Originally posted by Gus.chong:SMRT will still be purchasing bendies in the future, so the last batch of bendies are not the Hispano Habits.
I meant the present
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:I meant the present
Ok then, but at least my point is that there will be more bendies in the future.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:I am not saying not stop using them immediately. I said before SMRT can gradually change to DDs while the exisiting bendies are being scrapped in the coming years. The transport landscape is changing from now, we can't keep on harping on the old problems forever. Yes, they may have advantages but having more disadvantages than SDs and DDs. How much longer and how much more problems is the govt going to face if these problems don't get solved now??? 11 years??? The last batch has less than 8 years left. These years are good enough that SMRT gradually change to DDs while taking into consideration of more buses on the roads in future and DTL.
You are not for discussion then keep quiet. Another epic example to spew vulgarities to justify your points.
One more thing to say, I've observed your posts and ever since the start of this thread in may, you've been whining constantly on SMRT using bendies. Just admit to the fact that you cant agree and get along with how SMRT works like what 'TIB783G' said. You also claimed that you are not saying not to stop using them immediately, then why are you whining from the start of the thread.
Admit the fact that you don't get along with how SMRT works and you're showing your hatred for bendies, kiddo.
Have you every heard of bendies killing people in accidents? Only 1, TIB992U killed a maid. How bout the rigid OCs? 14 OCs was involved in an accident 5 years, 3 casualities. And those victims may be disabled for the rest of their lives, worst then dying, though it might make their family feel sad.
So you think rigids are better then bendies, huh? Go to countries like Nepal and stay their for the rest of your life. They have no DDs / Bendies, Longest bus 11.5M, either NAC or CAC buses.
SBS 1000U,
Shut up. From day one since I joined this forum, I have been tolerating your posts up till now. You call us kiddos, but in fact you're the real kiddo here... Kid, you should be thrown to a country where there is no public transport, see how you'll survive there with all your complaints. At least SG's transport system may not be world class but at least it's good enough already.
You older generation tell us to appreciate what we have, but in fact it is reversed, we are the ones accepting SBST and SMRT for who they are. Stop whining. And worse, you even have the cheek to spoil my bendy bus fan club part 2.
If you really like to complain so much, then I have nothing to say...
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:One more thing to say, I've observed your posts and ever since the start of this thread in may, you've been whining constantly on SMRT using bendies. Just admit to the fact that you cant agree and get along with how SMRT works like what 'TIB783G' said. You also claimed that you are not saying not to stop using them immediately, then why are you whining from the start of the thread.
Admit the fact that you don't get along with how SMRT works and you're showing your hatred for bendies, kiddo.
Have you every heard of bendies killing people in accidents? Only 1, TIB992U killed a maid. How bout the rigid OCs? 14 OCs was involved in an accident 5 years, 3 casualities. And those victims may be disabled for the rest of their lives, worst then dying, though it might make their family feel sad.
So you think rigids are better then bendies, huh? Go to countries like Nepal and stay their for the rest of your life. They have no DDs / Bendies, Longest bus 11.5M, either NAC or CAC buses.
Well, I never say I don't agree on SMRT works, but I always emphasize that bendies don't work out for SMRT anymore and in the future, and especially for the bus sytem in the future when the govt is going to add more buses and bus routes in line with more population in future.
Even if all of them are to be scrapped in the coming years, we still need to highlight the problems that created now so that SMRT will not repeat the mistake that TIBS made to buy them again. Kid, the road demographics are different now, the demand is higher now and the govt is dealing with more challenging problems like increasing population, more buses on the roads and more bus services in future. They are looking into HK way of public transport system, because our population density and transportation needs is almost the same of what they are 20 years from present.
In regards to any accidents, you think every news report or other source will report all kinds of accidents on the roads everyday??? A side swipe is still an accident, a major crash in the tree is still an accident. You don't forget how many accidents bendies caused this year, major ones like the one that crashed into a bus stop, and cases where a few are burnt. How many buses you want SMRT to lose till you are happy to see they are really of shortage of buses???
