A smart thing for SMRT to do would be to purchase DDs (as buying bendies would be stupid with new BI designs/layouts).
Existing bendies can service Woodlands / Yishun BIs as it cannot accommodate DDs. The bendies from CCK, Bukit Panjang should be shifted to WL/Yishun and replaced with DDs.
DDs should be introduced for BP/CCK/Sembawag BI for routes such as 171, 190 amongst others.
Only this can solve SMRTs voes and give passengers in North / West relief.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:A smart thing for SMRT to do would be to purchase DDs (as buying bendies would be stupid with new BI designs/layouts).
Existing bendies can service Woodlands / Yishun BIs as it cannot accommodate DDs. The bendies from CCK, Bukit Panjang should be shifted to WL/Yishun and replaced with DDs.
DDs should be introduced for BP/CCK/Sembawag BI for routes such as 171, 190 amongst others.
Only this can solve SMRTs voes and give passengers in North / West relief.
SMRT depots can't accommodate DDs
You mean to say all SMRT depots have height restriction?
I think that SMRT should buy more bendies..
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Yeah
I think that SMRT should buy more bendies..
I prefer SMRT to switch to double deckers.
Bendies cause a lot of problems to SMRT operations like space and schedling issues. They cause a lot of jams and queues along bus stops and bus interchanges and they take up too much space in depots and interchanges. And they are more complex and costly to maintain and is not suitable for our roads and harsh operations here.
Thus SMRT should use double deckers which many services can be greatly improved without causing jams along bus stops and interchanges and save a lot of parking spaces for more buses instead. One good example is 190, and other services like 61, 106, 176, 184, 804, 806, 812, 851, 854, 857, 900, 901, 902, 903, 912, 913, 960, 969. etc.
Look at the number of services, SMRT can easily purchase 300 double deckers to solve their problems.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:SMRT depots can't accommodate DDs
Not really true. Kranji and AMK can accomodate, only parts of the Woodlands depot have restrictive heights.
Moreover, Kranji and AMK depot are slated for replacements in a few years time. These depots are to be built to cater double deckers.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:A smart thing for SMRT to do would be to purchase DDs (as buying bendies would be stupid with new BI designs/layouts).
Existing bendies can service Woodlands / Yishun BIs as it cannot accommodate DDs. The bendies from CCK, Bukit Panjang should be shifted to WL/Yishun and replaced with DDs.
DDs should be introduced for BP/CCK/Sembawag BI for routes such as 171, 190 amongst others.
Only this can solve SMRTs voes and give passengers in North / West relief.
I agree. Double deckers are the way to go for SMRT. Many services can be improved using double deckers. There is no space for so many bendy buses, especially in future with more buses. No bendies.
But existing Woodlands interchange can cater double deckers, look at 161 and 168. Current Yishun bus interchange will be demolished soon for the new air con interchange built in a few years time. So the temp interchange and new interchange are expected to adhere to the new height restrictions (4.5 m) for all bus infrastructures.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:
I prefer SMRT to switch to double deckers.Bendies cause a lot of problems to SMRT operations like space and schedling issues. They cause a lot of jams and queues along bus stops and bus interchanges and they take up too much space in depots and interchanges. And they are more complex and costly to maintain and is not suitable for our roads and harsh operations here.
Thus SMRT should use double deckers which many services can be greatly improved without causing jams along bus stops and interchanges and save a lot of parking spaces for more buses instead. One good example is 190, and other services like 61, 106, 176, 184, 804, 806, 812, 851, 854, 857, 900, 901, 902, 903, 912, 913, 960, 969. etc.
Look at the number of services, SMRT can easily purchase 300 double deckers to solve their problems.
Not really true. Kranji and AMK can accomodate, only parts of the Woodlands depot have restrictive heights.Moreover, Kranji and AMK depot are slated for replacements in a few years time. These depots are to be built to cater double deckers.
I agree. Double deckers are the way to go for SMRT.
Many services can be improved using double deckers. There is no space for so many bendy buses, especially in future with more buses. No bendies.
But existing Woodlands interchange can cater double deckers, look at 161 and 168. Current Yishun bus interchange will be demolished soon for the new air con interchange built in a few years time. So the temp interchange and new interchange are expected to adhere to the new height restrictions (4.5 m) for all bus infrastructures.
From your note, it clearly shows that if SMRT wants it can switch to DDs and it will solve a lot of its problems.
I hate it when 190s and 106s bendies on Orchard road create a long tail of buses. Easily these services can be moved to DDs. Similarly the 960, 851 at Bugis create a havoc.
The DDs can be parked at Kranji and AMK. I am sure it will also be profitable for SMRT in long run.
There is no need to completely remove bendies from its fleet. Bendies can be continued to use on feeder routes such as 804, 806, 911 etc. and may be on 67 due to height restriction on Dunearn road.
A good mix of DDs (200#) and bendies can really be good for people living in North West and profitable for SMRT. Are u listening SMRT?? :)
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:From your note, it clearly shows that if SMRT wants it can switch to DDs and it will solve a lot of its problems.
