179A goes to NTU isnt it.
are you studying at NTU?
Bus ops is more complex than just operating 179 alone. Boon lay route group needs to cater for many other services like JIS. If you have read fully the QoS, you would have noticed one of the lines that is regarding the 10min headway during peak-on-peak hour. Use this to figure out how 179 operates.
You are basing on the assumption that it is they are operating at full operating capacity. i.e. all trips has to be fulfilled, all buses have drivers and no bus is missing for any reason, amongst others.
so what happens when bus operations are not operating at full operating capacity?
Originally posted by sbst275:In fact…
199’s travelling time is even shorter than waiting and taking 179A…
figure this out…
179A is just a quicker alternative to go to NTU. If 179A doesn't show up at BNL, it is stupidity to wait for the bus if 179 is there. Just take 179. The total travel time by 179 to NTU is 20 minutes, and 179A is around 15 minutes.
Also it is more important to make sure 179 is dispatched at regular intervals, because there is a huge load of students who take the bus from Pioneer to NTU. So if SBST has to prioritize, it should do it for 179.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:179A is just a quicker alternative to go to NTU. If 179A doesn't show up at BNL, it is stupidity to wait for the bus if 179 is there. Just take 179. The total travel time by 179 to NTU is 20 minutes, and 179A is around 15 minutes.
Also it is more important to make sure 179 is dispatched at regular intervals, because there is a huge load of students who take the bus from Pioneer to NTU. So if SBST has to prioritize, it should do it for 179.
199 goes to different areas within NTU. It's frequency is around 05-06 mins, and has only 50% DD fleet. Compare 8 buses of 199 with around 25 full fleet DD of 179/179A.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:199 goes to different areas within NTU. It's frequency is around 05-06 mins, and has only 50% DD fleet. Compare 8 buses of 199 with around 25 of 179/179A.
I know where 179A plies and where 199 does. Anyway, I don't want to argue with you. For improving scheduling of 179A, you want to disrupt scheduling of 199.
The fact is 179 is very important in the morning peak because of the load at Pioneer. Sometimes 2 back to back DDs are needed to clear it.
Please go to Pioneer and watch the loading for yourself. Ofcourse, I do agree that the bus comes 50-60 pax already in it when it reaches Pioneer. I have calculated pax entering each bus of 179 at Pioneer. At least 40-50 pax everytime.
There must be a good reason why SBST plies 179 more than 179A. It is not stupid. If you look at Boon Lay - 241, 243, JIS services are all managed with good frequency at Boon Lay.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:I know where 179A plies and where 199 does. Anyway, I don't want to argue with you. For improving scheduling of 179A, you want to disrupt scheduling of 199.
The fact is 179 is very important in the morning peak because of the load at Pioneer. Sometimes 2 back to back DDs are needed to clear it.
Please go to Pioneer and watch the loading for yourself. Ofcourse, I do agree that the bus comes 50-60 pax already in it when it reaches Pioneer. I have calculated pax entering each bus of 179 at Pioneer. At least 40-50 pax everytime.
There must be a good reason why SBST plies 179 more than 179A. It is not stupid. If you look at Boon Lay - 241, 243, JIS services are all managed with good frequency at Boon Lay.
eh, talking about service 179, I do not understand why DD is needed for this service during weekends (Esp afternoon & night, freq capped at 6-8mins somemore). Poor ppl taking 181 and 182 are squeezing in the SD fleet.
Originally posted by chickenlittle2:eh, talking about service 179, I do not understand why DD is needed for this service during weekends (Esp afternoon & night, freq capped at 6-8mins somemore). Poor ppl taking 181 and 182 are squeezing in the SD fleet.
Fail 179A, no wonder....
Originally posted by sbst275:Wow…
179A buses thrown to 241 during PM peak… 241 buses flooding up the road… Mostly emty trips while ppl had to wait 30 mins for 5 179 to pass by before getting a boarding chance…
30 mins headways for 179A also…
Didn’t know 179A bus can anyhow throw to 241 during PM peak one…
Oh ya.. Dun need to say how come ppl know.. cos the WEG B9TL all gone missing on 179 this afternoon… this morning so many WEG B9TL on 179…
they are scheduled crossovers. the buses were merely running on schedule.
You want David Lim to complain ah?