You want bendies then migrate to Europe. Singapore is not a place for bendies in future.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:SMRT will still be purchasing bendies in the future, so the last batch of bendies are not the Hispano Habits.
Assuming again. And no, they might not and best not to for the interest of a better public transport.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:There will be refurbished bendies and the last batch were registered in 2004. If refurbished it will be 19 years and 2004 + 19 = 2023. And you're also not on for discussion, so what gives you the right to ask people to keep quiet? You're just whining here by showing your hatred to bendies. I doubt they would even purchase DDs as DTLs are coming. SMRT will sort out their problem themselves and it won't help in any bit if you continue to whine here. And it's not like you say scrap this bus then scrap this bus. You must give a particular reason if it is not burnt / accident before it's lifespan ends. Plus I've already showed a photo of how much trouble is needed to go through to scrap just 1 particular DD. Though a bendy might be more easy to scrap, that dosen't mean you say "SCRAP" means scrap in 1 day.
Not all buses will extend to 19 years, even if it is refurnished. You only assume.
And stop spewing vulgarities if you think you have nothing to say. I didn't tell you to keep quiet.
I already said they will scrap once the lifespan of 17 years is up. Which point do you still don't understand??? In logic, all bigger buses, DDs or bendies are not easy to scrap because they are big.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:Assuming again. And no, they might not and best not to for the interest of a better public transport.
** Facepalm **
Did you even see the other thread before even coming over to say that I was the one assuming that SMRT will continue to buy bendies? Looks like you are unclear of the situation here. SMRT had indeed chose to buy DDs but this doesn't mean they will stop buying bendies for the sake of being a better public transport operator.
If you didn't really get hold of the correct information before you come, you cannot say that others are assuming things here. It's my turn to say that you are assuming that your belief that SMRT will not buy anymore bendies in the future is true. In fact, since you had replied in that particular thread, by right you should have seen the tender notice that SMRT is tendering for bendies. But you are coming here to say that I'm assuming, so frankly speaking, you may not have seen the tender notice but it is possible by only a minority of percentage. The truth is that you did see the tender notice but you are twisting the facts in front of me. Unless you have other reliable proof that SMRT is only tendering for and buying DDs only, not both, otherwise you will have to explain for your words.
Originally posted by BusAnalayzer:Bendies have smaller corridors, whereas DDs (Wrights have) 2 parking spaces for wheelchairs and a big standing area. This standing area is similar to that of the joint between bendies, where there is nothing to hold and very uncomfortable to stand.
DDs can only have 1 wheelchair bay. If you look at the interior of a DD and a Scania K230UB (Euro IV), presume that the lower deck interior is that of a Scania, the space of one wheelchair and the front seats is replaced with the stairs in a DD, there isn't enough space to put 2 wheelchair bays.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:So???
One bloody bendy bus stuck there for 5 mins to load all the passnegers and block the way of all the buses behind. One DD also take up 5 mins to load all the passengers but don't block the other buses behind in the bus stop.
That is the main reason why every morning the bus stop outside Yishun interchange and inside interchange to jammed by bendy buses everyday. Everytime have to waste time waiting for those stupid bendy buses infront to clear before my bus can actually move into the bus stop or exit from Yishun interchange into Yishun Ave 2.
Sometimes I wish I can break that stupid bendies into half.
Every morning got jam at Yishun? Sure or not?
I don't think you have take 800,804,806,811 and 812...
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Every morning got jam at Yishun? Sure or not?
I don't think you have take 800,804,806,811 and 812...
This was what I told u when I met u in Yishun Int.
We join both the double decker and bendy bus fan club for good reasons.
It's just a matter of preference.
I prefer BENDY BUSES, but does that mean I hate DOUBLE DECKERS?