I hate it when 190s and 106s bendies on Orchard road create a long tail of buses. Easily these services can be moved to DDs. Similarly the 960, 851 at Bugis create a havoc.
The DDs can be parked at Kranji and AMK. I am sure it will also be profitable for SMRT in long run.
There is no need to completely remove bendies from its fleet. Bendies can be continued to use on feeder routes such as 804, 806, 911 etc. and may be on 67 due to height restriction on Dunearn road.
A good mix of DDs (200#) and bendies can really be good for people living in North West and profitable for SMRT. Are u listening SMRT?? :)
Bendies have to go sooner and later when their timeline is up.
Bendies are not suitable for bus interchanges with many high demand feeder services. They cause a lot of jams in the bus interchanges and bus stops with heavy traffic and many services. Thus it would be better to switch to full SD and DD fleets which proved to be successful in SBST.
Services with height restrictions just needs a good frequency of SDs.
And it is not cost and operational wise to operate so many different kinds of buses. Bus companies need to spend more money for more kind of different spare parts and more different people to operate and maintain the different buses. Not wise for cost efficiency for profitable business to sustain.
Wah, type so long ah ?
Service 67,176,960 can't use DDs
IMO, DDs for SBST, Bendies for SMRT. In Singapore, We're quite lucky to have both Double decks and Bendies as our citybus... It will take a long time for SMRT to switch from Bendies to DDs..
Look at 161 and 168 at WRI, DDs will take 3 to 5 minutes to be filled during peak hours...
Most of SMRT feeders and Intratown are high-demand... Bendies is more suitable for them, fast acceleration, fast offloading. Try Northpoint bus stop, you can see how fast bendies on 800,804,806,811,812 unload. From full to the brim to empty bus in less than 2 mins. If use DDs, more worst.
I like Both Double decks and Bendies
Actually bothe have pros and cons lah..DD for people sometimes people take their own sweet time to alight lor yeah but for bendies leh faster unloading..example..Well if SMRT were to buy bendies then so be it lor....Actually there's 1 way to just have air con bus int..just install the glass doors and glass then install aircon but also expensive lah ofc..
Aye bendies for high demand services can already.
Originally posted by TIB1218R:I think 176 boleh cos the railway bridge at Hillview has demolished.. same goes for 963Wah, type so long ah ?
Service 67,176,960 can't use DDs
176 Henderson Road... If not, 57,124,131,145 got DDs already
SBS and SMRT should buy Citaro G for service with height restriction!!
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:You mean to say all SMRT depots have height restriction?
A new depot will be bulit right? Maybe can accomadate DDs! DDs is a good idea for SMRT high demand services. 190's demand is etremely overwhelming.
Originally posted by SMB228X:SBS and SMRT should buy Citaro G for service with height restriction!!
Height restriction is just 1 thing. U try putting Citaros Gs on service 53. Cannot even enter bus bay at Changi Airport T3.
Originally posted by SMB228X:SBS and SMRT should buy Citaro G for service with height restriction!!
Originally posted by SBS5009U:Height restriction is just 1 thing. U try putting Citaros Gs on service 53. Cannot even enter bus bay at Changi Airport T3.
Bendies went on trail for 858 at Airport. It managed to get out...
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:A smart thing for SMRT to do would be to purchase DDs (as buying bendies would be stupid with new BI designs/layouts).
Existing bendies can service Woodlands / Yishun BIs as it cannot accommodate DDs. The bendies from CCK, Bukit Panjang should be shifted to WL/Yishun and replaced with DDs.
DDs should be introduced for BP/CCK/Sembawag BI for routes such as 171, 190 amongst others.
Only this can solve SMRTs voes and give passengers in North / West relief.
Another smart thing is to handover the routes to SBST. Simple and non-complicated.
I think it's the best that each part will have different kind of buses.. the western part of SMRT side will have DDs, rigids and some bendies while northern part just bendies,rigids and some DDs will do.If SMRT were to buy DDs then some services will need it like 190,106,188,180,184,189 these are the examples for high demand services..
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Wah, type so long ah ?
Service 67,176,960 can't use DDs
IMO, DDs for SBST, Bendies for SMRT.In Singapore, We're quite lucky to have both Double decks and Bendies as our citybus... It will take a long time for SMRT to switch from Bendies to DDs..
Look at 161 and 168 at WRI, DDs will take 3 to 5 minutes to be filled during peak hours...
Most of SMRT feeders and Intratown are high-demand... Bendies is more suitable for them, fast acceleration, fast offloading. Try Northpoint bus stop, you can see how fast bendies on 800,804,806,811,812 unload. From full to the brim to empty bus in less than 2 mins.If use DDs, more worst.
I like Both Double decks and Bendies
67 and 176 survived without DDs under SBS last time. 960 can do it as well. Even now 67 and 960 are using more SDs to improve the frequencies, and bendies will be useless once DTL is up.
