 186, just that it's less prominent because there are other Volvo perms. sv8 has a female bc who drives 9825D regularly, the reason why br8 got 9825D when it was full leyland was because of her and whenever her bus needs preventive, it will run 28 and 31. That's why 9810 did 8 many times on full day. Now with 9205 9807 9845 can just swap within the svc
Originally posted by SBS7485P:9183 not perm, just temporarily replace 9108. 3213 is new perm
As for 3228, it parks at 157 in brbp every night just that the 157 prc BCs haven't learnt wrights. That's why 3226 3228 are always on 88. 3226 is finally on its perm block cos the BC has been wright trained.
Also, 9810 will be doing 90 just for this week. 9146 will be on 31 in return. Because of driver's preferences.
Of course I know that 9183 is temp perm sv186. But there are a lot of those " nothing to do n too free to keep on editing sgwiki" kids who dunno. . I already make it clear previously that it will be replace by wright eventually when I state that 9183 went in to replace 9108
As for 3226 n 3228 case. I am aware that it is due to bc. Brbp don't put perm sticker for fun one as their perm sticker are usually very updated. But those kids just simply like to edit sgwiki anyhow. It seem fun for one person to edit. Another to undo edit. Then edit again then undo again.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:and 88A and B is a simple concept. 88B runs only 2 trips at 0711 0810 and 88A 1 trip 0737. If u notice, it’s only 1 bus that goes on a circuitous pattern on the 3 trips.
88 fleet add 1 bus to 26 buses. That’s pretty much it. Not 3 diff buses running each trip.
This was pointed out in my previous post n service238 post as well. But some kids happy happy go edit as two buses cos they assume 88a one bus n 88b one bus.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:sv21 25 186, just that it's less prominent because there are other Volvo perms. sv8 has a female bc who drives 9825D regularly, the reason why br8 got 9825D when it was full leyland was because of her and whenever her bus needs preventive, it will run 28 and 31. That's why 9810 did 8 many times on full day. Now with 9205 9807 9845 can just swap within the svc
Wanna ask that lady bc really dunno to drive LOs or its because the steering is too heavy to turn for her?
Originally posted by carbikebus:Wanna ask that lady bc really dunno to drive LOs or its because the steering is too heavy to turn for her?
She doesn't want to drive leyland cos no power steering. She request not to drive, she actually can.
Originally posted by SBS7485P:She doesn't want to drive leyland cos no power steering. She request not to drive, she actually can.
Haha just as I thought.Many female bc from Slbp/Brbp/Amdep request not to drive LO cause power steering too heavy,They prefer Volvos
Originally posted by SBS7485P:sv21 25 186, just that it's less prominent because there are other Volvo perms. sv8 has a female bc who drives 9825D regularly, the reason why br8 got 9825D when it was full leyland was because of her and whenever her bus needs preventive, it will run 28 and 31. That's why 9810 did 8 many times on full day. Now with 9205 9807 9845 can just swap within the svc
I see, that's interesting. I've one about Sv 17, though it's more of like the BC preference. There's this big specs BC of Sv 17 (I think he's the SL now cause the 2 other senior ones left for other svcs) who always gets to drive 8328D on Sv 17 (when it's still perm) during his A shift for weeks rather than other KUBs. Cause 8328D was the better-accelerating KUB then with the turbo boost, the rest couldn't engage the gears smoothly. Now that 8328D left for 39, he's hopping about other KUBs & Wrights, interestingly he seldom drives the VO3xs (he did drive 9316G once last week) but has never driven 8656G AFAIK. Think the Euro V was too slow for him. HAHA.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Haha just as I thought.Many female bc from Slbp/Brbp/Amdep request not to drive LO cause power steering too heavy,They prefer Volvos
Can tell how bad it is if there's no power steering. There's once that I took 9330P on 87 years back (when it was still perm). The power steering failed and the male BC tried to man-haul the bus to turn left from Tampines Rd to HG Ave 7. Only managed to do it after 15 mins of forward-reverse-forward-reverse stuck at that junction.
Originally posted by lemon1974:This was pointed out in my previous post n service238 post as well. But some kids happy happy go edit as two buses cos they assume 88a one bus n 88b one bus.
Not to mention someone even edited 3228S operate on 88A and 88B too
From SGWiki
(WLDEP SP > WLDEP 963) - seriously??
Originally posted by SMB189A:From SGWiki
(WLDEP SP > WLDEP 963) - seriously??
Yes. both of them are perms.
Originally posted by TIB783G:Yes. both of them are perms.
but i nv saw it?
Originally posted by SMB189A:
but i nv saw it?
should be 7 and 8. I saw both of them doing 963 somewhere a few weeks back.
Originally posted by TIB783G:should be 7 and 8. I saw both of them doing 963 somewhere a few weeks back.
okay thank :)
Originally posted by SMB189A:
okay thank :)
Nvr saw them jz nw either during PM Peak hmmm.....