I'm sure most of you have the same answer as me.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:
Well, I never say I don't agree on SMRT works, but I always emphasize that bendies don't work out for SMRT anymore and in the future, and especially for the bus sytem in the future when the govt is going to add more buses and bus routes in line with more population in future.Even if all of them are to be scrapped in the coming years, we still need to highlight the problems that created now so that SMRT will not repeat the mistake that TIBS made to buy them again. Kid, the road demographics are different now, the demand is higher now and the govt is dealing with more challenging problems like increasing population, more buses on the roads and more bus services in future. They are looking into HK way of public transport system, because our population density and transportation needs is almost the same of what they are 20 years from present.
In regards to any accidents, you think every news report or other source will report all kinds of accidents on the roads everyday??? A side swipe is still an accident, a major crash in the tree is still an accident. You don't forget how many accidents bendies caused this year, major ones like the one that crashed into a bus stop, and cases where a few are burnt. How many buses you want SMRT to lose till you are happy to see they are really of shortage of buses???
You want bendies then migrate to Europe. Singapore is not a place for bendies in future.
Assuming again. And no, they might not and best not to for the interest of a better public transport.Not all buses will extend to 19 years, even if it is refurnished. You only assume.
And stop spewing vulgarities if you think you have nothing to say. I didn't tell you to keep quiet.
I already said they will scrap once the lifespan of 17 years is up. Which point do you still don't understand??? In logic, all bigger buses, DDs or bendies are not easy to scrap because they are big.
"they will scrap once the lifespan of 17 years is up"
You are assuming, please dun say people assume then you assume
Originally posted by TIB1138M:We join both the double decker and bendy bus fan club for good reasons.
It's just a matter of preference.
I prefer BENDY BUSES, but does that mean I hate DOUBLE DECKERS?I'm sure most of you have the same answer as me.
I like both bendy buses and double deckers. This got nothing to do with me trying to correcting him.
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:This was what I told u when I met u in Yishun Int.
Both you and TIB1218R met FACE TO FACE?
Originally posted by TIB1138M:Both you and TIB1218R met FACE TO FACE?
Originally posted by Gus.chong:** Facepalm **
Did you even see the other thread before even coming over to say that I was the one assuming that SMRT will continue to buy bendies? Looks like you are unclear of the situation here. SMRT had indeed chose to buy DDs but this doesn't mean they will stop buying bendies for the sake of being a better public transport operator.
If you didn't really get hold of the correct information before you come, you cannot say that others are assuming things here. It's my turn to say that you are assuming that your belief that SMRT will not buy anymore bendies in the future is true. In fact, since you had replied in that particular thread, by right you should have seen the tender notice that SMRT is tendering for bendies. But you are coming here to say that I'm assuming, so frankly speaking, you may not have seen the tender notice but it is possible by only a minority of percentage. The truth is that you did see the tender notice but you are twisting the facts in front of me. Unless you have other reliable proof that SMRT is only tendering for and buying DDs only, not both, otherwise you will have to explain for your words.
SBS 1000U, stop telling us that we are assuming because YOU are also assuming... And please don't say that we twist the words because YOU are the one who is twisting the words...
YOU find fault with us, but indeed YOU are the one at fault, so stop pushing the blame to others like assuming that we are the ones trying to start the flamewar. BUT the case is clear, YOU are the one provoking us and trying to evoke a flamewar. I am so very speechless...
At this rate we gonna have another flame war.
But all the arguments are repeated, and none of the arguments can change one another's stand.
So yeah, better dun waste your breath arguing too much about it.
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:
Minority??? GO observe more before talking rubbish here. everytime I go Woodlands interchange there is sure to be a jam somewhere, unless it is very late at night.You think Woodlands interchange will still cope in future when the govt wants to put more buses in future??? Do you think the govt will continue to let the packed interchange problem to be inevitable forever??? Sorry, that is not the govt wants, packed and jammed bus interchanges. In this case, they will never justify the money they spend on more buses and bus services for the future. And they won't expand the interchange further just to house bendies in future. The land space needs in future are for other purposes as well. If they can use more buses at standard lenghts that gives them better efficiencies using the same land area, it is more justifiable for them to standardise their operations, rather than all the long bendies that creates more jams, queues and mess and wasting more land space just to house them.
