Originally posted by service_238:just look at the spare mk4s in amdep will do..
if amdep dont xfer mk4 to bndep, bndep has to take in new wrights and citaros, again.
Later give them 3,my area get 3 shitty citaros.6169J,6177K,6195H.Scarly on 24 or 53 the bus i frequently take then most jialat is break down on PIE very kam koh one u noe.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:7675H(BBDEP SP)
(ARBP 132) Change depot.
6057Z(AMDEP 125)(BBDEP 166)
(AMDEP 24/138)
6060M(AMDEP 125)(AMDEP 24/138)
6008R(BRBP 28)(AMDEP 138) for 811R.6008R recently did 138.
8909C(AMDEP SP)(AMDEP 125)
8960C(AMDEP SP)(AMDEP 125)
9153J(AMDEP 166)(AMDEP SP)
7724A(AMDEP 59)(AMDEP 133)
3081Y(BBDEP SP)(BBDEP 166)
9642H(AMDEP/BBDEP 166)
(AMDEP 59)
6173X(HGDEP 34)(HGDEP 27)
All rubbish la. 9806J on 59 la ytd! Known as got rimguards la. And 9642P got SV.166 perm stix got take BEFORE
Update from SGWiki:
970 have been short of 5 bus for so long, why so long already still no WABs bus to perm?
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Sure? Before even 6081C got its soya ad,it cameoed on 138 several times and if lucky,replaced by 6036J and 53 gets a stupid B2 KUB.(Hope its B1).You dont even stay near AMDEP and go for spotting there.
i spot everywhere not only at my area. west east north south. all 7 depots. and there's No 24/138 24 Does NOT cross to 138. 24 only crosses to 261 during peak hours. It cameo few times does Not make it perm. 9812R cameoed 291 for nearly 2 weeks yet it's still not perm. and 6036J is AMDEP 53 perm.
(BBDEP SP) (ARBP 32) replace mark 3
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:9642H.3034J and 7618D(Didnt see letter properly) covered 2 VO3X.
it's 9642P not H.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Later give them 3,my area get 3 shitty citaros.6169J,6177K,6195H.Scarly on 24 or 53 the bus i frequently take then most jialat is break down on PIE very kam koh one u noe.
How would you know that they would go AMDEP?
Originally posted by TIB1105H:I think 9153J might be out of 166 alr. Have been seeing 9642P covering its arrival time to PSB Science Park bus stop at 11 46am. Pls check.
don't think it's out maybe it swapped slots with 9642P? cos both are perm 166
Originally posted by Lsk138:wonder why AMDEP still dun take in new wrights as the LOX3 going to end in the few month time ! unlike SLBP already taking in the most wrights among all the depots now total wrights in SLBP about 90 + buses !
AM hasn't taken in new Citaros since like 100+ units ago too.
Originally posted by SMB189A:Update from SGWiki:
TIB963D and TIB965Z aren't KJDEP SP before becoming KJDEP 106 (as in your post).
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:To Gus.Chong:The 450 WEGs replaced sector 9000~9449 which is,200 LO3X,200 VO3X B1,50 VO3X B2.
Then why are the buses still on the roads?
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:To Gus.chong: Possible but chances are slim.Unless AMDEP take in more WEGs to replace tis LO.72 everyday MK4 for cameo.Now suck like hell,WAHAHAHAHA.
I would think 72 will be lowered down its priority for Wrights, because it has CDGE B9TL buses.
Originally posted by SMB189A:970 have been short of 5 bus for so long, why so long already still no WABs bus to perm?
I don't know.. Usually they use random buses for the other 5 split shift slots.
Originally posted by SMB189A:Update from SGWiki:
Skeptical to believe this.. And they were all 77 buses by the way. Which buses are out?
Originally posted by WRIGHT_B9TL_L0V3R:All rubbish la. 9806J on 59 la ytd! Known as got rimguards la. And 9642P got SV.166 perm stix got take BEFORE
I just wonder where he got all his information from.
Originally posted by SBS 9631X:AM hasn't taken in new Citaros since like 100+ units ago too.
may be because @ dat time AMDEP/ BR hv take in 500+ kubs to replace their old buses already ! and now AMDEP almost all svc cover by kubs and some citaros !
Originally posted by TIB433S:Skeptical to believe this.. And they were all 77 buses by the way. Which buses are out?
Previously he said TIB964B become KJDEP SP.
Originally posted by Lsk138:may be because @ dat time AMDEP/ BR hv take in 500+ kubs to replace their old buses already ! and now AMDEP almost all svc cover by kubs and some citaros !
At that time AMDEP/BRBP/SLBP got hundreds of 0405s to clear off so the K230UBs were meant for fleet renewal down there.
Whereas for now it is the MK3s turn to be replaced, so this time round HGDEP/BNDEP/ARBP/BBDEP got to take in the Citaros.
We need to check Service 195 current deployments by our eyes. Some Citaros operating this service may already have the perm stix.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:Previously he said TIB964B become KJDEP SP.
I meant out from 106.
SBS9538H (SLBP SP) to (SLBP 192) new perm sticker spotted
To add on, SBS9344A (HG 80) to (HG SP) new sp sticker sighted
Originally posted by TIB433S:I meant out from 106.
Oh. But the sole credit is not his.
Originally posted by Myhabit:We need to check Service 195 current deployments by our eyes. Some Citaros operating this service may already have the perm stix.
ARBP n BBDEP do not use perm stix on their buses. AR might put a white AR marking on the dash of some of their buses :)