the amount of overzealous double decker foamers here who have obviously never gone to WRI to check out bendies and DDs during peak hour amuse me....
Originally posted by TIB783G:I think we are dealing with an illiterate imbecile here who can't take simple english here
Even Indian nationals can understand simple english, This imbecile obviously cant
we're dealing with an extremist
Originally posted by TIB783G:I think we are dealing with an illiterate imbecile here who can't take simple english here
Even Indian nationals can understand simple english, This imbecile obviously cant
Nice try. Cannot discuss, cannot think, degrade to personal attacks and racist remarks. Spew vulgarities somemore. No standards.
Indian nationals got a gurge with you??? They can think and relate better than you.
Originally posted by TIB868X:the amount of overzealous double decker foamers here who have obviously never gone to WRI to check out bendies and DDs during peak hour amuse me....
Fact and opinion are 2 different matters.
I have no particular dislike for bendy but to say that they did not clog up WRI is serious delusion.
Originally posted by TIB783G:I think we are dealing with an illiterate imbecile here who can't take simple english here
Even Indian nationals can understand simple english, This imbecile obviously cant
Are you mad?? People are fighting over bendies / DDs. Now you start this new thing on English and nationality.
You are SICK.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:
Hahaha...Nice try. Cannot discuss, cannot think, degrade to personal attacks and racist remarks. Spew vulgarities somemore. No standards.
Indian nationals got a gurge with you??? They can think and relate better than you.
Originally posted by TIB783G:I think we are dealing with an illiterate imbecile here who can't take simple english here
Even Indian nationals can understand simple english, This imbecile obviously cant
Better if you dun talk about racism
Ok guys, stop it, gonna flame war liao
Friends, I think we have discussed DD / bendy issue for SMRT a 100 times now. Why this war again and again.
PEACE. Just share your ideas, not your venom!!
As of now, both are here to stay... and enjoy the bus rides on both.
All these threads on SG forums have become so insensitive. All just want to fight.
Is this what we Singaporeans stand for?
Originally posted by TIB783G:I think we are dealing with an illiterate imbecile here who can't take simple english here
Even Indian nationals can understand simple english, This imbecile obviously cant
Just goes to show what a cheap upbringing you have and what a third class background you come from.
Its nothing new.
Forums like these have long been such and I blame ineffectual moderating.
Then again, I can see why.
Its just not worth the effort especially since no monies gained from doing that.
Look at the kind of warped views put across.
I don't even find it entertaining.
Ok let's have everyone opinion without being too obsessed fine?The debate could go forever.Pls lah its only buses,Like i said before let the company decide what kind of high capacity buses they want.If DDs its good,If bendy then bendy lor.SMRT got plans for their bus business.They even went to sketch planning and survey location for a new depot for everyone info.About this DD vs Bendy just live with it.
Someone here want to get rid all bendy and replace with creepy Scania KUD!!! Not happy they suffer with KUB want more to suffer!!!
Woodlands DD take forever to get everyone inside wait 5 min then move!!! Bendy faster!!
SMRT should get Euro VI Citaros n Citaro Gs!!! See SBS buy Citaro now so much better!!!
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Its nothing new.
Forums like these have long been such and I blame ineffectual moderating.
Then again, I can see why.
Its just not worth the effort especially since no monies gained from doing that.
Look at the kind of warped views put across.
I don't even find it entertaining.
But can buy 17 years less waste time slow alight, more comfort, less pollution n less accident!!! Citaro G!!!
Originally posted by SMB228X:Someone here want to get rid all bendy and replace with creepy Scania KUD!!! Not happy they suffer with KUB want more to suffer!!!
Woodlands DD take forever to get everyone inside wait 5 min then move!!! Bendy faster!!
SMRT should get Euro VI Citaros n Citaro Gs!!! See SBS buy Citaro now so much better!!!
Originally posted by TIB868X:the amount of overzealous double decker foamers here who have obviously never gone to WRI to check out bendies and DDs during peak hour amuse me....
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:The tender only states high capacity buses. Don't assume that they are bend on buying bendies.
You still dare to challenge me that the tender only states high capacity buses and no mention of bendy buses are made. I really wonder whether all your resources and evidences are true. Still dare to say that the tender doesn't mention anything about bendy buses, I really have to post the picture up to let you see the truth and tell you to stop deceiving yourself and others. Don't ever tell lies if you don't have the proof.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:
You still dare to challenge me that the tender only states high capacity buses and no mention of bendy buses are made. I really wonder whether all your resources and evidences are true. Still dare to say that the tender doesn't mention anything about bendy buses, I really have to post the picture up to let you see the truth and tell you to stop deceiving yourself and others. Don't ever tell lies if you don't have the proof.
I am just happy that SMRT is getting DDs. It should use only DDs for its trunk routes, and keep the bendies for feeder routes.
Once DDs come, people on 106, 190, 851, 854 and many such routes are going to be so so happy.
Originally posted by sbst275:Citaro???
Go take a look at the SMRT Citaro design… The simi bar at the PIW area… That one ar.. all it takes is for bus to e-brake, ppl slip to the front, hit the bar then they know how dangerous that bar actually is…. Creepy Citaro… Dangerous handle installed…
And admit it.. Citaro can have dangerous configuration…
And go take a look at the Khatib Stn bus stop shelter for Sv 811 & 860…. New perm one somemore…
I am pretty fine with double deckers running on SMRT, though I will still prefer bendies.
Honestly speaking I dun see anything wrong with bendies running on SMRT. If you were to hate bendies really much might as well avoid it for the remaining 5 years or more, if SMRT really agrees to import more WAB bendies (maybe O530G according to SMB228X?), then you gonna complain for another 17 years?
Do understand that both bendies and double deckers are equally important.
In terms of speed? Height limit? Bus capacity? That is a debatable question but you dun have to flame anyone just to convince us.
Anyway, I think it's totally crazy to BAN bendies for good.
I know some of you won't be convinced (You should know who I'm referring to). But seriously, even if you want to continue arguing...
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:Look at those rain trees...
. It is the no.1 enemy to DDs.
They are found in- WDL Rd, Upp Bt Timah Rd, Dunearn Rd, Telok Blangah Way, Henderson Rd, Depot Rd, PK Estate, and Upp Aljunied Rd.
Henderson Rd is the most absurd one, the branches are SOOOOO low...
Where is PK estate?
Originally posted by iveco:
Where is PK estate?
Pei Kio Estate at Farrer Park.
Still don't want to listen to our point of view, then twist the words saying that we're not listening to yours. Really like to twist the words sia... That "push the blame to others" mindset is just...