The current SMRT depots are already so crowded and messy and buses have to park outside the depot. All thanks to those road hogging bendies. I won't want SMRT to get any new bendies. I hope they can get all standard 12m SDs and DDs which gives them much less problems in delays, space constraints and scheduling in their bus operations. I hope they can be as efficient as SBST as well.
Bendies go faster than DDs??? My foot. Bendies tend to hog as well, especially single lane roads. A nightmare for other buses and motorists behind. And they are very accident prone, having the highest accident rate compared to DDs and SDs. And no need for so fast in urban operations, engines wear out faster, buses burnt faster and you see more bendies burnt. Shortage of buses just because of all these burnt bendies costs SMRT bus operations negatively. Look like you never seen a DD overtake a bendy before as well. You are always living in your well.
Lazy to listen then too bad for you, because you refuse to accept the truth. Continue to live in your own world. Cannot argue, say lazy and spew vulgarities. Epic.
I've seen tall raintrees before, lazy boy.
So sorry.
I used to STUDY in Woodlands. Even BEFORE more and more rigids came in to replace the bendies.
And yes, just today I went to Woodlands to catch the Channel 8 artistes there. Bendies are still running smooth and well when I boarded SBS9241M on 161 this evening. No jams.
So sorry again. Before you talk about government, please remember that the government is about to (or had) agree(d) on the tender SMRT had, which consists of bendies. They are NOT for CBD of course, but for WOODLANDS FEEDERS/INTRATOWNS because the loading pattern there is to horrible for a DD to cope.
Next. You won't want SMRT to get more new bendies. Buy DDs and SDs that gives them much less delays and operation issues. Too bad hor, that's EXACTLY what SMRT wants, as well as what Woodlands or even perhaps Yishun residents want. You also said that SBST is efficient. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! XDXD WOAH!!! Look at 222 then talk to me lah. Their iris shit one, because one VSO can take so long to unload all of its pax at Bedok Stn during morning peak. 913? Thanks to bendies, all of its pax are able to clear off within 40 seconds at Admiralty Stn. If it's a DDs, it would have taken a minute or two to clear.
Wanna know why I love to take 969 to the east from Yishun in the past? Because its Habits can "run" like the wind, even faster than some of the LOs on 168. DDs is also heavier you know that. That's because its axles have to carry more weight, with both decks pressing onto them. I can only agree on the rate of burning of bendies, although DDs burn too.
And I am NOT Living in my own well. I take 89/109 home everyday and yes, most of the time is 969 overtake the DDs of 81. And I mean REALLY overtaking. The bendy just zooms past the DD like nobody's business. I can take vid anytime and show u if u wan.
Living in my own world. Soory boy, I am living in Singapore, and I am proud to be a SIngapoean. I accept the truth, and that is SMRT is gong to purchase DDs to deploy them on services on CBD svcs. Again, I can accept that, but NO DDS FOR WOODLANDS FEEDERS/INTRATOWNS.
I have seen tall raintrees, but that doesn't mean short raintrees does not exist in Singapore. Go back to school. And work hard!
Don't call me lazy. I am not lazy, unless you have proof to say that. The reason I even added in the word lazy is NOT becuase I am lazy to talk to you, BUT because people like you are not worth my precious time to talk to, unless they are real absurd, like this, and THEN I will talk for the sake of logic.
Originally posted by TIB 501 D:
SBS 1000U, stop telling us that we are assuming because YOU are also assuming... And please don't say that we twist the words because YOU are the one who is twisting the words...