SBS only need 3 years to build up its double decker fleet in the late 70s and early 80s. TIBS use 3 years to familiar with bendy buses. It doesn't need a long time to switch to higher capacity buses, it is just how much effort that the company wants to put in to improve the services. In our context, bendies are not practical in our high density city and highly utilised roads and public bus infrastructures.
So you think bendies are better in WRI??? Just look at the jams they have created in the alighting berths. Some of the BCs have to honk repeatedly just to tell the other bendy buses in front to clear the jam in order for their passengers to alight. Some buses are even stuck in the berth because of improper parking of the bendy buses which cause the trailer part to cause jams. And not only just the alighting berths, the boarding berths as well, long queues of buses as well, people have to walk a long way to board the bus or have to waste time for up till 5 mins before the front bendy bus left so that their bus can park and let them board.
And bendies are not better in filling up during peak hours when people don't even want to move in the other half of the bus. Many times can take up to 5 to 8 mins, plus if another bendy bus in front block the way, it takes up to 10 mins before the bus can finally move.
Talking about Yishun Northpoint bus stop, it is the worst encounter that many passengers have during morning peak, mostly because of bendy buses. Jams, long bus queues, which cause the whole bus stop lane to be clogged, messy and inefficient. Because of the space that bendy buses take up, it causes a long queue of jam all the way to Yishun 10, just because of waiting to filter into Yishun Ave 2. Then another long jam again, and have to wait all the bendy buses in front to clear off before your BC can open the doors and let you alight.
There are too many services using bendy buses along that stretch, 169, 851, 854, 856, 800, 804, 806, 812, 811, 969, which cause too much of these jams in the limited space of that bus stop during morning peak everyday. If SMRT use double dekers, it will be so much better. Luckily 858 and 965 do not use bendy buses else it will be a nightmare. Fast offloading, I seriously doubt so. I have to waste more time instead waiting for the bus queues and jams to clear before I can even alight my bus. Situations becomes worse when it is raining or the 3rd bus door or EZlink card reader malfunctions.
And it also cause many other problems for that stretch of bus stop, where because of these long queues, some buses are stuck in the 2nd lane because they can't filter into the bus lane, causing jams to other road users behind. Another problem is that these bus queues caused by bendy buses cause the services berthed in the vertical berths in Yishun interchange to experience more jams and waiting times to exit into Yishun Ave 2 because these bendy buses blocked their exits to filter into Yishun Ave 2, which affects the time travelled for passengers in these services affected, 39, 85, 852, 853, 855, 857. Some BCs have to honk at these buses to tell them to clear off the roads. This is just a bus stop in the suburbs. It will be much worse in the city areas.
Inside Yishun interchange, the situation is no better. Honkings and jams and queues and parking problems caused by these bendy buses. Even AC7 buses can't stand them. If Yishun interchange can use DDs, problems can be solved easily.
I think you are just typing for fun without even knowing what actually is happening daily...
Probably if they want to purchase DD they will try to be different from SBST with 3 doors version.The MAN A39 is good but again it's 13.7m and I hope MAN can built a three axles 12.5m 3 doors version.One staircase is enough.AMDEP cannot accommodate DDs as its roof is only 3.9m.Nvm Lor In 2 years Kjdep will shift to Mandai
Actually Bt Batok near Jurong Rd there can built a bigger bus park for Bbt CCK and Bpj svc and Changi South can built a small bus park in replace of Amdep.Wl got 2 depots so no problem handle Yishun as well
Originally posted by carbikebus:Probably if they want to purchase DD they will try to be different from SBST with 3 doors version.The MAN A39 is good but again it's 13.7m and I hope MAN can built a three axles 12.5m 3 doors version.One staircase is enough.AMDEP cannot accommodate DDs as its roof is only 3.9m.Nvm Lor In 2 years Kjdep will shift to Mandai
Originally posted by carbikebus:Probably if they want to purchase DD they will try to be different from SBST with 3 doors version.The MAN A39 is good but again it's 13.7m and I hope MAN can built a three axles 12.5m 3 doors version.One staircase is enough.AMDEP cannot accommodate DDs as its roof is only 3.9m.Nvm Lor In 2 years Kjdep will shift to Mandai
Never mind if it is 3 door or not. Just get something different from SBST Volvo B9TL, like the Scania K310UD or AD Enviro 500. I think MAN also has a few double decker coach chassis on sale, so maybe they can rope in Gemilang to help SMRT body a double decker bus as stylish as SBS7888T.
It will be great that SMRT switches to double deckers. I missed the efficiency of using double deckers of certain services, like 61, 106 and particularly 190.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:A smart thing for SMRT to do would be to purchase DDs (as buying bendies would be stupid with new BI designs/layouts).
Existing bendies can service Woodlands / Yishun BIs as it cannot accommodate DDs. The bendies from CCK, Bukit Panjang should be shifted to WL/Yishun and replaced with DDs.
DDs should be introduced for BP/CCK/Sembawag BI for routes such as 171, 190 amongst others.
Only this can solve SMRTs voes and give passengers in North / West relief.
In my opinion, Things are still fine though, 171 I don't see the need for DDs or bendies. 190 I feel should stick to bendies.