Think SBST better stop buying Citaros after the deal is finalised.Purchase something better like the upcoming B8RLE.Buy 500 units I also don't mind,More standing places.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Think SBST better stop buying Citaros after the deal is finalised.Purchase something better like the upcoming B8RLE.Buy 500 units I also don't mind,More standing places.
Buy already and in process of delivering,how to cancel last minute?
Originally posted by SBS 6238T:Buy already and in process of delivering,how to cancel last minute?
I think what he means is stop buying anymore Citaros aside from the current 750 ones. SBS Transit had not completed its registration for the first batch when they ordered the second batch.
B8RLE with Volgren Optimus bodywork would be really nice. Soon Chow bodywork like SBS8030L would be awesome too.
Anyway on Thursday(18/7), 6316B on168...arriving at 6:52PM WRI Welcome back
Originally posted by SMB66X:Anyway on Thursday(18/7), 6316B on168...arriving at 6:52PM WRI
Welcome back
Friday no BSEP on 168, which was why the queue stretch to 950/966...
(AMDEP SP) - on S410W
Some information not updated:
Registered on 16 July 2013:
Registered on 24 July 2013:
Originally posted by Syed Luqman:SMB141L of rimguard has been removed.
Not just rimguard removed, the rims have been been changed too.
Originally posted by SBS9C:Not just rimguard removed, the rims have been been changed too.
I don't see any changes to be honest.
If it is Alcoa it would have been straight out.
Originally posted by TIB783G:I don't see any changes to be honest.
If it is Alcoa it would have been straight out.
My shot isn't clear enough, here is one that is clear.
As compared to the original one:
Saw SBS 6058X or SBS 6061K,(I can't remember which is the accurate one)have it's rimguards back and got New Card Readers. Is it getting ready to go back on service?? Will it be send back to BNDEP? or will it stay at HGDEP and will be on HGDEP services. Since BNDEP citaros don't have rimguards,it maybe will be on HGDEP services
Registered on 29 July 2013:
HGDEP,please take in more citaros
now can see HGDEP really lack of citaros buses to play around with recently even can see them using this SP BSEP buses cameoed on this non bsep svcs like 109 112 somemore also now can see this sv 159 perm citaros were on & off taken out to cover other WAB svcs in return a lot of DM & STRIDER back on 159 .
Registered on 01/08/2013:
SBS6405C, SBS6406A, SBS6407Y ,SBS6408U
Originally posted by carbikebus:Think SBST better stop buying Citaros after the deal is finalised.Purchase something better like the upcoming B8RLE.Buy 500 units I also don't mind,More standing places.
Everytime pass by C&C will see Citaro. If you don't then shit is wrong.
Out on Sv 403 today. Without rim covers.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:SBS6676L
Out on Sv 403 today. Without rim covers.
Was on 33 on 1 August iirc.
I have a feeling that starting from 6683 onwards,HGDEP will take in cause look at the batch 2B wrights,after 40 wrights,than finally HGDEP take in from 3044 onwards
Hope the last batch of buses will be fitted ZF gearbox.Voith on this bus sound so strain or is it because of the limiter?
SBS6681X and SBS6682T are registered today.
Originally posted by carbikebus:Hope the last batch of buses will be fitted ZF gearbox.Voith on this bus sound so strain or is it because of the limiter?
Hopefully, I took a few SMRT ZF Citaros and I do enjoy the quietness of the engine when it reaches 6th gear.