YOU find fault with us, but indeed YOU are the one at fault, so stop pushing the blame to others like assuming that we are the ones trying to start the flamewar. BUT the case is clear, YOU are the one provoking us and trying to evoke a flamewar. I am so very speechless...
Well, I am sharing what is going to happen in future and SMRT should not repeat the mistake what TIBS done in the past. Things are different now, compared to TIBS time. The problems within SMRT in bus operations for the past years are what we need to look into, I don't want SMRT keep on failing in their bus operations just because of bendies. We need to make some sacrifices for the future (forgoing bendies once all their lifespans are up) and move on.
Originally posted by Gus.chong:** Facepalm **
Did you even see the other thread before even coming over to say that I was the one assuming that SMRT will continue to buy bendies? Looks like you are unclear of the situation here. SMRT had indeed chose to buy DDs but this doesn't mean they will stop buying bendies for the sake of being a better public transport operator.
If you didn't really get hold of the correct information before you come, you cannot say that others are assuming things here. It's my turn to say that you are assuming that your belief that SMRT will not buy anymore bendies in the future is true. In fact, since you had replied in that particular thread, by right you should have seen the tender notice that SMRT is tendering for bendies. But you are coming here to say that I'm assuming, so frankly speaking, you may not have seen the tender notice but it is possible by only a minority of percentage. The truth is that you did see the tender notice but you are twisting the facts in front of me. Unless you have other reliable proof that SMRT is only tendering for and buying DDs only, not both, otherwise you will have to explain for your words.
Originally posted by SMB128B:So sorry.
I used to STUDY in Woodlands. Even BEFORE more and more rigids came in to replace the bendies.
And yes, just today I went to Woodlands to catch the Channel 8 artistes there. Bendies are still running smooth and well when I boarded SBS9241M on 161 this evening. No jams.
So sorry again. Before you talk about government, please remember that the government is about to (or had) agree(d) on the tender SMRT had, which consists of bendies. They are NOT for CBD of course, but for WOODLANDS FEEDERS/INTRATOWNS because the loading pattern there is to horrible for a DD to cope.
Next. You won't want SMRT to get more new bendies. Buy DDs and SDs that gives them much less delays and operation issues. Too bad hor, that's EXACTLY what SMRT wants, as well as what Woodlands or even perhaps Yishun residents want. You also said that SBST is efficient. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! XDXD WOAH!!! Look at 222 then talk to me lah. Their iris shit one, because one VSO can take so long to unload all of its pax at Bedok Stn during morning peak. 913? Thanks to bendies, all of its pax are able to clear off within 40 seconds at Admiralty Stn. If it's a DDs, it would have taken a minute or two to clear.
Wanna know why I love to take 969 to the east from Yishun in the past? Because its Habits can "run" like the wind, even faster than some of the LOs on 168. DDs is also heavier you know that. That's because its axles have to carry more weight, with both decks pressing onto them. I can only agree on the rate of burning of bendies, although DDs burn too.
And I am NOT Living in my own well. I take 89/109 home everyday and yes, most of the time is 969 overtake the DDs of 81. And I mean REALLY overtaking. The bendy just zooms past the DD like nobody's business. I can take vid anytime and show u if u wan.
Living in my own world. Soory boy, I am living in Singapore, and I am proud to be a SIngapoean. I accept the truth, and that is SMRT is gong to purchase DDs to deploy them on services on CBD svcs. Again, I can accept that, but NO DDS FOR WOODLANDS FEEDERS/INTRATOWNS.
I have seen tall raintrees, but that doesn't mean short raintrees does not exist in Singapore. Go back to school. And work hard!
Don't call me lazy. I am not lazy, unless you have proof to say that. The reason I even added in the word lazy is NOT becuase I am lazy to talk to you, BUT because people like you are not worth my precious time to talk to, unless they are real absurd, like this, and THEN I will talk for the sake of logic.
The tender only states high capacity buses. Don't assume that they are bend on buying bendies.
The current infrastructure and the way public transport heads in future means they do not want more queues and jams in future. The govt is making bus system more efficient, less jams, less queues but with more buses. Get it??? You think Woodlands will be like this presently forever??? With more population in the future, the roads there are going to be like CBD. So how??? SMRT then get stuck in the middle to scrap the bendies early and get DDs till that time. Is it too late??? If they insist on bendies, then good luck to them.
The govt are already discouraging SMRT to get more bendies in future because of all these and SMRT has already realised the problems of bendies all these years. SMRT serve to solve govt and public problems, not fulfilling your dreams in getting various buses you want.
Like what I said before, you people like bendies doesn't mean the public likes them That is your own opinion. Get that right. Some idiots still insists that their loading are much faster. How much faster??? Only a min or so but delays the other buses behind. So rainy days??? Hog the whole bus stop, 3rd door is useless.
If 3rd door is the issue, then fine. SMRT can buy DDs with a 3rd door. Then there will be faster alighting and yet save more space on the roads. Bendy how??? Cut the bus into half and throw it on top??? Or throw the trailer off??? Might as well get a SD or DD.
And bendies speed because they have tight schedules not because they are lighter. What a stupid comparison. Both are higher capacity buses, both are heavier than SD. I can tell you that the bendy is even heavier than the DD because of the turntable mechanism in the middle. If SBST do not have relaxed timetables and speed limitors as well, BCs can speed as well. But then drive so fast for what??? Want to hit more bus stops and more accidents is it??? This is a bus service, not F1 racing. Want to wait for accidents and people injured and die then you are happy is it??? Stupid idiots, want to speed buy your own car. The public bus is not F1 car to satisfy your speed desires!!!
Originally posted by TIB1218R:Every morning got jam at Yishun? Sure or not?
I don't think you have take 800,804,806,811 and 812...
I go Yishun and Woodlands everyday. And I have to go through all these nonsense everyday. All thanks to bendies.
for DDs to appear on SMRT
they would need to bring one or more DD as demo, still need to train BC for DDs.
the three depots must also be able to support DD at least 2 of the 3 depots
Yishun Bus Int cannot have DD
AMDEP & WLDEP cannot have DD
Originally posted by SBS 1000U:
Well, I am sharing what is going to happen in future and SMRT should not repeat the mistake what TIBS done in the past. Things are different now, compared to TIBS time. The problems within SMRT in bus operations for the past years are what we need to look into, I don't want SMRT keep on failing in their bus operations just because of bendies. We need to make some sacrifices for the future (forgoing bendies once all their lifespans are up) and move on.
The tender only states high capacity buses. Don't assume that they are bend on buying bendies.
The current infrastructure and the way public transport heads in future means they do not want more queues and jams in future. The govt is making bus system more efficient, less jams, less queues but with more buses. Get it??? You think Woodlands will be like this presently forever??? With more population in the future, the roads there are going to be like CBD. So how??? SMRT then get stuck in the middle to scrap the bendies early and get DDs till that time. Is it too late??? If they insist on bendies, then good luck to them.
The govt are already discouraging SMRT to get more bendies in future because of all these and SMRT has already realised the problems of bendies all these years. SMRT serve to solve govt and public problems, not fulfilling your dreams in getting various buses you want.
Like what I said before, you people like bendies doesn't mean the public likes them That is your own opinion. Get that right. Some idiots still insists that their loading are much faster. How much faster??? Only a min or so but delays the other buses behind. So rainy days??? Hog the whole bus stop, 3rd door is useless.
If 3rd door is the issue, then fine. SMRT can buy DDs with a 3rd door. Then there will be faster alighting and yet save more space on the roads. Bendy how??? Cut the bus into half and throw it on top??? Or throw the trailer off??? Might as well get a SD or DD.
And bendies speed because they have tight schedules not because they are lighter. What a stupid comparison. Both are higher capacity buses, both are heavier than SD. I can tell you that the bendy is even heavier than the DD because of the turntable mechanism in the middle. If SBST do not have relaxed timetables and speed limitors as well, BCs can speed as well. But then drive so fast for what??? Want to hit more bus stops and more accidents is it??? This is a bus service, not F1 racing. Want to wait for accidents and people injured and die then you are happy is it??? Stupid idiots, want to speed buy your own car. The public bus is not F1 car to satisfy your speed desires!!!
LOL don't be stupid with your irrealistic ideas, They just won't happen. Jams do happen so long it is a city-based enviroment, Unless you live in a village in china or vietnam then you won't get to see jams anymore. Public-wise so long if you are willing to bring your vehicles out on the roads then be prepared to face jams and blockages and it is not an avoidable fact that we face jams everyday. And it is really fucking stupid (in case you don't understand) to have a Double deckers with 3 doors, It is just irrealistic and that won't happen.
Speed? I don't think it is just bendies that speed. rigids do speed too. I took 479K and the driver slammed the accelerator like mad asif he is late for schedule, and from the start he did just that, and tough luck it was bad weather at that time, he had to slow down. I feel for the driver, really. I feel for the driver who had to slam hard to reach the interchange, and it has nothing to do with F1 either, fucktard.
Don't blame people for using abusive languages if you can't understand human language, punk.
SBS7440T was burnt
it is only 4 years into service ...
the bendies already in bad shape, still want DDs
then the DD will be even worst condition could be like 7440T case ...
Originally posted by TIB783G:LOL don't be stupid with your irrealistic ideas, They just won't happen. Jams do happen so long it is a city-based enviroment, Unless you live in a village in china or vietnam then you won't get to see jams anymore. Public-wise so long if you are willing to bring your vehicles out on the roads then be prepared to face jams and blockages and it is not an avoidable fact that we face jams everyday. And it is really fucking stupid (in case you don't understand) to have a Double deckers with 3 doors, It is just irrealistic and that won't happen.
Speed? I don't think it is just bendies that speed. rigids do speed too. I took 479K and the driver slammed the accelerator like mad asif he is late for schedule, and from the start he did just that, and tough luck it was bad weather at that time, he had to slow down. I feel for the driver, really. I feel for the driver who had to slam hard to reach the interchange, and it has nothing to do with F1 either, fucktard.
Don't blame people for using abusive languages if you can't understand human language, punk.
If the govt still allows so many jams, then no need for COEs and ERPs already. Can let everyone drive and jam for hours the whole day. You still don't see what the govt is heading towards to. If they want to add more buses, then they still have to look into problems in reducing the jams, or at least not worse compared to now. Let me emphasize a word: reduce.
If govt buys more buses and create more jams after that, then what is the objective of buying more buses??? Create more jams and queues??? Then what??? Public complain again wasting money and in the end still create more jams and queues. Then waste so much money on buses for??? Already the public are not happy that they use the money to fund bus companies to buy more buses. What do you think will happen if more buses creates more problems???
I think you never seen a 3 door DD before. Go look at the MAN A39. And DDs can add a 3rd door, just that SBST wants to or not.
Speeding is not correct in the first place, unless really no choice because of schedule. You have a bigger responsibility when you speed and the responsibility is bigger when the bus is full. You think bus is a toy??? Speed till you happy??? BCs have a great responsibility too, to get people safely from one place to another, not speed and cause inconveninces.
Another guy who talk cock and spew vulgarities when cannot discuss. Epic.
Originally posted by d143b2:SBS7440T was burnt
it is only 4 years into service .
Suay bus. It was not the cause. But the cause is the Leyland.
Originally posted by d143b2:the bendies already in bad shape, still want DDs
then the DD will be even worst condition could be like 7440T case ...
Because bendies are harder to maintain or SMRT can't be bothered with them anymore...
I think we are dealing with an illiterate imbecile here who can't take simple english here
Even Indian nationals can understand simple english, This imbecile obviously cant